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Ariel Vuissent

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Everything posted by Ariel Vuissent

  1. Well, it does say it comes with instructions. Did you read them? Often with this sort of inexpensive item, to "activate" the effects, you type certain words in chat. Those words should be in the instructions you received. To reposition, you probably just need to edit normally. Right click and choose "edit," then move it around as needed, just like with any other object.
  2. Ban, ban, and ban again. Report, report, report again. It's irritating, yes, but all you can do is report him and all of his alts for harassment, ban them from the sim, and move on. Have the club owner and any individual(s) he is/are harassing submit abuse reports, including screenshots if applicable, chat logs, etc. Make sure whoever does the reporting fills the report out accurately and completely, in the right category, and whatnot. If they are certain this is the same person, include any other known account names. You can also reference past AR's. Still, though, the worst that's likely to happen is that the account will be banned. I could be wrong, but as far as I know, there is no way to IP-ban from one particular sim. It's all or nothing, and LL doesn't issue IP bans often or without EXTREME cause. Usually.
  3. Check out this nifty thread. It's a great tutorial for creating a forum badge.
  4. What viewer is she using? Can't be the official viewer, of course, but it could be one of at least two or three others. Assuming Firestorm, as it's among the most popular, she can simply go to her preferences. Under the Firestorm tab, in General, right at the very top, is "Allow Remote Scripted Viewer Controls (RLVa)." Have her uncheck that box and save her preferences, then relog. Done. If you mean she wore an RLV relay or RLV scripted item, it won't do anything unless she has an RLVa compatible viewer, with RLVa enabled. She should just be able to detach the item normally. If she does have RLVa active and the item is locked, she can follow the advice above to disable RLVa, then detach the item normally.
  5. You either need the dress or skirt to fit your shape so perfectly that you don't need the alpha (possible, but often you may have to adjust your shape, and it will likely still clip slightly with certain poses), or an alpha that only covers the absolute necessities. For the latter option, you can create your own alpha. I've heard they're not hard, although I've not tried it, myself. Many creators include what I consider "blanket alphas" - they hide basically everything the clothing item covers. This prevents clipping, but I find that often it's too much coverage. You can create your own, and customize it to the clothing so that you only hide what you have to hide. In order to need no alpha at all, though, and have no part be invisible, you need perfectly fitting mesh.
  6. It happens to pretty much all of us, at one time or another, although it's less common recently. Check out the suggestions on this page. Mostly it's a connection issue. How fast/strong is your internet connection? Are you using wireless? (Wireless is not recommended, although it's what I use, personally, and I have no issues. But the weaker/more sporadic your connection is, the harder it will be for you to enjoy SL.)
  7. I wouldn't have polled the crowd, but otherwise, fairly similarly to the way you did. I might have pointed out to her that the costume was of a legitimate comic book character, and thus in keeping with the theme; and given her the name of the character to google if she so chose. I also don't think I would have asked him to change on her behalf. She was the one offended, so in my opinion it was her responsibility to ask him to change. If, on the other hand, someone wandered in wearing such a uniform on a non-theme night, or on a theme night wherein the costume was not applicable, I probably would have requested more firmly that the person change or leave. Then again, I'm a big proponent of mute and move on, so...To each their own, I suppose.
  8. Before you panic, check your Trash folder. If they're not there, they're gone. Personally, I suggest not leaving items out on land that isn't yours. That way, nothing gets returned to your Lost and Found folder in the first place.
  9. "...the creators keep crucial info for themselves...." Not really. Most of the creators in SL learned pretty much the same way: They looked up information, and then they experimented with different techiniques and programs until they found things that worked for them. The problem is that the information is spread out, and some sources are more outdated than other sources. There's a great deal of information readily available, but you have to know where to look, and what to disregard. Try asking in the creation forums for tips and resources, or look inworld for groups and resources there. You may even find a class or two. Most creators won't share every detail of their personal techniques, of course, but you can find plenty of information, and from there it's trial and error. Check out the Tango Clothing Group inworld. There's also an applier group or two you could try. Many of those groups advertise freebies or cheapies, or you can ask in the groups. Give them an idea of what you consider "cheap," and they might have some thoughts on currently running hunts, gifts, or promotions from different stores.
  10. My answer is- yes. Their sim, their rules. There are any number of combat sims out there. Why on earth did you choose a combat/capture adult sim with rape scenarios as a central theme and with a posted NO LIMITS rule when you knew that wasn't to your taste? Wait until the rent tuns out, and leave. Go find a new combat rp sim with rentals, one that doesn't center around capture/rape with no limits, and rent from there. You can refuse to roleplay, but yes, it will make people unhappy. They're there to follow the sim rules and themes. Apparently, you're not. Pack up and find a new home; there are plenty out there that don't center around themes you find objectionable.
