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Ariel Vuissent

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Everything posted by Ariel Vuissent

  1. If you are trying to access an old marketplace order, you're in luck. Marketplace goes as far back as you need it go, pretty much, so log in to the marketplace, click My Account > Order History, and find what you need there. Transaction history directly to and from LL is also available indefinitely - things such as Premium membership payments and $L purchases from the Lindex. Unfortunately, if you're trying to access inworld purchase history, Alwin is correct - those records are only kept as far back as 32 days, unless you save them to your computer yourself.
  2. This actually has nothing to do with the creators. It's a part of rigged mesh itself, and the way rigged mesh works. My own technical knowledge is limited, but what it boils down to, from what I understand, is that the feature most of us like about rigged mesh - the way it moves with the avatar with minimal clipping - would be damaged by resizing. It's rigged to certain parts of the skeleton. Alter the size, alter the rigging, and it won't move properly anymore. Here's a bit more of an explanation/discussion about this. First, make sure you are trying demos to make sure the items fit you the way you want. Most creatos of rigged mesh items offer demos for precisely this reason - they cannot be custom fit, so what you see is what you get. Second, check out fitmesh. It's a type of rigged mesh that is intended to conform with more of the avatar shape than regular rigged mesh. It may fit you better. Note that not all fitmesh is made equal; some will fit better than others, some may not fit at all. If you still find you can't live with this, you'll need to look into non-mesh or unrigged mesh clothing.
  3. BTW, you didn't try to pay me. You didn't try to pay anyone here, actually. This is a resident to resident help forum. The Lindens don't really come here. Contact billing, as suggested.
  4. I think this has been an issue for a lot of people? It's definitely been a problem for me. There was some maintenance recently that several people, myself included, were hoping would fix this, but I haven't logged in yet today to check.
  5. Without much information, there's not a lot we can tell you, really. The most obvious question is: Does the tip jar/time clock belong to you, or do you otherwise have permission to use it? You can't just pop into most clubs and use their tip jars; you have to have permission, usually by being an employee of that location. Some are open to everyone, but not most. If you ARE an employee, and are still having this problem, is there an employee group and are you wearing the appropriate group tag? Try wearing it, if you aren't already, and then using the tip jar. If THAT doesn't work, contact the location owner and let them know you are haivng problems.
  6. It's not a glitch. That is a starter skin. It has hair and underwear painted onto it, and they cannot be removed. She needs to REPLACE the starter skin with a new skin, which means she needs to buy a new skin. (It can be a free or cheap skin, but be aware, you get what you pay for. That said, check out the Fab Free blog for some free or super cheap skins, clothes, hair, etc. Not everything there is free/cheap, but the items that are will be labelled as such. For a quicker solution, have her go to Pink Fuel and look for their free skin. I think it's called Renee, and if I recall correctly, it's still available and free to users under 30 days old.) Creating a new account will have the same result, so it's useless. You'll end up with the same problem - a default skin with hair and undies painted on. Find her a new skin.
  7. The same way you added your first credit card. Go to your Dashboard > Account > Billing Information and then either remmove your current information and add new information, or just add new information by choosing Add Credit Card. If you won't be using the old card anymore, it'll probably be easier to remove the old information and then add new. That way you won't get confused between cards, since you'll only have one registered to the account.
  8. Sounds like a facebook game. SL isn't really a game. It's a virtual world. LL does have some sims and events of their own, but most are created by other residents. LL provides the service; the users make it fun. Try playing Civilization, or one of countless other games like what you describe. I don't think it's feasible for SL right now, but I'm sure you'll find some actual games along these lines that you can haev lots of fun with.
  9. My initial reaction was a (very sarcastic) "Well, bully for him." There is NOTHING he can do with that information. Nothing. He may have been told your supposed age by someone else, or have simply presumed it for no apparant reason. Perhaps he knows someone by that name and assumed you were the same person. Perhaps he's just a moron. There is no security issue, just an idiot alert. Personally I'd toss him on my perma-mute list and wander off.
