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Suki Hirano

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Everything posted by Suki Hirano

  1. Why does SL not have an entry queuing system? For popular events where you can't enter the damn sim for like 2-3 days, instead of having everyone staying in front of a computer clicking the LM nonstop, why not have a queuing system where you queue up for entry? Almost all MMOs with instances have this feature. To prevent afking at the landing spot (which is entirely possible as you afk while you queue), if you don't move for let's say 5 minutes, then you get kicked out and have to queue again?
  2. It comes in 5 shades of the same colour because: - It takes literally no effort to make those similar textures - It forces you to spend more if you want any different colours This is why I like Magika and Ploom, all Magika stuff are essentially fatpacks and Ploom at least offers an "a little bit of everything" pack for a slightly higher price.
  3. Can someone confirm whether or not the new fitted mesh Lolas tango delicq fits both sizes of the Wowmeh body (insize and oversize)? I had trouble even fitting the original tango with Wowmeh body due to the overly large alpha Wowmeh gives the breasts (leaves a gap under breasts if I hide it and wear Lolas). Since the new fitted mesh breasts are completely unmovable I have to make sure it fits... and as usual Lolas is being stupid by not offering demos for a fitted mesh product, or any of their other products for that matter.
  4. Darn didn't think finding shoes for H feet would be this hard. Reason I bought Slink feet is because I thought almost everyone makes shoes only for Slink now lol.
  5. Thanks for the link, but that also uses the same mesh kit as mentioned a few posts back. Although the texture is slightly better than the ones mentioned, the model itself is extremely low quality. I do like the style of that type of shoe though as it's similar to the one I linked in the first post.
  6. Thanks, though those two are very low quality too, and the platform is too low, even lower than the TSG one. (And lol, demos from that store cost 2L, that desperate to make a quick buck from selling demos)
  7. Haruka Catteneo wrote: Hmmm what about this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NEW-SUPER-DIVA-xXTREME-Shoes-Black/5674574 or maybe this?: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NyDesign-Slink-Ultra-Latex-Platform-Heels-Elementary-Pack/5998180 found this too: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Liaison-50cal-Extreme-Heels/5862496 Thanks. The first one is perfect BUT unfortunately it's not for Slink feet. =/ Second one uses the same mesh kit as the 2 I mentioned that were low quality. The texture used is straight from the kit as well. Third one looks nice but it's that sandal-style again which is not what I'm looking for.
  8. Jordan Whitt wrote: Check out the ones from Solicit at Lyfe of Style. Although they may not be high enough if you want really high, you cannot argue with the price! That's for Slink mid feet, not high. LoriLexa wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: I'm looking for very high platform heels similar to this (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HC-QUINN-11/5490464), but for slink high feet, preferably without ankle straps (just the toe straps and the platform). Already saw the one from Sugar Garden, but I'm looking for one that has higher platform. Thanks. Here are some choices that look similar to the example you posted and what you describe: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Miss-Canning-Dakota-heels-Slink-Feet-High-Only-12Color/5938651 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Total-Black-platform-heels-MusiQ-Designs/5953920 Similar but does not have the thong style: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Renegade-Lucy-Platform-Heels-Slink-High-Black/6027819 Thanks, though the first two are very low quality. I checked the demo and it the shape is very poorly made (like very basic sculpties), and the texture is even poorer. The third one is very nice but I'm not looking for the sandal-type shape. =/ Seems there is a lack of high platforms for slink. >.<
  9. I'm looking for very high platform heels similar to this (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HC-QUINN-11/5490464), but for slink high feet, preferably without ankle straps (just the toe straps and the platform). Already saw the one from Sugar Garden, but I'm looking for one that has higher platform. Thanks.
  10. thinkRolig Loon wrote: Suki Hirano wrote: [ .... ] I'm pretty sure dropping the linkset resizer script into a hud will not magically make it control an attachment on my arm without any extra editing. Maybe I need some command in the linkset resizer to scan for a certain attachment? Maybe I need a child script to go into the attachment? The linkset resizer only works in one object as it's just one script. That's why I said that you put your resizer script in whatever is on your hand so that the controlling script in your HUD has something to talk to. The object on your hand is being resized, so that's where the resizer has to be. The other script just talks to it. I know the concept behind it (kinda repeating myself now). Yes in order to do stuff, I need to script something, I think I already get that. I need to know HOW to do it. I don't have a control script. If I did, I wouldn't really have created this thead. What do I write into the control script? I already googled it to no end and there is no tutorial anywhere about hud scripts in SL for some reason.
