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Jean Horten

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Everything posted by Jean Horten

  1. Tell me one advantage in using a proprietary technology that is not available for all platforms like adobe flash over a free technology like HTML5. J.
  2. I don't see a demand for creating a slow viewer based on a dying technology J.
  3. I'd define shared experience also as: Being able to wear/attach what I want, go, where others can go, see what others can see, type and read freely in IMs, local and group chats. Something which is not always the case with activated RLV restrictions, so it alters the sl experience for restricted rlv users and so every rlv user can be grateful that LL has allowed rlv in some tpvs. J.
  4. Yay, flash can run unreal..... Takes 3 minutes to download the 'assets', 1 minute to downlad the executable ( 32mBit/s cable here) and then I am able to see water, a black sky and some bushes floating in between?? Installed Flash vesion:, Browser Firefox 17.0.1 Very convincing. I'd go completely nuts if this happened in Sl, downloading the world and my inventory for an hour, and then seeing nothing but water and sky.... Flash is dying, face it, the new windows RT Tablets don't offer full flash support anymore , iOS never has supported flash, Android has stopped supporting flash in V 4.0, flash development as stand alone plugin for Linux has been stopped too, it has been and still is unsafe, slow and proprietary, so why use an outdated, dying and slow technology? J.
  5. You'll get a lot of trouble with dysfunctional drivers for the money you save on AMD/ATI graphics cards. J.
  6. Tomorrow's just another day..... http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1u8YUelYAQ J.
  7. Be glad that there are still rlv enabled viewers left, rlv could also have been removed completely from SL by LL due to the new TPV policy, as it alters the 'shared experience' which is not allowed anymore (and, by the way blocks progress massively). rlv was taken out of the 'altered shared experience' by LL though, so it could still be offered by TPVs. Official viewers will never have rlv, or do you think that a company that uses skins with unremoveable underwear on their starter avatars will offer rlv? J.
  8. Flash is more or less dead and will be replaced by HTML5 in the nearer future. Fully featured browser based viewers would not make too much sense at this time, they would be slow and irresponsive. WebGL for example is 90% slower than OpenGL, and I am sure that noone would like to use a browser based 'viewer' that delivers stunning 2-5 fps in low graphics J.
  9. My nVidia 580 GTX w/3 GB VRam handeled so far 4 viewers ( native 64 bit linux viewers )simultaneously in ultra with 40-60 fps in each viewer, so, something else on your system seems to be the problem. Here my complete system spec: AMD FX 8150 ocatcore processor 16 GB DDR 3 Ram nVidia 580 GTX 3 GB VRam OS: Debian Sid 64 bit nVidia Driver 310.19 Open GL 4.2 P.S. Video memory usage gets capped at 512 MB in all viewers.....
  10. As you don't provide any technical background information, you don't seem to want any answer..... J.
  11. 'Hochleistungs-GamerPC', soso, die Vertriebler lassen sich immer interessante Ausdrücke einfallen.... Auf jeden FAll ist die Aussage 'Hochleistungs-GamerPC' und die benutzung einer AMD/ATI Grafikkarte ein Widerspruch in sich. Die Fehlermeldung über den ATI Treiber lässt in jedem Falle den Rückschluss zu, dass da mal wieder ein nicht funktionierender Catalyst-Treiber released wurde. Leider ist es so, dass nur gut 20% der offiziellen ATI Catalyst Treiber funktionieren ( so ist das halt, wenn eine Firma (AMD) eine andere Firma ( ATI) kauft und dann erstmal alle entlässt, die Ahnung haben) , und ATI schon immer Probleme mit der 'Grafiksprache' von SL ( OpenGL) hatte, was wohl daran liegt, dass ATI eher den durchschnitlichen Windowsnutzer als Kunden im Auge hat, und Windows nicht OpenGL nutzt, sondern eine Microsoft-proprietäre Lösung namens DirextX, die man als Entwickler von Spielen nur nutzen darf, wenn man Microsoft dafür bezahlt. Mein Tip: 'Hochleistungs-ATI-Grafikkarte' verkaufen, nVidia kaufen und gut. J.
  12. Win8, that OS is not supported by any official or third party viewer..... J.
  13. You're aware of the fact that that everything older than the official LL Viewer 3.2.4 is not able to connect to sl anymore, are you? Supported LL viewers Funtoo is not the easiest linux distro to install, maybe you forgot to compile some libraries? I have been running SL ( official and throd party viewers) for years under debian based Linux distros, right now I run Linux Mint 14 i64 bit and I don'tr crash when I upload or download images, neither on the latest Ll V3.4 nor on my preferred Singularity 1.7.2 64 bit viewer. J.
