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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. New computer, same connection. Involuntary logouts are almost always connection issues. Run through this from top to bottom, or post some useful information about your connection for more help. No-one else is going to fix this issue for you. Is on your end.
  2. My understanding (being also based in Europe, and subject to VAT) is that what LL typically do is associate a VAT number with your account and then remove VAT from all charges. I don't think they produce VAT invoices, but I'm not certain. You'd do best checking out this page: Secondlife.com - Value Added Tax There's a link at the bottom (here) for existing users to add a VAT number to their account.
  3. You didn't email me, and if you 'emailed' support about a connection issue they most certainly put it in the Express Filing Cabinet. As above: This is usually a connection issue. Doesn't sound like you've made any attempt to fix, and don't mention any useful information about your computer or connection. Try a troubleshooting guide:- Troubleshoot your #SL connection If you try all of these steps and still nothing works, come back with better info and I'll try again.
  4. Easy to confuse! Was not impugning your intelligence and knowledge on this issue. Just trying to keep things straight for Aethelwine and others, it's not an easy subject. Probably why they call it 'legalese'. Would probably not apply, either way, since Trademarking requires local registration. ETA: some edits above and in my previous post - realised my post was pretty short. Urgh, first economics now law, I am awkward at all of this.
  5. An animation would be the only way to accomplish this. It would not be 'reactive', only preset. You'd want to replace both the 'falling' and 'landing' animations in a object-based or HUD-based Animation Override (AO).
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: There's a company here in the UK called Easy Jet. They also have companies like Easy Hotels and such. If anyone starts to use Easy <anything> the company is onto them like a shot, and the name usurper has to stop using the word 'Easy' as part of its name - always. So brand names may well be subject to copyright. Psst, that's a trademark. Trademarks and copyright differ slightly, important thing with trademarks is that they must be defended else they fall back into 'common use' - like, say, Cellotape. Phil Deakins wrote: It is the same as selling empty boxes but, correct me if I'm wrong, the marketplace staff deal with those as fraud, without anyone filing a DMCA claim. This is interesting (I'm shrinking the rest, where you use words like 'should', 'knowingly' and 'liable', intentionally ) but does set a standard for LL's behaviour. I do wonder why it's not consistent.
  7. Hm, losing some content. Was my concern in this thread, will attempt to be more careful and - sadly - can't link outwards. Best I can do is suggest you try researching yourself - but Copyright doesn't extend to business practice, reputation or customer expectations. The closest you could expect would be a cease and desist (C&D) order - designed to prevent abuse of a suppliers' good faith - but my reading of the thread so far is that the creators at the top are unlikely to go this route (and it would have to be done at the top of the chain). The liability for false DMCA claims is legal perjury, lying within a court of law. Seriously, don't do this, even if you think you're helping. What you appear to be talking about is some consumer-led protection to improve marketplace (no big M) trust and remove bad actors. That's exactly what trading standards is for.
  8. Aethelwine wrote: And honestly in a situation like this I would issue the takedown notice and worry about the legal arguments later, because if the situation is as described. the reseller would want their store shut sooner rather than later in their absence. DMCA - Digital Millenium Copyright Act. It deals with copyright and its usage online, as well as enforcement across wires. Would caution against making false DMCA claims as legal liabilities are attached to doing so. This isn't a copyright issue, it's trading standards. The only regulatory body I can see that would oversee this is the Better Business Bereau (I'm not American, don't know consumer rights over there), to which LL aren't accredited. I doubt - unless the reseller's business is a registered legal entity - the BBB are even likely to investigate.
  9. There are no regulations - landowners own the land and the sky above it, and can scan, kick and ban as they please. Governor Linden doesn't pay the tier, landowners do. The 'parcel is too full' message is probably not an orb, but instead your 'heavy' helicopter occupying prim-space on other peoples' property, to the point that it fills the parcel to full, and the simulator is throwing errors at you. I can't say I blame landowners for blocking others from filling their parcels in this way, since it can create havoc for those who pay the tier. You don't have a right to fill other peoples' parcels with prims just to fly over them. If you want room to fly, stick to public land (owned directly by Governor Linden) or pay for it.
  10. Sorry, yes. I realised that obviously most people in SL create through desire, not profit-seeking. I removed some content in my post to avoid... giving the wrong impression and maybe-sounding like I was advocating things that I was not. Phil Deakins wrote: That's what any sensible law should be, and I'm sure that's what the law is. Oh Phil, Phil Phil Phil. You may have been molly-coddled by our fairly robust consumer protection and anti-fraud legislation which is based on the 'common sense' and 'reasonable expectation' of the consumer regarding misinformation/representation. My understanding is that Californian law differs pretty substantially, esp. when the fraud is commited using game tokens. Think there's a few more battles before this even becomes a realistic legal challenge (but again, not well-versed). The cards are stacked this way for good reason, and our provider is not the only one playing this game of Pass the Buck. Especially not the biggest. For this reason, it's the social (trust/mistrust) and micro-economic (proliferation of scams in the ecosystem) effects that interests me specifically. The legal system (in our jurisdiction as well) is not playing catch-up very quickly. Again, sorry about the edits. Economics is a toughie, feels like I'm speaking in riddles.
