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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Cores don't make much difference on newer computers. I run sixteen sims on my desktop without any problem. Granted I don't have the number of avatars many sims gets but I have a lot of stuff on them.
  2. A Paypal account has verified and have a credit card or bank account associated with it and if a bank account the bank has to pay instantly. A credit card has to be a regular credit card, not prepaid. If you are using a verified PayPal account or regular credit card you can call billing to find out what the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  3. It's not possible to find them on your own but you can write a script or get one that tells you when they are online so you can ask.
  4. I suspect the problems is because you were using your mothers account. It is illegal for anyone to transfer an account to someone else or someone else to use it without LL's permission. See Roligs answer too for why this is considered a serious violation. It may have taken them a while to catch on to what you were doing so that's why you were able to do it so long. You should have had your mother sell you the land if she owned it and put your payment info on your account.
  5. No you can't search favorites. However they are on the list in the order you put them on. So, if you remember when you put an item on the list that can help you locate it. It's a good idea to go through your list periodically and delete things that you aren't going to buy or are no longer thinking of buying.
  6. Tabla wrote: My friend bought a rental system with prim counter for 400L. It does not do what is stated in the MP. MP say is tranfer but is not. The photos show 3 menus but he only can get one menu so he can not add tenants to this system. He wrote to the seller two IMs and no answer he also wrote a bad review and no answer. Of course rental system was deeded to the group land. Too sad he just was robbed 400L. I have been reading reviews in market place. A product with 2 reviews one good and one bad. A product with 16 reviews 2 are.bad. A product with 8 reviews 4 good and 4 bad. A product with one review all of them look like have been written by the same person. My friend bought a Club Disco Structure some time ago. It was so bad because MP said it was modify and it was not, There was like an invisible prim in front of the sofas and them could be not used. The only way to place vendors in the stores was to rezz the vendor outside and then dragg it to inside of the store. At the time he bought it there was no reviews. He conteacted the seller with no answer so he then wrote a bad review. Next day there is a new review "it was a good product". So for a time there were one bad and one good review. I am used to buy in MP. Sure, some products are good as the sellers. Other products or sellers should go out of business becasue if you leave your store unattended and still getting money that is stealing So my opinion is maybe sellers in MP forget about the concept of "fair business and fair trade".. In conclusion MP is getting scary so scary I dont dare to go there anymore. If you see a several good reviews a few bad ones, then look for clues why. If all the good reviews were around the same time, chances are the seller got friends or alts to put them there. If they are from a wider range of dates, then probably the bad reviews come from people who haven't read the instructions, just don't understand the product, or don't have the SL skills to use it successfully. Having to rez things outside a building and then dragging it in is common in SL and is not the sellers fault. If the building is mesh then that is the reason as it is hard to rez things on mesh. But it sometimes happens to me on a wide range of things from different creators even with a non mesh building, but it is rarer. I do think LL should have a policy that if the merchant doesn't log in within a certain period of time, his MP store is taken down or at least show the last date the merchant logged in. However don't forget that sometimes people get suddenly seriously ill or have RL emergencies that prevent them from logging in, not by choice. A few months ago I had an emergency hospitalization of a month followed by recovery at home for a month. I was told to stay in bed and not use my computer, among other things. Luckily no one tried to contact me about my products. If they had I would have answered them as soon as I could log in again.
