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Artorius Constantine

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Everything posted by Artorius Constantine

  1. I need a guitar, bass guitar, saxamaphone, trumpet and a few others if we can work together. Also need some fantasy & human avatars to use as NPC's. Rigged and decent LOD when rezzed. Could be a few more things too, I love building and need some new models to work with. Rigged mesh with a lower LOD when rezzed, most standard avatars rez out at hundreds of LI, especially hair & shoes. Someone really needs to make FP hair & shoes for animesh use. Must be FP as I am a merchant and will be reselling a finished product. Thanks for looking!
  2. I never did either, until the issue of missing listings started. Now it's the first thing I do after I hit the quick fill button. Haven't had any issues like that since.
  3. Are you using a unique SKU # for each new listing you 'quick fill'? There was an issue with listings getting deleted that were created with quick fill, if the original listing was changed or deleted. That got fixed if you used a new SKU for each new listing. That (using a SKU #) "disconnected" the new quick fill listing from the original listing, it's worth a try, it may reset the keywords too, if you aren't using one just make one up.
  4. I make animesh musicians, including skeletons, elves and such, and you could put them in a scene rezzer. It's also fairly easy to turn a standard avatar into a ghost and slap some animesh scripts in it. I've got a good base script (each musician is HUD controlled for it's actions and I have a master control that will direct all band members at the same time.) and can set one up for any (rigged mesh) instrument you have copy & mod perms on and animations to go with it. Not sure a HUD is the way to go for rezzing the band as you wouldn't have tight control on rezzed position, maybe if it talked to a rezzer on the stage. I'm still looking for a good rigged mesh guitar that's FP so I can put the guitarist up for sale. He's done but I don't have a guitar for him yet. Contact me in world and we can discuss slapping a full band in a scene rezzer. It's gonna be LI heavy, animesh is not really LI friendly yet, the skeletons aren't bad but hair and shoes make them go really high.
  5. Builders Brewery has private changing rooms and rezzing platforms. You can't hang around doing "nothing" for too long, but it's a great place to change and rezz purchases. Search for them in Places and go there to join the group by touching the board at the landing point. Free & almost Easy.
  6. No, you are 100% incorrect. If the Modify box is not enabled the item is No Modify. Period. Adding a script doesn't change that. Advertising items as modifiable when they are not is a great way to alienate customers and irritate people, not to mention get them (your items) pulled from the MP for false advertising of the permissions.
  7. I build combat robots, among other things, in RL. usually I design them in SL. As you can see by the pictures about halfway through this build video. Also building a compound in the desert.
  8. Oh yeah, I actually got a 1 star on a product because the 12 extra FP skins I included as a bonus were "not varied enough". 1 starred because I didn't give them good enough freebies, that was a new one. I stopped including the extra textures.
  9. And of course this customer is, umm, a handful. Woke up to 8 notifications about the review being changed. I gave them a full refund with a note explaining how I didn't control deliveries and it has escalated into several messages from them saying all kinds of "nice" things. So many I actually had to block him. Now he's claiming delivery isn't the issue but the item he bought is broke, it isn't, it's one of my top selling items, at least it was, I sent him a full refund anyway so there's that, and he's abusing the review system by changing it and the comments constantly to try and carry on the abuse. He's changed the title, changed the review, added and deleted and changed several comments. I'm dealing with this because LL didn't deliver in a timely manner, and the customer is a handful. Are we sure it's not Monday?
  10. Gotcha! Sorry then. No clue about no copy stuff. Nevermind 😃
  11. Yeah it only knocked it down half a star and it's one most people would hopefully overlook since it's worded badly. I flagged it, we'll see. I just wish they (LL) would get this place fixed. Pretty Please!
  12. It doesn't. That's why I had to log in to find out what the issue was. It's almost but not quite threatening and says nothing except that they have sent several messages about their problem and gotten no reply. They never mention the actual problem, or the fact they waited a grand total of 30 minutes before leaving the review. There's a strange bit about how depending on my reply he'll take it to open chat. Not exactly sure what that means but I doubt it's enough of a threat to get ll to remove the review.
  13. I'll gloss over the fact that the customer didn't even wait 30 minutes before leaving the review. How dare I not reply to his several IM's in under 30 minutes. Anyway, I log in to see what the earth shattering issue was. Marketplace hadn't delivered the item yet. So I get a lovely 2 star nasty gram on a product that previously only had 5 star ratings and several raving IM's about how I'm a lousy merchant and have terrible customer service. There's nothing in the review itself for me to flag about so I'm stuck with it. Thanks LL!