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: I'm not a lawyer, but I imagine that, if a company knowingly allows their system to be used for fraud, then the company, along with the fraudster, has a legal responsibility to those who were defrauded. Don't know about this, not a lawyer either. Would imagine things will change on precedent, but SilVal as a whole has incentive to avoid this scenario (much like their lack interest in fixing DMCA Safe Harbour). But it does provoke a question or two... At what point does the effort/reward curve tilt too far the other way? What stops SL from cannibalising its own userbase for profit? Just a thought, if it's too OT then am happy letting this play around in my head.
  12. I can absolutely sympathise. Manson's music got me through some dark times too, and out the other side. I expect this is a common theme amongst his fanbase (he says himself, that it's part of the point of what he does - a favourite quote: "Finding someone who's willing to drown with you creates a situation where you no longer want to drown."). I should add that the primary intention of pointing out this issue with projects like yours is because I hate to see creativity disappear, which is exactly what would happen if someone in MM's estate took an issue with illegal works in his likeness - it's happened repeatedly in Second Life with other artists. Much more satisfying to watch people create truly unique homages and derivative works, that aren't at risk of being cast into the void just because of a label lawyer with an itchy trigger finger. Good luck.
  13. Think Qie's right about the whom, Google says 04-2010. Regardless though, find one other example of a corporation-run service - in the entiiiiire Internet - that doesn't permaban folks. Then maybe we can throw around words like 'ethical' and 'lousy' like they actually have any weight when it comes to business operations online. Otherwise they're just maintaining the status-quo. I'll be waiting!
  14. Play Pool wrote: Hmm.. so to release the avatar I would need to have permission? Yes. It's not about making money but about controlling the use of their likeness and the ways they can become separated from their artistic integrity. Just as you'd be perturbed if a dozen people started calling themselves 'Play Pool' and selling avatars, celebrities have rights over uses of their name and visual appearance. Play Pool wrote: I doubt MM will care about a few euros, and I'd also be ok to give it away for free.. it just will be cool to share it with other MM fans Again, money isn't the issue. You don't get to make this decision for Marilyn Manson because you are not Marilyn Manson. He's actually pretty tightly focused on how he's portrayed in the media. and who gets to act as a mouthpiece for his art. Am not a lawyer, am not advising you in any capacity except to say "here is the relevant section of the rules". The Wanted forum and, the Inworld Employment forum would be relevant. FYI, though, if I see a post about Marilyn Manson pop up there I'll probably link to this thread.
  15. Wrong forum, this is for help in creating your own works. Also, though... Check out the IP rules regarding likeness of celebrities in SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property#Trademarked_and_celebrity_material Specifically:- "Although you may be a fan, you risk infringing celebrity rights if you use a celebrity name or likeness in connection with in-world objects you trade, and you don't have the celebrity's permission." (Added: I do kind of like that somehow, Marilyn Manson's head defies the shape sliders.)
  16. Whirly Fizzle wrote: After blitzing Quicktime from my Windows 7 box, Quicktime media will no longer play on either the LL viewer or Firestorm viewer. I.. think that's how I remember it, had a feeling there was a dependancy for these media types. I don't know a tonne about the under-the-hood stuff (deferring to you there ) but would hope LL are paying attention! Can agree with Perrie that this is an opportunity for user confusion. And with Rogue, that there exists some element of risk to the SL community from this change. HTML5 runs in the browser, no add-ons required. Would hope that this news only accelerates other services' transitions away from QT. (Paying attention again! Sorry. Couple of days without Internet happened.)
  17. No such thing. All pilots operate at their own risk. Buildings can be any height, up to 4096m ASL. Maybe you heard some optional guidance for some small area (a themed area, such as Blake Sea or Bay City), I can guarantee it never applied to Second Life as a whole.
  18. Hello hello! Today I bring news of Apple's QuickTime, knowing that some in the SL community still rely on some handling from this application for certain types of media (MOV, OGG etc) . I know that for media compatibility I often had to download QuickTime as a stand-alone just to get some streams to work and to get plug-ins for my browser (I don't know if all of this is still necessary in modern versions of Windows). Anyway! Apple have released info on two critical zero-day flaws (ZDI-16-241 and ZDI-16-242) in their QuickTime application under Windows. They say that QuickTime support has been quietly depreciated. This means that bugs will not be patched, Windows systems running QuickTime will remain vulnerable. Trend Micro are advising Windows users to uninstall QuickTime to reduce possible attack vectors. As this pertains to SL, I think it might just be a good idea that if you've been around a while (or you've been using SL on the same PC for some years) or know that you still use QuickTime, that you check whether or not your system has this installed and have a think about whether the benefits outweigh the potential costs. Best of luck! Some sources follow! -- Uninstallation instructions located [here] Information from the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team [here]
  19. LilithCancerian wrote: Also how do I tell how much teir I'll have to pay for each size land? SL: Land Use Fees (if required, don't forget to add VAT on top!)
