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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Great Job Trinity!! I'D give your a hundred Kudos if I could!
  2. The chance the original creators will see this post is small. If you haven't already, drop a note to them so they can file DMCA's as that is the only way this can be stopped.
  3. To add to Alwin's excellent advice about profiles (very important), also work on your avatar if you haven't changed it from being a newb. While not every girl cares about looks, a sub that wants to RP with you will most likely want a master with a good avatar and not look twice at a newb. A really great avatar will require you to spend some $L's, so buy them if you can. If not, there are plenty of freebies out there. You may not get the exact look you want as choices are limited, but you can get some great stuff to start with that you can replace as you find other stuff more to your taste or get some $L's. The best freebies are at the shops as gifts to new people under 30 days old or as gifts to people who join the shop's group. Avoid freebie stores as they mostly have outdated or lower quality things. Going to shops to search for freebies vs to freebie stores will take time, but time is free. Once you have your first non newb avatar together take a picture of yourself for your profile and replace the internet ripoff with the cheesy pickup line, which will not impress women. You can then go to adult sims where there are places where subs looking for masters. As far as friends, I suggest you go places where new people hang out as you will find it easiest to find friends who are also new and looking for friends. Use search to find places like NCI (New Citizen's Incorporated) The Shelter etc. Use newb as your key word (as well as variations of it's spelling) and hangout as your category. NCI is also a great place to get help. There are mentors there that can answer most of your questions and help you out with your avatar and profile building.
  4. CameronCove wrote: What disgusts me about this thread is that all the people who have been in Second Life for years, who have titles like "Helper" and "Advisor" , instead of responding to a post that was asking for your help and advice. Chose instead to harras the members of MAGE Magazine. I think it's those who criticized Othella of spamming that are the ones who are truly guilty of spam. Welcome to SL. Since you are new here I want to clarify the assumptions you've posted above. I have never spammed this forum and neither have the other people with Helper tags. I don't recall seeing anyone spam that has an "Advisor" tag either. So please don't make accusations without being able to back it up. It won't earn you any friends here and just contributes to the rancour. As for tags, no one asked us if we wanted them and most of us don't care about them and would prefer that rank be abolished. LL awards them. You get these tags from LL for being helpful to people on here and for not breaking the rules. The more helpful you are the higher you rise in the ranks. They can be taken away too. It is legal under the rules to put a small promotion and link to your business in your signature line however. It is against the rules to spam here other than in the forums that specifically say it's ok, such as the land forums. No one is harassing Othella. People have legitimate complaints about her spam and she asked for people to let her know if they disagreed with her assumptions in her post trying to justify her spam and calling people who objected to it "haters". Most people did.
  5. You can resize the map and even zoom into it if you can't see things on it. You can also make some text larger by choosing that option in preferences. You don't say what size screen your laptop has but it could be the problem. I use a desktop now with a large HD monitor, but used a laptop before this when my former desktop died and I couldn't afford to replace it. I did however hook my laptop to a monitor because even though it's a 17+ inch screen, I found things difficult to see and have no vision problems. You may want to give this a shot. Even if you don't have a monitor, you can get one for a very reasonable price on sale. You can also get adapters for your laptop to show your screen on a TV. Yes these options aren't portable so you can't roam at will like you may do now and take them with you, but at least it would help you a lot at home. It is unlikely that Firestorm will make things larger if you suggest it. There are tons of people in SL that view it on a monitor or TV and don't want menu/tool bars taking up more real estate on them. They may be willing to make it an option under preferences which I would applaud as it would help people such as yourself as well as visually impaired folks.
