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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. Discovering the New Fantasy Community Center at Eyrie...
  2. I've been in SL for a long time so I can't remember exactly if I found it hard to learn. I don't remember it being difficult though, but maybe because I went through the welcom islands or something. But I can see some of the points others are making here. The whole business with mesh heads and bodies...I've never bothered , it's just too much faff, so I can certainly sympathise with new users on that front. The other thing is, would it be right to assume that many of those trying second life are used to gaming in general (compared to users back when SL first opened)? If so, then maybe what LL needs to do is be on a par with how gamers learn their games today. I'm not a gamer but have seen others play in the past and know that a lot of them do have some kind of tutorial system inbuilt - or they used to anyway - I'm a bit out of touch with this these days, so maybe it's not even a relevant perspective. Another thought, could there be more visible help menus and pop up help on the viewer screen, you know, like you see on some UI's - the boxes that guide you through what you can do? I don't use the official viewer, so maybe it has this already.
  3. I posted this in another homes thread but thought I'd add it here (slightly edited) as it's similar to what Querida is saying. I have to admit I didn't take part in the hunt because of the enormity of Bellisseria even though I would have liked to (I like Linden type bears ) . Just the thought of sooooo many regions to search felt like trying to finding a needle in a haystack. That thought just took away any initial motivation I had about it. I know that there have been lists etc. put out and things shared in chat, but not everyone necessarilly wants to have to keep up with forums or chat to get such lists to participate. I would prefer if there was a list of regions involved at the start to narrow it down. But that would of course mean residents would have to apply to be pumpkin owners ahead of time, and not ad hoc as it is now, which has it's pluses and minuses. Or maybe set up the hunt like the other hunt there has been in Bellisseria with the linden HUD where you get clues you have to work out (cant remember what they're called). But that of course wouldn't have the same invovlement of resident homes, which I do think is nice and seems to be enjoyed by the community. So perhaps LL could do this: have a combintation of the two, i.e. some of the things Querida has suggested organised by the Lindens (some good ideas suggested there, and some are similar to hunts before) but have some inclusion of residents homes for those who want to (if no kind of application is required then my next point would be more relevant). Maybe the resident candy requirement is much more limited regarding the number you need to collect, so that it's possible to get them but doesn't rely on them soley for achieving the prize. That should prevent any 'gaming' of the system I think having some kind of annual hunt is a great idea for all the reasons that have been outlined in previous comments in the fourm. But it seems to have thrown up some grips and bad feeling too which is a shame. So maybe LL could have a rethink about how it's organised for next year? I'd love to see seasonal hunts Easter/Christmas if it was organised in a different way. It could be advertised in the SL blog which might get more people outside of Bellisseria involved who may never have visited.
  4. I have to admit I didn't take part because of this, even though I would have liked to (I like Linden type bears ) . Just the thought of sooooo many regions to search felt like trying to finding a needle in a haystack. That thought just took away any initial motivation I had about it. I know that there have been lists etc. put out and things shared in chat, but not everyone necessarilly wants to have to keep up with forums or chat to get such lists to participate. I would prefer if there was a list of regions involved at the start to narrow it down. But that would of course mean residents would have to apply to be pumpkin owners ahead of time, and not ad hoc as it is now, which has it's pluses and minuses. Or maybe set up the hunt like the other hunt there has been in Bellisseria with the linden HUD where you get clues you have to work out (cna't remember what they're called). But that of course wouldn't have the same invovlement of resident homes, which I do think is nice and seems to be enjoyed by the community.
  5. I still think the most likely thing based on past history is a reveal at the Christmas Expo. That could result in a release just before Christmas (Stilts were released last year 21st December). Or....perhaps there'll be no release (or even demo) till next year. What if maybe they want to finish up some of the existing work - there are always Bellisseria homes available on the Land page now, so the pressure is off to release themes quickly to meet the demand. So they could perhaps be focusing on the current work outstanding before doing more with the next theme in terms of releases. I guess we still could see a demo though.
  6. Elven Center? Elven Community? Extra Christmas lol! Whatever it is there's another one and looks like a party is going on 😁
  7. I'm wondering if eventually there will be a theme placed below Fantasy land...there's certainly enough room, although it might not provide good enough connection with the rest of Bellisseria in the way that you can travel by land or sea around or through the other existing areas, unless the sea is filled in at the top where Fantasy land is, so that you could sail upwards.