  10. You can't get along with everyone. Shooting at random people is considered griefing, so they were in the wrong to start with (assuming they were shooting at you, and not just in your general direction without noticing you were there, or something.) They will be able to see you, and to see what you build. They won't be able to interact with what you build unless you allow them to. They can stand in it, I suppose, but just ignore them. It should be easy, since you can't see or hear them! If it really bothers you, rez a simple platform. Sit on it, then edit it to around 2000 feet. Then you can build on that platform, and they'll have to hunt you down deliberately in order to interact with anything you build up there.
  11. Slink are by far the most popular hands/feet on the market. I almost always use the Casual hand pose, and the High feet are probably best to start with because you can find the most and sexiest shoes for them. ("Sexiest" being relevant for your desired line of work.) Together, they'll cost you around under $1500L, or around $5 USD. A shape you can make or mod yourself. If you want to buy one, look for MOD shapes - i.e., those with modify permissions, so you can edit any details of the shape you don't like. Also look for COPY permissions, in case you mess up! Transfer is not important; you want a copy/mod shape. Trust me. My favorite skin shop is Pink Fuel. Some other great brands are Glam Affair, Curio, LAQ, and countless others. No good skin is cheap, though; although you can find some decent ones as group gifts sometimes. For the most options (make-up, etc.), be prepared to pay another $1500-$2000L at least, plus appliers for your hands and feet. You may be able to get single skins cheaper, but will have to purchase your own make-up options. I love to shop, so hit me up inworld, or if I think about it when I log in, I'll shoot you a message!
  12. Your product itself comes with a HUD - a couple of them, actually. In those HUD's, you'll find built-in skin options. You don't have to spend any extra money on them, or have any additional special devices. To use those, you find them in the HUD, click them, and you're pretty much done. Here is one tutorial. It doesn't seem super complete on first glance, but it may help. It actually is rather like the Xbox. You bought the system, which has its own built-in options that you can use with no additional cost. But if you want more options, you buy them, just like you do with the Xbox. However, there is no reason you can't stick with the built-in options and spend no additional funds. The options are actually pretty good! I've use some mods with mine, but you can stick with default quite easily. The Kemono avatar requires some effort to navigate all of the available options. There's a lot you can do with it. The original creator essentially gave you a starting point, and relied on other, unrelated creators to built upon. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does mean you may have to spend additional funds to get things just the way you want them. The starting point of the Kemono is pretty cheap, though, all things considered.
  13. You've stepped into a world with an incredibly steep learning curve, and it can be terribly frustrating at times. Stick with it! First, unless you want to use one of the skins included with the kemono avatar, you need to purchase a skin designed for that avatar. Here's a quick search on the marketplace. Once you have it in your inventory, unboxed if necessary, it's actually surprisingly easy. There should be something in the folder labelled Applier, Kemono Applier, Skin Applier, or something similar. Add that to your avatar. It'll appear, usually, as a rod in your hand. Click on the rod. You may get a blue pop-up box in the corner of your screen. Click "Apply All," or similar, and voila! In theory, at least, you are done. That's all I have time for right now, but if you need or want more help, or just a shopping partner or someone to chat with, feel free to hit me up inworld.
  14. Along with the blog Rhonda linked, try demos. Seriously. Demo, demo, demo. And not just the bodies, either - try the HUD's that come with them. Some are better than others, for many different reasons. Edit your shape while wearing the demo to see how it looks at different sizes, if it deforms, etc.
  15. Are you in a script enabled region? Is the sim you are on lagging much? Try a different sim. If you still can't get it to work, I imagine there is an inworld support group you can contact.
  16. Research before you buy. Mesh heads are pretty much a case of what you see is what you get. They cannot be edited, and are not fitmesh. Some offer a little customization of a few select features in a few select ways, but you cannot edit he head as you would a standard shape. Editing the shape underneath the head won't do anything, either. You're stuck with what you bought. You can look for something else, but unless you fall in love with the head AS IS, you're best to stick with your standard shape head, since you can't really do much editing at all to fix any features you don't like. It's why many of us, even those who use mesh bodies - which are far more customizable - stick with the standard head. (Not alll of course. I've been considering a mesh head, myself, but I don't think I would use it often enough to justify the expense.)