  11. In addition to the skill gaming restrictions: If you're trying to enter adult areas, you must have registered with a birthdate that puts you over the age of eighteen. Some adult regions require avatars to be a certain number of days old before they may enter, to combat griefing by newbies. It's possible that you did something wrong and don't want to admit it. It's possible that you did something wrong and don't know it. It's possible that you did nothing wrong and the landowner banned you because they wanted to. It's their land; they're allowed to ban you for any reason, or no reason. The only way to find out the real reason you have been banned, if you have indeed been banned, is to ask the landowner. Otherwise, find a new place and move on.
  12. The fastest way is to copy the eyes, then go to the outfits folder in your inventory and paste as link into each individual folder. Then go back and delete the old eyes. There is no faster way.
  13. This is probably going to come across as harsh, but...you really should have thought of this before you invested in Lolas in the first place. An applier is a HUD (usually) that contains information for the skin or clothing it is made for, and will apply that skin or clothing texture to a mesh body part so that the body part matches the rest of the avatar. For skin, and for SOME clothing, you can manage a reasonably close match without appliers, but it will almost never be perfect. My personal suggestion, as much as it may pain you, is to abandon those old items. Frankly, you'll look better without trying to use them with no appliers. If you can find appliers for them, and can afford the appliers, that's the best option. If you can't, you can still try to manage a close match, but it'll vary according to screen and settings, and probably never look quite right. (You don't have to delete your old items, in case you want them back later. Box them up: Find land to build on, rez a simple cube (or shape of your choice), and drag and drop the old items into the contents tab. Then take the box into inventory, and you'll be able to rez it and remove the items later. In the meantime, you'll be able to condense many items into just one.) Please DO NOT copybot. Ever. It is very much against the ToS, and copyright law as well. Unfortunately, yes, that old clothing is essentially useless with your Lola breasts, unless you can find and buy appliers for those items. Otherwise, you'll have to spend money on Lolas-compatible clothing. That you don't have the money is unfortunate, but again, I'm sorry to say, something you may have been wise to consider before you made what was apparently a large investment for you. You can amass a wardrobe slowly. Buy an item or two when you have the money. All your old pants, shorts, and skirts will still work; it's just the tops that won't, so what you need are Lola-compatible tops and dresses, which you can purchase a few at a time, sometimes fairly inexpensively. Here's a simple marketplace search for "Lola," limited to items under $10L. (Some of them are demos, and some are appliers updates or appliers only, so read the descriptions before you buy!)
  14. Other than Tango (Lola Tango mesh breasts, or the fitmesh variations) and possibly Brazilia, none of the body mods mentioned in the ad are still being sold. Ghetto Booty and Phat Azz, along with the Wowmeh mesh body, are not available for purchase anywhere anymore. I know the Banned booty is still available, so you could look into that; although that body suit doesn't have appliers for it. I agree, however, with trying out full mesh bodies. Mesh parts are great - I still use individual pieces, from time to time - but mesh bodies are sort of the direction things seems to being going, and there are a lot of good ones to choose from. In particular, if you like that shape, check out Lena Lush, or the new Ulukie bodies. Many of the other bodies are made slim, although that can be altered to an extent by the shape worn with the body. The two mentioned are "plumper" bodies by default.
  15. Make one. It won't do anything, though, unless you have an RLVa compatible viewer. The official viewer is NOT RLVa compatible; it's a third party feature only. Firestorm has it, as do several others. So does the official, original RLV viewer, and, I believe, several others as well. Once you have an RLVa compatible viewer, and you have turned on the RLVa feature (which is often off by default), the folder should work as intended. In an compatible viewer, the folder should already exist, so you don't have to make one at all! It'll be right up near the top of your inventory folder, labelled "#RLV"
  16. They should be usable together, but the easiest way to see for yourself is to grab a demo of the head, and a demo of the body, and try them on together. Triple check the neck, as that causes the most problems with any mesh head and mesh body worn together; the neck joins don't always match up.
  17. Did you try asking in the Glam Affair group inworld? Might be someone there has them and would be willing to sell. For sure, more Glam Affair customers will see this there than here.
  18. This thread is...rather old, so the link may no longer be accurate. Give me a few, and I'll see if I can find it and post a new one. ETA: The store doesn't appear to have moved. I'll send you a landmark inworld; maybe that will work better.