  20. Probably a connectivity issue, perhaps you've suffered damage/failure in your local network or your PC's struggling to keep up for some reason. You don't include any useful information for diagnosis, so I hope you can figure this one out yourself! Troubleshooting info from Nalates' blog: Troubleshoot Your SL Connection
  21. Sounds like a mess to me! I'm afraid the damage is done - once someone gets promoted to the Owner role they can do anything they like, as you've seen. LL would be the only authority worth going to, I'm not sure how 'legal action' would work (but that's outside the scope of my experience, too). At this point I think striving for sanity and peace is the best direction, and perhaps using this as a learning experience. Recommend you sever all ties with the group, mute/block and avoid responding to the new owners. There sounds like little point hanging around.
  22. To re-install drivers, just uninstall them and then install them again. You don't talk about what drivers you're using, or your computing environment, so I can't give more specific advice. It's best to have the new drivers already downloaded and easy to find - running without any graphics drivers (which you'll have to do for a short while) can be difficult. Additionally, if you're on Windows, do not rely on Windows Update (or other wizards) to install these drivers for you. Such automated means often screw up the installation, which won't help. If a clean re-installation doesn't help, you may be affected by a bug such as this: VWR-8285 - if so, you could try the noprobe solution suggested on that page (and documented here). ETA: Just realised the VWR tree is closed in pJIRA, but I think noprobe still works. No idea how to find a more recent version of the same bug, am skipping further research due to interest constraints, sorry!
  23. At clubs you will typically pay a scripted tip jar. These are configured (again, via script) to send instant messages or other notifications to the person 'logged in', informing them of the exchange. The Second Life viewer, by default, will play a money 'cha-ching' sound whenever someone recieves L$50 or more in one go (configurable in Preferences), provided the recipient is online at the time. For every payment a user recieves, a Notification is shown on the screen temporarily (and in Local Chat History for the rest of the session). Past notifications are typically found in the top-right of the screen, though this behaviour can be altered, too.
  24. Update the drivers for your ATI graphics card, and everything should look normal. Old drivers cause this.
  25. Bobbie Faulds wrote: The Dashboard handles too many functions for it to be reduced to a smartphone app. I doubt this. If so many banks can provide dashboards for smartphones, there's certainly no trouble in doing the same for the SL website. Is nothing special, about the fanciest thing secondlife.com does is AJAX, so the functionality's already mobile-possible. I wrote my own mobile-friendly 'dashboard' (if you like) for Second Life that lets me do land management, permissions handling, code reviewing, note-taking and SLURL bookmarking, snapshots and social stuff (even some kinky stuff!) all from my cellphone, so that I can continue living a busy milllenial life and also spend a lot of quality time closely monitoring SL, as well as using it as a basis to share my activities in-world with those around me in Real Life. I'm not the only one with solutions for doing this, by a long way. How about this application? Change your own, or your friends' clothing to a preset with preview image by mobile device! Organise groups, arrange your accessories. Scroll through your wardrobe with a fingertip. MAGIC. Worth also remembering AjaxLife, by Katharine Berry. A whole viewer that could've run on mobile! Even without new features, there's quite a lot online through the main site, especially some of the help pages. There's also the Wiki, my.secondlife.com, could even argue a case for search.secondlife.com being mobile-friendly. There are, at least, SEO benefits in doing so and who could turn away 'more eyes' to see into our world? I find this line of argument in general fairly faulty. It's well-documented that in the US, a huge chunk of online social activity takes place via mobile. Sure, SL itself won't run on mobile because of arcitectural limitations (and authority-level short-sightedness) but does this mean that the high number of users who expect to interact with SL in the same way they do all their other online social stuff have to instead chain themselves to a computer to send messages to those in-world or make payments to other residents? Why's secondlife.com stuck in the dark ages compared to say, Steam or Teamspeak? Both of those are 'PC focused' platforms that have full functionality on mobile - even though, obviously, you can't play Steam games on your cellphone. Now, if you wanted to argue that the primary SL demographics probably don't follow modern usage curves in technology I'd be more persuaded. If you claimed that there's probably no incentive to move functionality onto mobile I'd believe that, too. Is no secret that the SL userbase skews older and less mobile than other social platforms and I could probably believe that there's a reduced need for mobile compatibility due to the userbase having grown-up with the idea that PC's were necessary, and LL isn't looking to grow (and largely doesn't) with the mobile generation. Am fine with SL functionality being a product of the age it evolved in, and being [somewhat] understandable decisions in where to spend developer resources, but don't see the value in twisting narratives to pretend SL couldn't gain a lot of usefulness for its users and relevance for younger audiences if they worked on their mobile offering.
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