  11. Rolig Loon wrote: It doesn't make any difference where the controlling script or the one being controlled are. Just send chat messages between them. There's nothing magical about a HUD or an attachment in that regard. You can test your script with a couple of garden-variety prims on the ground. Put the resizer script in one and your controlling script in the other one. When the controlling script says, "Shrink" (or whatever), the other prim should shrink, if you've written your scripts right. If it works on the ground, it will work when the two are attached to you. I know how a hud works as stated in previous posts... I was asking HOW to get a hud to control an attachment. I'm pretty sure dropping the linkset resizer script into a hud will not magically make it control an attachment on my arm without any extra editing. Maybe I need some command in the linkset resizer to scan for a certain attachment? Maybe I need a child script to go into the attachment? The linkset resizer only works in one object as it's just one script.
  12. Wandering Soulstar wrote: Hi Suki, I am sure there are more experienced HUD makers out there, but I have just created my first one, and it is a lot simpler than I thought. In the end a HUD is just a Prim that has been attached to one of the HUD points. No special code really needed unless you want to control the attach point etc. That's pretty much my question...? How do I get an object on "HUD - center" for instance, to control an object worn on "left hand"? Like I can't find any info on how they communicate.
  13. Searched this for a long time but didn't find any useful results (other than buy one at marketplace)... LSLwiki only talks about HUDs that are used as radars or plays a message or something. How do I make a simple one-prim hud so that when you click it, it opens up the premade linkset resizer here? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linkset_resizer_with_menu Then that resizer will resize an assigned worn attachment. Basically looking for a really dumbed down version of those shoe huds (except resize instead of recolour). Though preferably it would be awesome if the resizer script can be added to my existing menu that a friend and I made for some simple functions (hide/show, retexture mostly). I'm kinda new to scripting so I have no idea which parts from the resizer script I'm supposed to transfer over though. This is the structure of our script: list DIALOG_CHOICES = ["HIDE","type1","type2","type3"]; //define some variables here //MENU CREATE giveDialog(key ToucherID, integer pageNum) { //code from from the multi-page menu creator in lsl library, omitted cause it's too long } default{ state_entry() { channel_dialog = ( -1 * (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-5,-1)) ); touch_start(integer total_number) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); string name = llKey2Name(ToucherID); listen_id = llListen( channel_dialog, "", ToucherID, ""); pageNum = 1; giveDialog(ToucherID, pageNum); llSetTimerEvent(Timeout); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); if (choice == "normal") { //do some stuff } if (choice == "type1") { //do some stuff } if (choice == "type2") { //do some stuff } else if ( choice == DIALOG_DONE_BTN){ CancelListen(); return; } else if (choice == DIALOG_BACK_BTN) { CancelListen(); //go back to where you want } else if (llSubStringIndex(choice, PREV_PG_DIALOG_PREFIX) == 0){ pageNum = (integer)llGetSubString(choice, llStringLength(PREV_PG_DIALOG_PREFIX), -1); giveDialog(ToucherID, pageNum); } else if (llSubStringIndex(choice, NEXT_PG_DIALOG_PREFIX) == 0) { pageNum = (integer)llGetSubString(choice, llStringLength(NEXT_PG_DIALOG_PREFIX), -1); giveDialog(ToucherID, pageNum); } } timer() { llListenRemove(listen_id); llWhisper(0, msgTimeout); } } Thanks for any help.
  14. Can anyone tell me where this corset is from? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Demo-Un-Deux-Trois-alabaster-Gothic-Skins-by-alanoctis/4055901 Thanks.
  15. Is it possible to lock SL to one IP address? I.e., I can only access my account on certain computers (my laptop and desktop).
  16. Hello, I'm looking for two items. One is an off-shoulder silk robe that looks like this; link. Needs to be off-shoulder, unwrapped (open-chest) and rigged mesh, and preferably a flowy silk texture. The second one is a pair of rigged mesh natural hooves, without any socks/legwarmers/other weird decorations. It needs to go about halfway up to the thigh, but not all the way up to the pelvis, and not the ones that look like chicken legs (really thin bottom part). This one is the closest I've found: link, however, like the review, I don't like the fact that the bent part is sharply angled. Sensations also has a pair of mesh hooves but those look way too plain and artificial. Thanks.
