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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Deeding_land_to_groups Summary: First create an own group, than Go to the land and right-click it. Select About Land from the menu. Click on the General tab. Click the Set button next to the Group name. A list of groups will appear. Select the group you want (I suggest your own group) and click Set. Check the Allow Deed to Group box and click the Deed button.
  2. The biggest vendor system, that people like so much because every redevivery terminal redelivers everything you once bought trough such a vendor machine, can't give out folders, because it uses drop boxes. As we all know one can't put folders into boxes, neither can merchants in their vendor boxes. So I can see why a lot comes in boxes or a hud that give you the folder. And for the rest, as a merchant one never can win them all, different people have different preferences. Just read this thread. There will even be people out there who complain that the goodies ain't wrapped in yellow paper. Every merchant should know that yellow wrapping paper is the new black. How dare they sell me something wrapped in an other paper color? And what about merchant X who doesn't even include a free 500 L$ dinner card? 😉
  3. @Solar Legion Only laugh when people say something that doesn't comply with your views, isn't the best discussion method either. Just saying.
  4. But isn't it also an acknowledgement from LL that they can be used abusively and they even expect that some creators will? So I feel better safe than sorry, and only accept a request when I'm convinced that I have something to gain from an experience, not because a sim owner/builder/creator wants me to use what they created and think that is good for me. So far I missed out what is going on on a few sims, because I got a request to accept under my nose right away on arrival. But I can live with that. I like to be in charge of my own SL as much as possible.
  5. Why is there a "report abuse"-button in the experience dialog box, if experiences are so safe?
  6. Maybe most of them are in RL? It seems to be more than a rumor, there is piling evidence that it really exists.
  7. I would do that too, if I desired mainland. But as it turns out, I would live happily under a bridge, if mainland was the only choice to get some land.
  8. I wonder, has a Linden ever returned a bed or a couch from a general parcel, because it had adult animations inside, when it stands inside a house? I never heard of it to be honest. I guess a lot is mostly theoretical in this thread.
  9. You can put your marketplace store with a link in your profile. I don't know if it is possible to put a link in the picks.
  10. In other news: I just checked the Belli region I live in at the moment: Zero Christmas on the outside and zero Christmas on the inside, at least at ground level. That is not really worth to fire up a car and drive around I guess.
  11. Peeve: People underestimate how much time and work goes into creating, packing, listing, photographing, customer service. And that all for (most of the time) less than 1 USD per sold item. And all those free and nearly free extravaganza everywhere around the holidays has its toll for merchants too. I have 8 Days (and counting) in a row without a single sale at the moment on the marketplace because of the Shop & Hop, 12 days of Christmas, Advent calendars and what not. Yay, a new Holiday record. Last Halloween was 6 days. Yes, please request to jump trough even more hoops. How about come and demonstrate stuff at you home for exclusive special sales?
  12. Wow...... and then people complain that SL has such a steep learning curve.
  13. My 2 cents: If you like to explore and look inside other peoples houses because you want to see how people live, one should do that from the outside of the parcel camming in and with a lot of respect and discretion. So checking out the style: fine. Checking out the animations: not so much IMHO.
  14. I have a Newbrooke house at the moment. Christmas is not really a thing in the sims surrounding the place. At least certainly not on the outside.
  15. A positive side effect: I got that lovely Christmas tree out of the head adventure.
  16. I started the day possitively. I managed to get the free LeLutka head in one try. Later on the day I unpacked it: A folder with 42 items, six of them need further unpacking, one note card with a lot of in-crowd words I don't understand and a lot of links to all kind of webpages...... To explore and find out all that, would take days and days. Now I remember why I still have a non mesh head on my avatar. And why it stays there too. End of project. The gift in the trash. Head and body makers, please get back to reality. It has gotten way to complicated. A day wasted.
  17. First I have to do some thinks that I really like to do more, like mowing the lawn, fill the dishwasher, put out the trash, trim the hedges, wash the car, iron my shirts, empty the dishwasher, do the laundry, mow the lawn again ..... But more seriously, when I ever get to it to give it a go, I was hoping to drop the skin that I use now on the head, and done deal really. I did that with the mesh body too, worked great. Peeve: I think I should stay away from this stuff. Ugh.
  18. One tick on the right box in the software.
  19. Can you do it for me too? That saves time I guess.
  20. Peeve: I have to become selective with groups now. Since I joined LeLUTKA I only have 68 free slots left. A very nice Christmas tree BTW.
  21. This morning I teleported to LeLutka Mainstore. First had to search it, could get straight in. A lot of people standing around. Waited there a few to see where I could join their group. Opened the right notecard, found the landmark for the gift location. Double clicked it, got straight in. I Never saw so many naked bodies in one place in SL, grabbed the free head, and that was it. Easy peasy. All in all less than 10 Minutes. Peeve: Now comes the hard part. The abracadabra to try it, fit it, get it going, make a Sid out of it and learning all the technical terms involved. Are there classes somewhere? No, I didn't ask to get answers. First, I let the head rest for a (long) while in my inventory, with all the demo heads I never tried so far. It all looks so complicated and probably is. Ugh.
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