  7. Qie Niangao wrote: Sylvia Wasp wrote: re: "why not build with prims?" Because no one wants a build that's made out of a dozen prims and has a land impact in the high 90's when they can get a mesh object with a land impact of one or two to do the same job. It's very unlikely you'll get that result from a Mesh Studio model, nor anything approximating it. If Land Impact efficiency is a serious goal, there's just no substitute for modeling directly in a "mesh native" tool such as Blender. A tool such as Mesh Studio can be useful for quick-and-dirty preservation of personal builds with some LI reduction, but its output just can't be comparable to a commercial quality model. It's possible to tweak that output, but that tweaking might be more work than just starting from scratch. I can mesh simple shapes using Mesh Studio in just a few minutes that can reduce LI considerably. I recently did an object that was built out of nothing but the cube shape but took 9 prims and reduced it to one. In blender it would take a LOT more than just a 20 minutes it took me to make and it would be unlikely to reduce the LI to less than one. (Just in passing, it's unlikely that a "land impact in the high 90's" is the result of a dozen prims, correctly handled, unless something very special is needed. It's theoretically possible, I guess, that some application may really want the precise complexity of an exotic Prim physics shape, but otherwise that kind of LI inflation suggests the Physics shape assignment is inappropriate for some prims in the linkset.) In my post, which Sylvia was responding to, I said nothing about using Mesh Studio to mesh exotic prim shapes. I pointed out it was great for simple prim shapes. I also pointed out that n ot everyone has the time or ability to learn how to use Blender. I have recently als used it reduce a a skybox I built for a friend with numerous windows and double doors and a beam ceiling, again made with all cubes, from 125 prims to just 29 and those 29 had at least five faces each to texture. The build and the steps to mesh it took far less time than it would have in Blender. Perhaps Blender could have reduced it to a few less prims, but time is money and my friend was very pleased with the results. If someone is going to build things to sell who has neither the time and/or ability to learn Blender can get similar results why is that a bad thing? I do agree that Blender is the best tool for exotic prim shapes and more complicated builds. But Mesh Studio does have it's uses.
  8. Every AR I've sent has been acted on. I don't send AR's other than for serious matters that are clearly TOS violations. I don't send them because someone hurt my feelings, was obnoxious or was rude or even due to stalkers. As an adult, I can take care of those relationship problems myself. I have always read the TOS carefully and have never just pushed the Accept button for convenience. When I file an AR, I always review it again to be sure of my accusation. When I do file an AR, I cite the part of the TOS that was violated and give objective information to prove it. It always includes the place, date and time the violation took place and could include, screen shots and accurate logs etc. I know that anyone can change logs and I know that LL will check to be sure what I submit is accurate and unaltered. I keep my emotions and subjective information out of the report. I know that they give limited space but you can file a series of AR's one at a time, always referring to the previous ones you sent so they get all the info they need. In short I make it easy for the Linden who looks at my AR to investigate and act on my AR. If I am not sure if the problem is a TOS violation, I don't file, because if I don't know it probably isn't.
  9. entity0x wrote: I also find SL much more antisocial than 10 years ago to, with the frequency of bans and kicks quite high. I guess people don't like a tiny Meerkat in a tophat and tie sitting down on their patio furniture and smoking a cigar - that's just too much griefing to take. Let's report him and cry to LL for changes to keep such atrocious behaviour out of SL. I disagree that SL is much more antisocial than 10 years ago. When you approach others with respect and have something interesting to say you can easily start a conversation, unless they are busy talking to someone else in IM. Then you can't expect a response because you are interrupting. Just be patient until they are finished and if they take too long, move on. As far as your Meerkat sitting on someone's furniture, this has more to do with you invading private homes without being invited and probably what you say to them. Use another avatar and do the same thing and you are most likely to get the same result. If you came into my house without being invited I'd kick you out and probably ban you too after asking you to leave. If you were a newb I'd be friendlier and I'd explain about private property and not invading people's privacy. Depending on their response I may talk to them a while. If they don't leave on their own eventually I'll boot them out too. If someone I don't know comes to my door and respectfully asks if it's all right to come in, I'll let them if I'm not too busy, otherwise I'd tell them politely it's not a good time but they can come back when I'm not busy.
