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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. Maybe I don't search hard enough or in the wrong places. I can only tell what I experience. Maybe I'm to old fashioned in what I'm looking for. Who knows. I spend a lot of time in SL on other things than fashion, that is for sure.
  2. Of course I have my landmark lists. But it is hard to get good stuff in my style: Joe Ordinary, a simple middle of the road guy style. I ain't gonna walk in jeans with the bottom halfway to the knees, or a jacket that only looks good in one pose etc. Peeve: The male market is small and not very diverse.
  3. Another peeve about the list (any list about SL): 99% will be female related, clothing, shoes, hair, make up, skins..... and maybe two bread crumbs somewhere for the males. I ain't gonna wade through all these addresses to find the bread crumbs.
  4. Whatever you do as a merchant, you never can win them all. There are always people who think it has to be differently done. Simply try to ignore that kind of customers. In the end I do things in a way I think is best.
  5. Peeve: This thread is totally heading in the wrong direction now. Read everything between "In the beginning...." and "... amen" and if you like even multiple times, but leave us out of it please. This is a forum about SL and this is one of the few usable grandfathered threads left, remember?
  6. It is so simple. Celebrate whatever you want to celebrate and let others celebrate whatever they want. And that is all there is to it. Happy Holidays is as good as Merry Christmas. In 99.9% of the cases it is just an empty phrase anyway IMHO, because everybody says it around this time of the year because everybody else says it too.
  7. Yes they are nice. The theme looks good. But for me personally, not 180 USD (VAT included) a year better than the rest of Bellisseria. I guess everybody who likes the theme, has to make their own financial decisions over this in the end.
  8. Of course I can't speak on behalf of the people, but here is my take on it: Experiences take over control. I want to see first if and why I want to give that permission to control my avatar. Yesterday I was in a nice Christmas sim and there was a ride with Santa and his sleigh. I wanted to take that ride so I granted permission for that experience. But why would I do so for a sim, where I haven't seen anything yet?
  9. Same here. Thousands of other places to explore that don't boss me around. Thanks for the effort and next please.
  10. What each and everyone agrees with their neighbors it up to them I suppose. Where I lived in the past, while winter theming my snow field went a few centimeters over the border lines. Her trees hung a bit over to my side. It looked good this way. We never discussed it, we both just did it in an attempt to make it look good. And it did. I didn't had the feeling that neither I or my neighbor belonged to SL's "petty criminals".
  11. I went to see the Winter Ice Christmas Fest. Very nicely build sim, that puts you right in the Christmas spirit. I Made a ride with Santa in his sleigh. That was really cool. And a first.
  12. I hope the new theme will be implemented in the sandbox soon. It would be nice to have some add-ons on the market for the new theme when people move in to these new houses.
  13. Sure, but the decision makers and builders of the houses always end up with an American interpretation of the theme. But it is what it is I guess. And all in all Belli is a nice place to have a home in.
  14. Everything so far has been Americanized om Bellisseria, so don't color me surprised. When will LL and the public works grasp that the majority of their customers come from countries outside of the USA and that other cultures have great builds too?
  15. There are signs before each house with the names of who worked on it.
  16. I just went there, a beautiful sim. Really worth visiting. This is the most beautiful one indeed IMHO.
  17. Peeve: That is not only a Swedish problem. It is the same in German and Dutch and who knows in how many other countries abd languages too.
  18. Look who came to my house today for a private concert. Disclaimer: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.
  19. It is a free art object available at the gallery where Scylla has her latest exhibition. It is a bit hard navigating there, but once you find Scylla's pictures you will find the moose too. It is a bit LI heavy though. There is a terribly funny president Trump too* And that Elvis statue is a must have as well. * Depending on ones political views.
  20. I think it is advertised as a reindeer. Anyhow it is a sort of cute little one. My moose thinks so too.
  21. Meet Boopie #9. I just colleted the little one as one of the winter gifts from Linden Lab for premium members. First time I really like something out of those gift boxes. There is an animesh version in the box too, that happily jumps around with you wherever you go, but that is not really my beer.
  22. Better released with some delay and in good working order, than publish under time pressure with lots of happy little accidents (TM Bob Ross). If the first release still has a few major flaws, it makes the project pretty much worthless IMHO. People expect perfectly working apps for their phones these days. No second chances, on to the next possible shiny. So my view: Take as much time as is needed LL, as long as the result is outstanding on release.
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