  6. 0123Andressa wrote: I would like to thank everyone who posts announcements about their galleries and magazines. Thanks to these announcements I am appraised of different activities and events in Second Life. Thanks to these announcements I have had art gallery exhibitions and my work featured in different Second Life Magazines. Thanks to these announcements I have become part of Second Life's artistic community and was even nominated for an Avi Choice award. If it wasn't for artists promoting their work on this forum I probably would have lost interest in Second Life. There is a subforum for posting events and this isn't it. Magazine announcements are promotion of a business and against the Community Guidelines, which you should read, because so is posting links to outside websites. The problem is where to draw the line. I am an artist in RL ( I even have a degree) but choose not to bring in my work to SL as it is too easy to rip off. I express my creativity by building and put my artistic knowledge to work designing and building sims in this and similar virtual worlds. I am even able to greatly supplement my RL earnings doing it. As much as I would like to, I will not promote my business here as it is against the rules, unless there is a specific sub forum that says it's ok to do that in the description. If someone cares to look at my profile, I explain what I do in SL, that's all. I don't even have my company logo or a SLURL to it in my signatures, which is OK by the rules. You and your 'friend' don't think magazines are a business. Tell that to the IRS. Even if they are non-profit and serve a good cause they are STILL a business. You don't see charities promoting themselves here other than posting events in the event forum. Why is it fair that she is allowed to promote her business just because you all think it helps artists, when other people aren't allowed to promote theirs this same way? Being an artist myself I applaud people who assist them. However it doesn't mean that your friend gets a pass with her spam. Tamara is right. This forum has become over run with spam which discourages genuine discussion.
  7. They are too busy with Sansar, so that will happen when... 
  8. Solaria Goldshark wrote: MaxTux Wonder wrote: Virtual reality is a window to a perfect word, a world that we desire it could be true. A world that can be designed and fitted for us exactly as we wish. I do not want a perfect world. I prefer an imperfect world, one with challenges and obstacles and questions and discovery...I want a world where we are put to the test and encouraged to to grow. There is absolutely no point to your incarnation to experience only bliss. Living in a world exactly as you wish would put you at odds with the other 7 billion souls trying to live the world exactly as they wish....it seems to me we are already living in that world. You raise some good points. SL is a virtual world but it sure isn't perfect, and I am not referring to how real it looks or runs. Humans aren't perfect and never will be as long as there is free will. They'd have to take away our free will for all humans to act 'perfect' and I won't give that up. Besides, who is to decide what is perfect? Perfect for me wouldn't be any one else's perfect. The only way it could be perfect for me is if all the people acted the way I want them too. There goes that free will problem again.
  9. You may not have done it but mostly it is a bad idea to tell a landlord you don't plan on renewing your rental. Some unscrupulous landlords do exactly what happened to you. Their justification is that they have to find a new tenant for the rental and hopefully will rent it again before the rent runs out and they won't lose any money having an empty rental. It is not justification IMO. A few estate covenants that I have seen say if you don't occupy your land (log in) for a certain time they will return all your stuff and put it up for rental again, as they assume you won't renew. Again I would never rent someplace with this in the covenant. Thirdly most covenants say if you violate the covenant you can be evicted without refund of any rent. Only you or your landlord know if this is the case here. Lastly and estate owner can evict someone from their sims for any reason or none at all. Most don't unless you have caused problems. Because this is in the TOS, LL will do nothing. So you have no recourse unless the landlord voluntarily refunds your money. I'd send a notecard to your landlord and ask why you were evicted before your rent ran out and ask for my money back. Don't hold your breath though. Always be careful who you rent from. It is a good idea to rent from a rental company or estate that has been around awhile and the tenants say they have a good opinion of the landlord. A rental company or estate like this is most likely honest and provides good service or they wouldn't be around long.
  10. It used to mean a sim that was owned before the price of the tier went to $295US a month. Their tier remained at $195 a month. LL recently allowed sim owners who pay the higher rate to buy down their tier to the grandfathered rate by paying a one time fee of $600.00. There is also a higher transfer to new owner fee. See the link Alwin gave for more details if you are interested.
  11. Cinnamon Lohner wrote: I considered reporting and still may. But in looking at the choices under Report Abuse as well as those available on a Support ticket, there doesn't appear to be any catagory that's appropriate. There is an Age Play catagory but that is not the same as under aged account abuse. When you report, what catagory are you using? --Cinn I would use Gaming Policy Violation, because that is what it is. Under the Summary, I'd put "MINOR USING ADULT ACCOUNT" in caps to draw attention to it.
  12. Virtual worlds will probably become more popular as they become easier to use. However I think that there has to be a healthy balance between RL and VR. As problematic as RL can be, I wouldn't want to give up the sheer beauty and wonder of the RL natural world. I also never want to live my life in a 'matrix' world no matter how real it seems. It would be too easy for those in charge to manipulate us.