  8. Do SL things count? This.... Yep, seriously, these tunnels in Bellisseria scare me. I don't like that they are narrow and dark, even though I know rationally there's nothing to to worry about, so I won't go down them lol. Go figure.😅
  9. I don't. I think it's more likely that if there is going to be a theme reveal it will be at or around the time of the SL Christmas Expo held at the American Cancer Society areas (Dec 3-14). It seems like only yesterday I was at the last one.....time flies!
  10. It looks just like one of the demo regions from last year (I think) at one of the events or it's the the home decorating region from the SL Christmas Expo. But I can't remember which. Since the SL Christmas Expo is coming up I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter. It's definately familiar though (the region name too).
  11. Oooh, exciting. It will be interesting to see how it develops here. I was thinking about the number of homes they need to still provide to move the old home residents out, and considering the demand we've seen already, I think a lot more homes still need to be built (including the two forthcoming themes) to cater for that plus have enough for future demand, so perhaps they will build more existing homes in one of the empty areas e.g. Stilts, houseboats, more trads or whatever. The Moles certainly have their plates full...Fantasy coastline to finish...Chalet coastline to finish...Stilt coastlines to finish...Logland coastline to finish...build new themes (unless they are both done)...phew....
  12. The 'heart islands' being developed as lovely hangout places with seating and waterfall along the new chalet/houseboat coastline...
  13. My guess is different - I think because there is so much more room to the east of Bellisseria that the next themes will go there. There are less regions to move compared to north . I'm not putting money on it though😄 There are a couple of themes left to do if I remember correctly, and Patch even hinted in one of the interviews that there could possibly be another.
  14. WIth love from the Moles...😄
  15. Some nice underwater landscaping with a (not yet functioning?) portal in the new chalet-houseboat area, and more stilt development along the bottom of the new coastline (yay for stilts! 😁)...
  16. EDIT - HAHA, I think maybe we are wrong in thinking this is a new theme....could be a house in Millbank...or somewhere else? chuckle on Moles and Patch lol...
  17. How exciting! It definately does not look like any existing home, and as it's been tagged Linden Home it must be a teaser. I've suspected that the black regions of the SSP areas are a new theme, and activity there has died down recently (i.e. they may be pretty much finished), plus with the building of the houseboats to finish the chalet coast off I've been wondering if they are doing that because they are planning on releasing a new theme to the east there. Aaaaannd...we have the SL Christmas Expo in Dec hosted by ACS , where we often have seen demo releases. So yes, my vote is new theme!!! Could be the modern theme some have been waiting for. [gotta give the Moles something to chuckle about if I'm wrong 😁]
  18. Thanks! Don't forget to grab a flashlight😄
  19. Some shots of the new coastline (and there's even a Mole still working!) The new regions extend down to Square Dance (so far).
  20. I don't think it's any different to what they've done in the traditional areas and is looking just as nice. You could argue from a theme point of view trads are closer to houseboats i.e. modern , but I really don't think the style of chalet houses as they are is so far removed that it makes much difference. I think the landscaping is what really makes a lot of difference in the regions in terms of creating the feel of the theme. Now if houseboats were along the Fantasy coast, that might be more jarring (again, mainly because of the landscapes). But they wouldn't do that. They've already made it clear the Fantasy region is standalone. But everyone's taste and what they are looking for is different, so I think some will find this really lovely, others won't. It's nice to have the choice though.
  21. If not a preview at Thanksgiving then maybe at the SL Christmas Expo which starts 3rd December (American Cancer Society). There have been reveals at Expo's before, so fingers crossed:)
  22. There's more coastline being added - I wonder if the next theme will be positioned to the east of the chalet's...? For houseboat lovers it looks like there are going to be some prime spots at the upside-down question mark island location.
  23. Building is really moving along in the new houseboat area by the chalets, lots of moles here today. I think it's going to look really lovely when it's finished. There are a lot of square plots too. I think the houseboats blend in nicely with the chalet coastline.
  24. It's great to see they are building more houseboats as they are one of the themes that seem to be most sought after. Let's hope they do more pier stilts!! (yes I know there are a bunch of unreleased ones but you can never have too many pier stilts!!!)
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