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Artorius Constantine

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Everything posted by Artorius Constantine

  1. It it was gifted, gifted items can only be reviewed by the person it was gifted to.
  2. Roman Bath House themed Ladies Day Spa, Massage Parlour and Male Erotic Dance Club, Opening on the 1st! A place for Woman to be pampered and enjoy a relaxing Hot Tub or lounge around next to some hot dancing man meat. Ladies ONLY facility except employees. Spectacular Sunset views on a Private island Resort. 3 more Male and 2 more Female Massage attendants wanted. Male Dancers Wanted and Plebes to add atmosphere. Some positions are paid Hourly plus tips. Free ad board. Get paid to rub on hot naked women! You also keep 90% of your tips and get a free place to live/ hang out in a cool Roman Bath House. Must be a good looking avatar and have the ability to Role Play. Must have dancer / Roman style clothing. We will provide you with a costume or two to get you started if you don't have one already. Dancers need to be serious, this isn't just a pole club. We do have a nice sexy male dance machine but you will be expected to develop a routine, eventually get a HUD of your own with sexy male dances and learn how to use it, and participate in group choreographed shows during events. Let's get to rubbing out those kinks! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Midnight%20Forest/139/156/30
  3. Merry Christmas! I built an entire city in the sky, then used over 1100 LI in mesh X-Mas light strings to create "Led Paint". Over 1400 LI Limited Run Art Installation with fun places to explore and plenty of great Photo Ops. Enjoy! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Midnight%20Forest/168/131/852
  4. I think you're milking that pun. It would behoove you to stop before someone tails on us. =)
  5. It took me 20 minutes to figure out I left out the R in one instance and that's why my "Holiday Treat Table" kept converting to an Adult listing. I know one more word that's on that adult list! Would have even been funny if it didn't take so long to figure out. I really wish they (LL) would specify at least the line or paragraph when description text forces a maturity change. That was ridiculous. Specifying the word would be best. I know the word now anyway, what did hiding it accomplish? They don't have to publish the whole list but when text forces a change they could at least tell us which text. Gripe over. Sorry.
  6. Groups used to be disbanded when they had only one member for 2 weeks. Not sure if that still holds true. I would suggest creating an alt account, giving them the group, then you can quit, then delete the alt. account. Nevermind =P
  7. This is for a mock up of a BattleBot I'm designing. Not for sale or anything. I have 3 tail pieces that follow behind the main body on pivots, like a trailer ball hitch with multiple trailers end to end in a train. Well, yeah just like a train but really fast. I think I saw a towing script once but can't find it and can't figure out how to approach this. I don't think a follower is right, the last piece attaches to the middle piece with a pivot, that attaches to the front piece with a pivot and that attaches to the body with a pivot. That last section is gonna go crazy! Not sure llgetpos then llsetpos will be fast enough. Is there some simpler way to get the same effect? Think of a sharks tail. That's what it is, a Sharks Tail made of 3 pieces of steel.
  8. Just last week my Roaming Falconer NPC got 1 starred because "...It's a Joke ... it is all linked". Well yeah, what good would it be if it wasn't linked? You want 15 prims as a coalesced object? I don't get it. I think they just wanted the bird but didn't bother to read the first 2 lines of the listing, or the Title, or the rest of the listing, or look at any of the several pictures, or contact me before 1 starring a perfectly good NPC that is exactly what it says it is. Not sure why "it''s a joke", but what the hey. I just left a nicely worded reply about reading the listing and hope people read it. and yes, I see the irony in that.
  9. That's what I was hoping to see!. I knew they had to have considered the full impact. This just means business should pick up for everyone. The tiering is a good way to offer a little more to the mainland and still share the bonus with all. This may actually improve sales across the board. WTG LL!
  10. I still think it's a bad idea to only give mainland the bonus. IF that's the way this shakes out. Islands cost more and now you get 50% less prims? Why pay more for less? I can hit the de-render button to kill any really ugly builds. Script time is another issue. True, very true. One lot I was on had a neighboor that built a 20 x 20 room and filled it with beach balls. Killed the entire sim. No recourse. Script time limits by plot size would be a good use of LL's time. It won't noticeably increase Premiums, people that rent will still rent, they will just move to a mainland Realtor. The ripple effect to Estates could be huge. I guess not everyone is a prim hog (like me) and I agree the control I get on an Estate is awesome. I'll still move. That's at least one full Estate Region that won't be making money for the Realtor anymore. I am about to go land shopping lol. Just have to find a full region and rent out half of it with a covenant to cover the tier..
  11. I moved to an Estate because of a Neon Habitrail next door lol. I will miss the controll but I can't pass up a 50% prim bonus. I have a full homestead and I can't even build at home anymore. I can't justify a higher tier either. I may just snatch up a full region before the prices skyrocket. I'd have to use an alt as a premium. Premiums get deleted when they lapse, free accounts don't. Worth remembering.