  13. It may not do any good but you could AR them. The person to AR would be owner of the business.
  14. I don't know how common it is, but I would definetly report it to LL along with the note from the 'mother'. Both the child and the mother, including any alt accounts the mother has, should be banned from SL IMO. It is hard to understand why a mother would allow a minor (obviously under 16) to use an account which allows the child to navigate all of SL (including A sims) walking around in an adult female avatar. She has to know that the child will receive inappropriate IM's from sex seeking males. I report it to LL anytime I discover a minor under 16 in SL or anyone under 18 on any sim other than a "G" rated one.
  15. I did read all of your posts here and so you can't say otherwise, quote your exact words in bold, other than the bolding in the quotes from the Community guidelines which are bolded by LL. I have quoted the Community Guidelines "the rules" you have violated in blue and the relevant words in both your posts and the guidelines in red. I am not trying to bully you but am trying to familiarize you with the rules. Your magazine is a product whether you want to call it something different or not. It may be free and non profit and may be produced with the best of intentions, but it is still a product. A product is anything produced by labor. You admit that you are promoting and you do post links to other web sites where your magazine can be seen. You wrote "I take it upon myself to promote the magazine. So, unlike individuals who are promoting only their work, I am promoting the work of several people." Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business.You wrote this comment in one of your posts: "I believe that this forum should be a place where people can talk about their work as artists, and using the names of your galleries, magazines and musical or artistic groups should not be prohibited because the moderators choose to misinterpret this as brand marketing." What you believe the this forum should be is irrelevant. It is what it is. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts about what the rules say. Your comments about the moderators are also against the 'rules' Abuse of Moderation or Moderators: Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following:Posts that discuss or re-post material that has been removed or locked by a moderator Posts questioning a moderator’s decision Posts that discuss the status of any Resident account (e.g., on hold, suspended, etc.) Frivolous or malicious use of the abuse report feature Perhaps you should have read the Community Guidelines before complaining about your posts being removed and further breaking the rules. You may rage against me just because I happen to have a helper tag, which I did not ask for or want, but was given to me by LL due to my participation in this forum and answers helping people. My tag does or your name calling people that point out that you are spamming as 'haters' does not change the facts above. Tamara is right in her other post that this forum has turned into a forum for self promotion rather than discussion.
  16. People often say posters are alts if the review disagrees with their own. There is NO WAY you can tell if a person that posts a good review is an alt. To say that the merchant used an alt to post is enitrely unfair because you can't prove it. Most likely the person who wrote the good review had a good experience with the product.
  17. I really have no problem with mesh pants and my mesh body. I can even wear the mesh pants in standard sizes I had before I bought my body. With mesh pants, unless you are lucky enough to find some that fit perfectly, you have to use an alpha.
  18. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to find out what the issue is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  19. Arabic is a language that is 'reversed' in that it is read right to left rather than left to right like English. So it is coming out correctly. If you mean otherwise, please edit your post and clarify what you mean.
  20. Definetly IP violations. The best thing to do is report the store to the original creators.
  21. I agree with you and so does my partner who refuses to buy them. Droopy drawers are NOT at all biker. Actually that Hip Hop look originated in prisons. Many women, don't find it attractive at all. Designers should make them for the Hip Hop community, but don't use the same mesh templates for pants for outside that community or at least also offer regular pants.
  22. Creating a custom mesh avatar will not be cheap and will not be just $L's. Working for $L"s is just working for pennies an hour and no one should expect someone to do that. People that have the skills to do this want RL money and to be paid a RL wage. Since it may take a while to create the avatar we are talking a lot of US dollars.
  23. When you move you should ALWAYS pick things up individually and put them in your inventory. When you use parcel return, some things may disappear forever as you found out, and everything else is returned in coalesced objects which is just a big bunch of stuff. You have to rez it out and pick things up individually. Sometimes if the coalesced object contains too many items or scripts (over 1000) you can't rez it out. If it has linden plants, you can only rez it out in special places.
  24. Someone following you around isn't going to help because no one is a mind reader and therefore no one can tell what you'll blurt out next. Once you blurt it out, it's too late. You need to think before you say something. In fact I recommend you use text only NOT voice, so you can review what you typed before you hit enter. If you can't do train yourself to do this, and do this in RL probably RL professional help is needed.
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