  14. G'Day, it might be helpful for finding a solution to your problem if you'd post your hardware specifications and provide information about your operating system here, as my crystal ball right now is not working. J.
  15. Want a V1 UI and 99 % of all V3 functionality? Try Singularity in it's latest version, you'll be amazed. No cluttered V§ style ui, no new menu structure, no web crap, V1 style search, Outfits w/links, multiwearables, merchant outbox, everything is there except media on a prim which is almost ready and will come soon. As a nice side effect it runs faster in regards of fps. J.
  16. Baloo Uriza wrote: sudo m-a a-i fglrx (for AMD chips) sudo m-a a-i nvidia (for nVidia chips) You were saying? No, seems you're misinformed about proprietary driver installations under Debian. For proper nVidia driver install see here: nVidia Driver Debian installation For proper ATI/AMD driver isntall see here: ATI/AMD Driver Debian installation Both drivers require considerably more effort than just a single terminal command for a proper installation with all kernel modules etc. Jeannie
  17. There is a known problem with uploads to Second Life and Microsoft skydrive installed on your system. The way to solve this is to deinstall Microsoft Stealdrive Skydrive from your system. Some people don't even know they have Skydrive installed, as it seems to be sneaking in without the user's knowledge through Windows 7 upgrades of something called 'Windows Essentials' ( So a cloud service is essential these days? Interresting) . Win 8 by the way brings it as an deeply integrated part of the system, I was not able to remove it from my testing isntallation of windows 8 at all, so Win 8 seems to be incompatible with SL in that point. J.
  18. Yay, good luck with installing proprietary graphics drivers under Debian..... J.
  19. Sounds like a graphics card driver problem, are you using an ATI/AMD card? If yes, good luck with finding working drivers for SL and Win8. Windows 8 is still a non supported operating system for all official and third party viewers, you might think about downgrading to a supported OS too to get this solved. J.
  20. Debian rocks but is not that easy to setup for newbies, Ubuntu loses more and more credibility withe each new release, the latest versions comes with amazon ads thta are being displayed on your dash( Adware, can be disabled, should be opt-in!) and with a key logger (Spyware, cannot be disabled) that sends every search term that you enter into your dash search to a server at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. Plus: Begging for donations in a so called free system is not the smartest move. IMHO, Linux Mint MATE is the best distro for beginners these days and has become much more popular tham Ubuntu after Ubuntu introdiced their new unpopular, dumb 'one Size fits no form factor' user interface unity. J.
  21. Hi. There are Third Party Viewers that include a fix for the fontconfig bug. You could try SIngularity, Teapot, Kokua or Firestorm. Of course you could also run a (insert name of preferred websearch here) search and find fixes for the fontconfig problem this way, they exist and are easy to do. Mentioning Open SIm support: No official LL viewer offers this anymore due to pathfinding related licensing issues with the latest physics engine Havok. Third Party viewers still offer Open Sim support ( or special open sim enabled Viewer versions) though, as they use different versions of Havok Next thing, installing: Linux is not windows, there is absolutely no need to install a viewer on linux, just download the packed viewer, unpack it and run the viewer startup shell script. this script usually is called (viewername).sh and can be run without previuos installation. J.
  22. Hi. ATI/AMD cards often suffer from badly written drivers ( usually one out of 4 newly released AMD graphics drivers works) and to having problems with SL's 'graphics language', OpenGL, as they are optimized for Micro$oft's proprietary 'graphics language' DirectX. nVidia cards run OpenGL much better, so if you want to go for such an high-end-card, I'd rather go for an nVidia card like a GTX 670 or GTX 680 to avoid these annoying driver and OpenGL problems. Jeannie
  23. Posting links to newly created Jiras is pretty useless, as due to the latest changes in LL's Jira, only the person who started it can access it, other 'average' citizens don't even have the permission to read Jiras anymore Thanks LL for more intransparency, disguised as streamlining and speed improvement. J.
  24. Well, 'All communications in one floater' is nothing new, poeple have been requesting this from the very first version of LL V2 on and Firestorm has had it 'forever', because people wanted it. With some minor improvements like being able to open group chats from CHUI and the possibility to switch from vertical to horizontal chat tabs, the CHUI would be fine. Edit: I crash every time i have 2 communications open and a 3rd one comes in..... Additionally, make the cam controls resizeable, bring back legacy profiles and search, implement a faster webkit version and release a 64 bit viewer for windows and linux and the LL viewer will become a usable alternative. Until then, I wil stick with Singularity, which gives me approximately 30-50% higher FPS than any LL viewer with even higher settings than in any LL viewer. Jeannie
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