  12. If the new prim increase isn't carried over to Estates I foresee a really hard transition as everyone scrambles to move to the mainland. Mainland prices are already rising. Hold on to your hats folks! This could be a bumpy ride. This could wipe out a lot of people that depend on Estate Rentals for an RL living. I hope LL shares the prim bonus across the board. I like my homestead but I'll move too if the bonus isn't given to estates.
  13. Love it! Eliminated most of the useless chat lol. Even my RP toys talk to much! You can see it's mixing a potion. There's no reason to say "Mixing your potion". Love RegionSayTo; It's my goto for anything beyond a MessageLinked. Love cutting down on spam and server loads. I was just using whisper for this but I think regionsayto will be even better.
  14. hmm So it's just a chat thing? Thanks! That gives me something to work with. Maybe I can make a remote prim just underground for the chat functions and that will keep the swirleys buried too. Or high in the air just out if camera range. Or if I just use pop ups I can avoid them. Good lead.
  15. I see the Suppress Collision sprite function is broken but I don't think that's what I'm looking for anyway. Whenever an object "does something" like talk, those swirly white magic sprites dance around it. Is there a way to kill these?
  16. Making a game called Venture House. It's a Live action quest game that uses Holodeck style scripts. When you solve one puzzle the next one rezzes so the total LI stays low. I have 5 levels done so far and would like a couple testers. Pretty Please with Sugar on top. Only three people have gone through so far, they gave me great notes that I acted on, but were not able to pass level 3 without my help. I made a couple changes an\d would like to have an adventure game enthusiast or two try it out and see if I'm making it too hard. I've got like 3 weeks work in this thing already and don't want to make it so hard no one can win. =)
  17. A little dated but a great start. The source code is here: http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/freescripts.plx?ID=1601 They changed the site so you have to look for it on the index now. Get a set of full perm scripts free on the Marketplace to start with, https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Packed-breedable-scripts/2589049?page=1 I made a breedable tentacle alien pet but never had time to push it. They really need dedicated sales and support to work.
  18. Woohoo! Put in 3 new games, Sunset Beach is filling up. The newest is a Full region Wide Clue solving Shell hunt. 12 beautiful mesh shells and a grand prize for finding them all. Still working on the Venture House. Soon! 
  19. If I did that I could shove it all (the scripts) into the lance too instead of every target prim and the lance too. Thx for the lead I'll go read up on it.
  20. I want to make a jousting ride. Like a zip line but you sit on a mesh "horse" and hold a lance as you zip down on top of the line. Mouselook targeting to try and spear a few rings and maybe hit a target with the lance as you go by. Most of it seems simple enough with llRegionSay and physics for the horse but I'd like to gather a score and I'm not sure how to go about that. Target could be 3 concentric rings (for example) 1 point for outside ring, 2 for middle and 3 for center. I filter a collision between the lance tip and the target, the target broadcasts a score if one is made. Yes? Is there a better way to do that? How can I broadcast those score points from the target to a scoreboard as a cumulative value? That's my real question. I'm not sure of the best way to catch and keep the scores, or even if llRegionSay is the best way to broadcast them. Any opinions would be enjoyed and pondered upon.
  21. My first computer language was Fortran. Yes that's right. I fed punch cards into a binary "computer". One card out of place and it didn't work. So pretty much the same as ll. =)
  22. New fun! lol I just can't turn it off. The Old Shell game with a Halloween twist. Down in the spooky graveyard of course. 
  23. Both the 3-D matching games are up and running. Yay! I built a Spooky Simon says, just outside the graveyard. The buttons are a Bat, a Raven, an Owl and a huge Spider. Just finished a Sword in the Stone game. Still gotta add sounds but the Beta version is down by Pirate Bay. Enjoy!
  24. The final script came out beautiful. There is definitely an art to it. Thx again! default{ on_rez(integer start_param) { llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_NAME, "Clamshell"]); } state_entry() { llListen(-3332,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llRezObject("Seahorse", llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,1.5>, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, <0.0, 0, 0, 0.0>, 0); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if (msg == "clear") { llSleep(.5); llDie(); } if (msg == "me five") { llSleep(.5); llDie(); } }} Yesterday I added a notecard to an object script so the user can define messages the Fairies say when you catch them and added 3 choice dialog boxes for the first real time. Now you can release the fairy, keep the fairy or feed it to the Troll. First time using either of those functions. Worked out well! I wish I had learned ll years ago.
  25. Pulled all the listeners and added a state entry with one in it. Originally I only had one listener in the On_Rez state. I added the others tweaking but that didn't help anything. Seems to work. Ran the alt test and it passed but now the rezzed object is acting up! I didn't even do anything to it grrrr. At least the base is listening now yay! Edited to add, that was definitely the issue. I did the same thing to the rezzed object, ie moved the listener to a state_entry instead of the on_rez event. Works perfectly for everyone now Thx!
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