  17. Most items that cause damage will only cause damage on combat-enabled sims, so for the most part, the answer is probably no. If you see a small red or pink heart on the top of the screen, beside all the other sim information, then the sim is combat enabled and you MAY be able to do damage. It's really better to ask the creator of the product, though, or read the product description/instructions. Be aware that this may be considered griefing. You'd be better off to just mute these rude people, and move on with your SL.
  18. Yes. It may take a couple extra weeks, but assuming the current grid is still up and running in to two years, and she is still inworld, she will gain the ability to access those regions and content. She has to enable the ability in her viewer, however, so if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to.
  19. First off, a mesh AVATAR and mesh CLOTHING are not the same thing. An alpha layer makes part of your avatar invisible. This keeps body parts from sticking through mesh clothing. Same concept as the old invisiprims (that invisible halo that sometimes surrounded older shoes, etc.), much better execution. Here is a free set of standard sized shapes for both men and women. These shapes are intended as a base, so you can edit them to suit you as long as you don't edit the standard sizing relevant sliders. You don't have to buy the package, though: If your shape is modifiable, you can simply use the values provided in the product description to get a standard sizing compatible shape. You may find, like I did, that your regular shape is already fairly close to one of those sizes. No, it doesn't mean everything in your inventory is crap. I still wear system layers regularly, for various reasons. Underwear, in particular, tends to work better in system layers, IMO. I do recommend that if you have older items with invisiprims, you either get rid of those items, or if possible, edit them and remove the invisiprim, and use an alpha instead. I haven't noticed mesh avatars being more popular. Mesh clothing is quite popular, but mesh bodies, although rising in popularity, certainly haven't overtaken the default avatar body. They do look nice though, so you can check out some demos and see what you like. If you'd like more help, or a shopping buddy, feel free to contact me inworld. Shopping is my weakness...
  20. I can't help you, and neither can anyone else here. This a resident-to-resident help forum, and no Lindens come here. What you can do is ban this person from your sim, of course, and send an Abuse Report to Linden Labs. Since you own a sim, you are presumably a Premium account holder, so you can also contact Live Chat for support, but they may just tell you to submit an AR.
  21. Sounds like busy mode to me...It'll be under "Comm," "Online Status."
  22. Follow the steps listed here IMMEDIATELY. (The link is straight to the Knowledge Base on what to do if your account has been compromised. In case you don't want to follow it - can't be too careful - it just says to go to the help page and submit a support ticket.) If you had the account connected to a bank account or credit card, you may wish to keep an eye on your account statements or give a quick call to the relevant support number for the account or card that was connected. Once you've submitted the report, the account should be temporarily frozen for investigation.
  23. I can't. Neither can anyone else here. You're in a resident-to-resident help forum. No Lindens come here, and none of us can help you access your account. What you can do is check out this page, and follow the advice there. You will likely need to submit some RL credentials to prove that you are who you say you are.
  24. Well, for starters, editing your avatar head size won't affect most attachments. That only affects what are called fitmesh attachments. I won't get into what those are here, but suffice to say, it's not going to help, obviously. You need to edit the head itself. Simply right click it, choose "Edit," and make it smaller from there. In this case, you'll want to check the box that says "stretch," and also the box that says "stretch both sides." Then grab one of the gray boxes that appear on the corners of the item, and move it inwards. That should resize the whole head smaller. I don't know of any ferret freebies, in particular, but maybe knowing how to edit a little will help.
  25. Well, Sora in Alabaster was recently updated with appliers for the LeLutka head, and the Maitreya body, so you should be able to get those EXACT eyebrows on your head. Just buy the skin you linked. It mentions that it does have a freckles option for at least one of the bodies, so it may have freckle options for the others, and for the head. As I don't have a mesh head, I can't tell you for sure. You could message customer service and ask, or, if chat is enabled, ask in the inworld group for Pink Fuel. Alternatively, ask in the Skin Addiction group inworld; someone there might know. I don't know that you'll get quite that many freckles; that's hard to find, actually. But, well, you might get something, at least.
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