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Dune Ravenwood

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Everything posted by Dune Ravenwood

  1. There are dozens of other places just like this. You need to walk down mainland roads to find them. Belli is boring compared to the mainland if you walk and explore instead of teleporting everywhere.
  2. The lighting of the moon and mainland in general is awfull since EEP. I miss the old default sky where everything worked. I just set my settings now to daylight with so miss the sun sets and moon I used to love.
  3. Mainland= To me IS what SL is all about. Walk out your front door and walk or whatever for "miles" especially on roads and constantly changing horizons, unexpected horrors and beauty and characters you may meet and never forget. I found living on a private sim unbearably stiffling and boring and at first I loved old, early-days Bellisseria with the undeveloped land to explore and the characters like the cats and Slenderman etc and Lindens and Moles everywhere but now it is turned into endless sameness and emptyness. I even enjoy the occasional griefer. They disrupt and hassle but if looked at with humour and understanding that it is temporary and they move on. I LOVE mainland. Sometimes you come across a breath taking new build that had not been there the day before. Mainland is more for imaginative people I think. The history of mainland alone is wonderfull.
  4. What gives me the eyerolls is how some (not all) like to dress all slinky and sexy and then hold their breath and stomp their feet at the very thought of someone derendering their precious clothing.
  5. Being a former Bellessarian Cat and various other critters as a Shapeshifter my main avi is The Punk Skunk.
  6. What would be cool is to add copies of old Linden Homes to the new selection as an option like the old Linden Hobbit Homes added to the option in the new Fantasy selection etc. I hate the new fantasy homes and prefered the old hobbit hill homes with the round doors. Maybe update them a bit with mesh etc.
  7. When I shapeshift to an animal or something I stay 100% in character. I don't speak at all. I act and react. Anybody who does not see the point of having fun being a non-human form does not belong in Second Life because they lack imagination and seem borring to me. Your world your imagination is the point after all. Too many people trying to ruin the fun of others.
  8. I had this scenerio happen to me with an older avatar back in 2010 and Linden Lab did actually help me and banned 2 people and they lost their sims and avatars etc. Maybe they won't now but worth reporting and trying. I had provided chat with the threats etc which I am sure helped.
  9. The Bellisseria Cat spotted this and ran looking for The Slenderman for protection...lol
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