  17. I don't buy them directly for the same reason you said. If I buy each of 10 items individually, I have to go through the same checkout screen 10 times. If I add them to the cart, I only have to go through it once. It's also easier to keep track of the stuff I got if I add them to cart, which is what the cart system is for.
  18. There's a golden saying that someone once said: if it's not broken, don't fix it. Instead of fixing the ridiculously bad search system in marketplace, LL decided to meddle with the cart/buy system. It was working perfectly before they meddled with it. When you click "buy", it will add the item to your cart, then you can check out all the stuff in your cart. Now? - 90% of the time when I click "add to cart" it will say "item could not be added to your cart, try again later." - Half the time when it says that, it actually successfully added the item to the cart. But I won't know until I actually check my cart, so many times I end up having duplicates in my cart because I clicked "add to cart" multiple times due to that error message - Half the time when it says "successfully added to cart", it's actually not in the cart. Again I won't know unless I check the cart EVERYTIME I click "add to cart". Many times I end up not getting certain things I wanted because they didn't get added to cart, and lose track of where I found that listing in marketplace Is this the new way of encouraging to use the marketplace?
  19. There's a golden saying that someone once said: if it's not broken, don't fix it. Instead of fixing the ridiculously bad search system in marketplace, LL decided to meddle with the cart/buy system. It was working perfectly before they meddled with it. When you click "buy", it will add the item to your cart, then you can check out all the stuff in your cart. Now? - 90% of the time when I click "add to cart" it will say "item could not be added to your cart, try again later." - Half the time when it says that, it actually successfully added the item to the cart. But I won't know until I actually check my cart, so many times I end up having duplicates in my cart because I clicked "add to cart" multiple times due to that error message - Half the time when it says "successfully added to cart", it's actually not in the cart. Again I won't know unless I check the cart EVERYTIME I click "add to cart". Many times I end up not getting certain things I wanted because they didn't get added to cart, and lose track of where I found that listing in marketplace Is this the new way of encouraging to use the marketplace?
  20. Hiya, I'm looking for an open jacket like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NIAN-DESIGN-Open-Hoodie-Sweaters-FEMALE-RIGGED-MESH-FULL-PERM-ALICE/4011208 except with no hood, ie a jacket/coat instead of a hoodie.This one does fit Lolas however. Or more preferably looks like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/R3-Tessa-Jacket-V2/5153360. This one is perfect however it clips severely with Lolas on the sides. It needs to be open enough so that Lolas Tango fits, or comes with applier is fine too. Mesh only please. Thanks.
  21. Hiya, I'm looking for an open jacket like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NIAN-DESIGN-Open-Hoodie-Sweaters-FEMALE-RIGGED-MESH-FULL-PERM-ALICE/4011208 except with no hood, ie a jacket/coat instead of a hoodie.This one does fit Lolas however. Or more preferably looks like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/R3-Tessa-Jacket-V2/5153360. This one is perfect however it clips severely with Lolas on the sides. It needs to be open enough so that Lolas Tango fits, or comes with applier is fine too. Mesh only please. Thanks.
  22. I'm trying to mod a gun script so that instead of having to type something like "reload" in local chat to reload, it reloads by simply clicking a hud. listen(integer channgel, string name, key id, string message) { message==llToLower(message); if(message=="draw") { draw(); }else if(message=="holster" || message=="holst" || message=="sling") { holster(); }else if(message=="reload" || message=="r") { reload(); ... ... Can anyone point me in the right direction? I googled a bunch of terms but didn't find any results in the LSL wiki about hud clicks. Thanks.
  23. Hello, I'm looking for boots made from this kit: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EDELFABRIK-Creative-Source-ULTRAHIGH-BOOTS-ONLY-12-AVAILABLE/4804767 Thanks for your finds.
  24. Isabelle Mavendorf wrote: I may have a couple of better suggestions for you. Check out PerfectSitter and AVSitter. These scripts allow you to put animations in any object, singles, couples or groups. They can be used for the very simple sync such as you described or for more complex scenarios, as well. Suki Hirano wrote: Thanks, I already have that. I meant just a simple sync script for a single pair of poseballs, not a poseball system. Basically what all the couples animation creators uses. Um, no I'm not paying 2500 for one pair of poseballs. >.> I'm asking what those animation stores use (abranimations, sylva, etc), the ones that sell SINGLE couple poses, NOT a complex poseball system... I'm pretty sure a simple poseball script like that is free somewhere.
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