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Dune Ravenwood

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Everything posted by Dune Ravenwood

  1. I miss the original Second Norway and the original 4 sims of Grendel's Children.
  2. I miss those sims terribly. Always bristling with life, action and cool avatars.
  3. That was 3 years ago when Belli was young, new and fresh and still fun 🙂
  4. Best idea yet...look away, don't look at it if it's not your thing and mind your own business!
  5. I deleted Rex's account a few months ago and have no alts. Just Ziggy. 😞
  6. I changed my name back and forth and such a waste of real money and waaaay too expensive. I ended up back as I was.
  7. The "cats" left for Mainland long ago and missed you but now they can re-find you 😉
  8. Your World, Your Imagination???? I guess my planned Gay Bar is a no go 😉 lol
  9. When my avi is home I do put him to bed but lately I been wandering mainland and I have a wearable tent, sleeping bag and campfire and before I log I get in a sleeping back in the tent whereever I leave off on the side of a mainland road. Sometimes I also look for roadway motels to sleep in etc. Makes things more fun and immersive.
  10. Years ago when SL was more vibrant with people everywhere,my old buddy and I would get naked and run through the old Linden Homes when people were there. We were always in and out before we got booted lol.
  11. I write awful, awful things in people's notes as well as sexual details lol.
  12. Sounds like some rogue Lindens in their alts having a laugh. Seriously this is some powerfull griefing unless it's the Landlords alt.
  13. You do now realize I am going to be doing this on purpose, many, many times 😉
  14. Same here, No one will drag me out of the still fantastic houseboats!
  15. Why would anybody bother with the extra scripts and prims when we can just use IM's?
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