  10. ChinRey wrote: Why not build with prims? It's a underrated material these days. Anybody can afford Blender of course, it's a free program, but yes, it is rather complicated to use. However - and this is a very important and often overlooked point - it is not easy to make good mesh with a prim-to-mesh converter either and if it's not good mesh, it's usually better to just leave the build as prims. If you want to make mesh that can match prims in technical quality, you have to know how to make LoD models and physics models because the ones the uploader tries to generate automatically are pure garbage. You are right that Mesh Studio shouldn't be used converting all prim builds to mesh. However it is great for meshing simple things to lower land impact. Not everyone has the time or ability to learn how to use Blender. It has a steep learning curve that can take a year or more to learn well, even for 'smart' people. Even those who learn to use it don't necessarily produce 'good mesh'. It takes even more time and effort to produce that. If using Mesh Studio to lower land impact for simple builds works, that's a good thing IMO.
  11. I think its a very good list. It really is a summary of what a lot of regulars advise people who post about wanting friends. As far as #1, it's pretty well known that a lot of people won't talk much to people who look like newbs. Have a good looking avatar doesn't necessarily mean beautiful or looking like you just stepped out of GQ. A good looking avatar means to me that you put some effort into your avatar, whatever that avatar represents. Showing that effort shows that you are trying to fit into the SL community. We can be what we want to be in SL, including scary avatars or "ugly" aliens, old or very young, really anything. I find myself in many conversations with people like this that usually start out with me complimenting the person on their well put together avatar. I'd only add to the list by saying that you should fill out your profile with a pic and something about yourself and your interests. A lot of people look at profiles to see if there are common interests or questions that can be asked as ice breakers.
  12. Alwin is right. I just want to add that parcels on the Blake Sea or other sailable water are some of the most expensive to buy and 512sqm are pretty rare, although some do come up occasionally for sale. You have to act fast though or they are gone. I'd go for a Linden Home first, until you decide what you really want and can afford. Then when you find something, abandon the home first, and then buy the land. If you buy the land first you'll be billed for it as tier fees are billed based on the maximum amount of land you held in the past 30 days, even if it was only for a second.
  13. I came to SL in the early days when there weren't near the number of people there are now nor was there private island. The mainland was two continents. I came due to an article I read in my local newspaper about it that talked about building. My first day in SL was spent going through the orientation. Then before leaving the area, I made my shape and and fooled around with my hair, skin and eyes using the system appearance. I also used some textures to make some 'clothes'. lol. I thought I was hot stuff. I finished the day at Ahern, talking to other newbs. The days afterward were spent exploring SL and teaching myself to build in a sandbox. I had earned some $L for a while on a camping dance pad in one of the few clubs around. The first week I wandered around and wondered why I looked like a toon when older avatars looked more realistic. I finally asked someone and was told about buying stuff. I learned that it was a lot easier to buy a few Lindens too. So I did and bought skin hair eyes etc. and four outfits. I found a really cheap skybox after that. It was furnished with crushed red velvet furniture, a hot tub, and dogs playing poker kind of art. It had pose balls all over the place for mostly naughty animations and a few regular sits etc. Looking back it looked more like a brothel than a home lol. But the my friends and I had a blast there partying and flying off the front porch on hoverboards and parachutes we found for free and doing other impossible things. Back then the grid closed for a half day every Wednesday morning until noon for maintenance.. Sometimes if they had problems it was closed for a whole day or even a couple of days. Everybody logged into the beta grid during those times which was only a few sims big. Also during that time griefers would grief the entire grid. Examples: One day green goop fell from the sky all over the grid. Another day party horns fell that were blowing and made a terrible racket. One of the funniest things I remember is the grid crashing one day. When it was back up I logged in to discover that everyone logging in went to one place and we were all naked Ruths and couldn't do anything about it. For those that don't know Ruth, she is the first avatar that LL created and was the underlying avatar for everyone. (pic below) I soon learned that being naked in public sometimes was just part of the SL experience.  When textures failed to bake your clothes, you were all white with a big 'missing' all over you. I always wanted to make a t-shirt like that in RL and wear it around to see who fell over laughing. Another funny thing was once my first partner had a problem with his avatar. He grew boobs and couldn't get rid of them. The poor guy had to walk around like that for a few days until it got fixed. Sploders in clubs were huge back then and one time I won $20,000 one night. Boy was I happy! I could go on but this is already a long post. We had a lot of laughs back then over all the silly things that happened because we were newbs and still learning and because of what the grid threw us once in a while.