  14. I'd call that a no item listing for sure. They get nothing of value in the box and nothing intended for use in SL from the link. That's the definition of a no item listing. Easy fix, upload the pics to SL, include them in the box with a link to the HiRez version. Boom, problem solved.
  15. Not sure what you mean by a stock folder. I only get a main and a version folder for my stuff. No 3rd folder. It's my understanding that all contents in the version folder are what is delivered. Always set permissions on items while they are rezzed in world. If you change them while in inventory the changes will not take effect until the item is rezzed the next time. That may be your permissions issue.
  16. Yeah we are kinda tough on each others toys. In SL it's easy to rez another and go back to fighting when one get's blown up. In RL it's a 20 to 50k investment that could be gone in 30 seconds. Takes 3 to 6 months to build one. Come up against a bot like Tombstone and anything less than 1/4" thick ar500 steel will be like paper to him. Even AR500 is becoming "not good enough". The weapons get stronger every season. One team entered a 500 pound walking robot with a 100 pound hammer and about 3 tons of hitting power. That thing was amazing. Most people don't armor the top well so a good hammer can be deadly. Get right in there and smash up a $500 speed control real quick. No speed control, no speed, no good. I sold this bot. I build, fight and sell bots, that's what I do. RL and SL. So now I have to build a new one. 😃 I actually sold him prior to the event and shipped him off afterwards, "slightly" worse for wear lol. They did a big thing about me selling it on the first Bounty Hunter episode (only available on Disco plus) but we didn't talk about SL at all so I didn't share that one. While filming this episode they did a good 15 minutes with me on designing & building Bots in SL and getting young people to join so they can build and test designs without having to invest 10's of thousands of dollars just to test a design. No clue how much will air but hopefully SL will at least get a good mention and a little more publicity.
  17. I designed this bot in SL and when I submitted my application to BattleBots the "render" was the picture from the SL design. They accepted it so I built it in RL and fought with it. If anyone wants a freebie (kinda prim heavy) copy of the Shark contact me in world. It is a fully detailed & complete version with batteries, motors and all the structural parts in place. Unscripted but a great way to see how they fit together. I'll be on the Discovery channel Thursday night, BattleBots Fight Night. I'll be the 3rd fight in. They did a nice interview with me about how I built him in SL, because most teams use real CAD lol, and SL is basically a free way to build and test designs. No clue what they will air but it should be fun to watch. Edited to add, I got to see it early and they cut my bit down to like 3 lines and nothing about SL. Sorry about that. Move along, nothing to see here. I sold him after the event and am designing a new one. Gonna cost about 30k to build. i could use a Sponsor! (Hint Hint LL)
  18. Just slip it (copy it) into the current version folder. No need to box it at all. It will get delivered at the same time but as a separate inventory item in the same folder. Just a make sure it's in the version (delivery) folder and not the top level. You can save your customer the hassle of unboxing by putting everything in there instead of a box. No real reason to box things at all here. Unless it's item specific or something.
  19. I was wondering if it was just me but I have also experienced this. Buying for myself or for gifts. In over a decade I have never seen that message before "Your purchase is scheduled for delivery.", and now I've seen it many times, almost every purchase I end up standing around waiting for delivery. Edited to add, and listing updates still don't work. Either individually or mass editing. Can't list, can't fix, can't buy. Great job LL!
  20. ADHD for the win. Fortunately my obsessions seem to center on building things and it's really cheap to build in SL. And a lot easier to clean the shop afterwards. My other main obsession (besides SL) is Robots, Constantly designing new robots and building them in SL. Some even make it to RL! This bot (Sharko) was first designed and built in SL and now it's the face of BattleBots 2020 with a 50/50 record over 8 fights. Feels good to actually finish one. At a cost of about $20k each I don't finish a lot of them in RL.
  21. No clue but it's irritating when all my listings say "Free Self-Service Re-Delivery through the Marketplace." and they turn the feature off with no notice. I wouldn't have noticed except I was listing new products yesterday and used the "Quick Fill" from another listing. I saw Re-Delivery was turned off and went searching to find it was turned off on at least the dozen listings I checked so I'm 'assuming' it's global.
  22. What a PITA! Thanks to this thread I was able to recover the new items I listed yesterday that had vanished. That was a serious hassle. I have several more new products to list and was on a building spree but I guess I'll refocus to RL for a few days until LL figures this out.
  23. I've noticed that as well. Products that were copy and had redelivery turned on have all been turned off. I guess I need to go through all my listings and turn it back on. Hopefully the batch edit function is working this week. I should probably wait though, since the stuff I listed yesterday has vanished from the MP.
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