  19. I'm not sure if you understand how appliers work. Skin CAN affect the shape of the face. Skin and shape work together, so although the basic shape of the face will remain the same, the shading of the skin can APPEAR to alter certain features of the face. It's not usually drastic. However, darkening your skin won't help your stockings match. To wear slink stockings properly, you need a few things. FIRST, you need a skin, and slink appliers for that skin. Again, you need appliers for the SKIN, to match your slink feet - without stockings - to your avatar legs - without stockings. THEN you need stockings, and slink appliers for those stockings. If you use the skin applier (you should only need to use it once, unless you change skins), then, once your feet match your legs, use your stocking applier, your stocking-ed feet should match your stocking-ed legs. If they don't, something has gone wrong, and you can contact the stocking creator or their support group for help.
  20. Please note that the Omega applier system Lindal mentioned doesn't work with TMP. Answers isn't typically the best forum section for specific product advice. It's fairly hit and miss here; this forum is more for questions about technical issues with Second Life itself, not third party products. You might get more help in the main forums, but you'll get the MOST help inworld. To answer your specific question very, very briefly, however: To find clothing, you can a) look at the official product website, if applicable, for a list of merchants who make clothing compatible with your body (here is the TMP designers directory, and here is a very useful blog with lists of designers for many different bodies, including TMP) or b) search TMP on the marketplace and limit by "apparel." There's a great deal more to it than that, especially for TMP, but that might get you started, a little.
  21. As Syo said, those shoes appear to be made for a different height of slink feet. There are three: Flat (good for barefoot, or simple sandals/flip-flops); Medium (Good for clogs, kitten heels, anything with a heel but not a high one); and High (good for stilettos, platforms, or anything else with a very high heel). Those appear to be made for Medium feet, and you appear to be wearing High. Pay attention to what you purchase. Most shoes offer a demo, and/or state on the advertisement which height they are for.
  22. Shapes is shapes is shapes. There are no "mesh shapes," they all work on the same sliders. Do you mean mesh BODY? If so: 1. Sort of. You have to use the alpha layer for the body, to hide the default body, but you don't have to use the alphas that come with any of your mesh clothing. Mesh bodies have alpha HUD's, since regular alpha layers only hide the default body. The HUD has preset alpha cuts, which, when clicked, hide the corresponding area of the mesh body. Very useful for wearing regular mesh clothing, although not everything will fit. Different bodies have different alpha cuts, so make sure when you shop that that's one of the things you look at. Can you live with the alpha cuts on that body, or not? They can't be made larger or smaller. 2. No. You may have to in order to wear a mesh head, but the head and the body are often not connected. A mesh body typically goes from about the neck down, and you can usually still use the default head. (Although you can choose to also buy a mesh head, if you want to. They're not as customizable as I prefer, personally.) 3. No. You can look to see if your old clothing has been updated with appliers that work with your chosen mesh body, but system layers will not work on a mesh body, and only the creator has the textures to make the appliers. You can wear mesh clothing, or purchase clothing with appliers (or both).
  23. The chest debate has gone around, and around, and around. It's NOT a TMP exclusive issue; it's actually related to the default avi, which deforms under about a 35 on the slider. Fitmesh follows the default avi, so when it deforms, so does the fitmesh over it. I agree about the upgrade option; that would be nice for those who bought the lower-cost version first. Personally, I wish they'd built the thing over the existing avatar skeleton. Regular mesh clothing doesn't fit because the body is offset from the skeleton. Shirts tend to float over my shoulders and sit oddly over my wrists, for instance. Makes getting dressed even more of a pain. Then there's that darn style HUD, of course... Frankly, I stopped using TMP for both of those reasons, and switched to Maitreya. I don't think it's QUITE as attractive - in my opinion - but it's almost there. It's also less expensive, works with regular mesh clothing, and is significantly easier to use.
  24. Some templates require this. If there is no HUD, as mentioned above, you'll have to edit the object by hand. Wear or add the item, then right click it (or, if that doesn't work, right click the name of the item in your inventory). Choose "edit," and go to the texture tab. There should be a small box there, with an image. Click the image, and a smaller inventory window should pop up. Find the textures the item came with and click the one you want to have that texture applied to the item.
  25. It's important to note that in anime, many/most female characters, especially the protagonists, appear quite young. The females who look older tend to be antagonists. How you style is VERY IMPORTANT, and so is how you present yourself. Even so, you likely will not be permitted in some sims. I don't have/know much about avatar 2.0, but kemono has a human option completely built in, with human skins and human feet. No mods necessary. Personally, I prefer using at least a chest mod (there are several available) to enhance the bust, because I find the default to be very flat and child-like. To attach the M3 head, just...attach it. Don't attach the head included in the kemono package, attach the M3 instead, and you're done. I often buy things, only to find I don't like them. If you have the funds, go for it; it's your business, no one else's, and you may find use for them later. Do what makes you happy.
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