  14. Why do they do it? Because they just don't care. I just derender anything I don't like at my one of homes we have on the Blake Sea. If it's a land company, maybe they've stacked a bunch of then on top of each other and they started that low to be able to stack as many as they can. Still the same answer though. They just don't care because their profits are more important than you are.
  15. Why do they do it? Because they just don't care. I just derender anything I don't like at my one of homes we have on the Blake Sea. If it's a land company, maybe they've stacked a bunch of then on top of each other and they started that low to be able to stack as many as they can. Still the same answer though. They just don't care because their profits are more important than you are.
  16. It could be your connection to the servers. Try resetting your modem. If that doesn't work, try logging into a different sim.
  17. LL will not act on your AR because land owners and their appointed agents have a right to ban you for any reason or none at all. It is not their fault if your HUD broke. As Qie said, you should talk to the creator of the HUD about it not working after a crash.
  18. 9 years ago I believe LL was still canceling accounts if you didn't log in every six months or so. They don't do this anymore though Did you have to get LL to reactivate your account? If you did that means it was canceled. LL doesn't guarantee your inventory will still be there under those circumstances. .
  19. DUPLICATE POST: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/hi-hello-i-can-pass-the-land-for-a-group-cos-i-wan-t-pay-monthly/qaq-p/3069775/comment-id/8452#M8452 Please do not post the same question twice. It pushes other's post down the list and they may not be seen. See the answer given in the post linked to above. If you need to add additional information to that post because the answer you got doesn't apply to your sitiuation, edit your that post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing Edit.
  20. Just subdivide the land as you wish, then deed the parcel to the group. First you open the About Land tools and set the land to the group, then the Deed button will be available so you can deed it. Note that the you and not the group will still be responsible for paying the tier on it. So if you are trying to give it to the group to reduce you tier payment, that's not going to work.
  21. Rolig is right. However if the bot is on land you own or rent with the authority to control access, you can ban them. If someone is on your land and you ban them, it automatically ejects them. If you rent the land and can't control who comes there you can ask the landlord to ban the bot.
  22. Some venues do require you to dress a certain way, such as role play sims, formal ballrooms etc. If you go someplace like that and the rules are you have to dress a certain way you should comply or leave. Most of these places have free clothes you can get if you don't have the proper clothing. They also have the dress rules either posted on a sign on they give you a note card about it at the entrance/landing point. As far as this lady, if the venue doesn't require a certain kind of dress, I'd just refuse to change and tell her that you weren't the one making her dress the way she is dressed. However you could also ask if a certain kind of dress is required there. There is no reason to feel bad about what happened. If there were no rules on style of dress, and she persists, I'd just ignore her or mute/block her. I wouldn't confront someone like that. You'd just be setting yourself up for unpleasant drama IMO.
  23. People strive to have things in SL they can't in RL. That could be living in the home of their dreams in a place of their dreams and have expensive toys. They also like to look like they want to and dress as they want to without the pressure to conform to RL standards. Roll play is another aspect of this for those that want to experience a fantasy. Both have in common the dream of how they want to live and who they want to be, whether it's realism or impossible things in RL.
  24. Your link doesn't work. It returns a 404 error
  25. Since she went quiet too, she may be just shy. There is no harm in trying again. The worst case is that she doesn't want to talk to you. You could also tell her you enjoyed your talks before and ask her for coffee or something that indicates friendly interest on your part without much obligation on her's. Maybe even ask her to join you and some friends for a group activity. See how it goes from there. Just try to think of a few topics before you talk to her again, and if it does get quiet, ask her some questions about herself. Most people don't mind talking about themselves. Ask a female friend for some suggestions or try out your questions on her to be sure they aren't TOO personal or don't sound like pickup lines. Most women have heard all those lines before and it's a turn off IMO.
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