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diamond Marchant

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Everything posted by diamond Marchant

  1. This could be a total red herring. Patch posted on Flickr and titled it "Moving Day". Is he moving in or out? Is it a pretend Linden Home move or a RL home move or a RL office move. If it is a hint and the picture has clues, I see that the flooring and windows suggest some colonial thing.
  2. Second that emotion. I shop alot and love to browse so I check Seraphim everyday for new events. I also click things and find the creator and then use their picks.
  3. These are the usual issues in Second Life with the usual remedies. However, the covenant makes more things "illegal" and it is not obvious how to get things resolved. For example, suppose your neighbor has built a 30m tower and you politely communicate that they are violating the 15m height restriction (or a "theme" restriction). They say "mind your own bees wax" so you start to file an Abuse Report. But what category? There isn't one that seems to match this offense. You are confused. What to do? For the record, I have personally requested the addition of a "Linden Home Covenant Violation" to the AR category list. Another unique thing about Bellisseria is that we have moles present inworld who are occasionally "support back channels". They may monitor Bellisseria Citizen group chat and may respond to incidents. Or you may actually speak with a mole in IM about an issue. However, my understanding is that their primary purpose is construction and there is no guarantee that they will be doing support/governance things. Abnor Mole has urged Bellisseria residents to politely communicate with their neighbors as a first step. Often, people are simply unaware of the covenant and are happy to comply. p.s. When I am ARing an illegal orb, I always use "Harassment > Targeted behavior intended to disrupt"
  4. More on this Satori Passage... as you can see in the chart, the passage from Stromberg to Atunua is mostly protected full water regions with 3 exceptions. There is a 16 meter channel on the north edge of Lamashtu and 10 meter channels on the western edges of Atira and Chloris. At present, parcels adjacent to the channels include one banline and at least 2 orbs. Of course, that situation can change at anytime. We trust that governance would deal with objects physically or visually blocking the channels and places where parcels are extended into open water regions in a way that suggests private use.
  5. For sure. Open water is highly preferable to edge channels/corners. However, Stromberg does satisfy the protected-water connectivity goal in a world where LL appears reluctant to drop new regions unless they pay for themselves. In the Leeward Cruising Club, we regularly sail edge channels and it works if you select a boat that fits. If you are referring to Yeeowler, you got your wish, as it is already connected to Bellisseria by water regions (e.g. Furball). An LCC outpost called the Baby Pelican is there. It's a GTFO hub and a bar that serves tequila shots.
  6. Currently we have TWO protected water routes from the stilts to south Satori. It's fine to add a third waterway adjacent to the Newbrookes but LL may prefer to put homes there. Connection to north Satori must be done no further south than Stromberg, as the 18 regions marked in red are privately owned and impassable to water vehicles. My suggestion is to edge the Newbrookes with protected water extending to Stromberg. As we do not know exactly where the Newbrookes will end, my proposed route can only be imagined, not accurately drawn. My interest is in making connected waterways. LL may choose to put water between the Newbrookes and Chalets but it may be in the form of lakes and ponds.
  7. Yet another post from the Bellisseria Speculation Department. Waterizing the undeveloped area between the Newbrookes and Chalets would be nice for the residents but is unnecessary for continental connectivity.
  8. I think Phuket may be the most isolated but appears to be a happening place. For lonely, I would think it must be available land but deserted with zero activity. Satori has many candidates but I would like to nominate Driscoll. Mostly abandonned, one little parcel with just banlines protecting emptiness, and a prim blockhouse that is completely empty. Now THAT is lonely And the blockhouse has a 0-sec-send-you-home orb too... I rest my case.
  9. If I were on the SLU faculty, I would teach "Underpants 101"... always wear BOM panties!
  10. The Bandit 170 DeLuxe is my fave boat for use in the stilts. It comes with a cute little dock.... and yes... the boat docks itself (some kinda magic). It goes under the bridges and you can sleep aboard if you wish. Also has very fine low speed control, perfect for all those narrow passages you might want to creep thru. I mostly cruise in sailboats but motor boats seem more suited to the stilts due to the narrow channels and low bridges (yes most masts are now phantom but it feels unnatural to move a mast thru a bridge).
  11. That is likely true. When SL as we know it no longer available, I will consider this to be the golden age. All the stuff I like to do here can be done on the platform as is. And I usually don't have to worry about other avatars consuming MY cycles. Second Life is like Xerox PARC (1970s reference), a place where forward-thinking people figured out how humans might use personal computers. Things like WYSIWYG word processors and Mac-like interfaces were stolen from PARC. SL will be that for someone else. That someone will build a new platform, the primary feature being that it will be SCALABLE. Second Life University is just fine for what it is and I love Strawberry but it is evidence that SL has a significant barrier to entry.
  12. Sorry, good intentions but gotta agree. I truly believe that Lindens/Moles should not do things that residents can do and might want to do. Residents are perfectly capable of making landscape items and putting them in RFL vendors (it's called the Home and Garden Expo). Lindens and moles have a ton of stuff to do that we are UNABLE to do, so let them focus on that. And as the hammie sez, let's not encourage them to break their own covenant... maay beeeeee
  13. Nice. Am learning new things, ty. I would have handled it the old fashion way... would build a platform of linked prims that covered my entire parcel except for the holes.This is a template to be rezzed when needed and put at whatever altitude I wanted(e.g for a skybox). Then I would make sure not to build over the holes or have any overhangs.
  14. I am very sorry that this has happened. You are not alone as this story has played out repeatedly over the last year. We get used to our local environment and one day... it's just gone and we don't know why. People assume that a death occurred or someone has financial problems. Because all of this is private, we may never know. Looking forward... you still have all your objects in inventory I hope. If you choose to stay in SL, you can find a new place and rezz those things again. Some of us, myself included, enjoy building and REbuilding... using our art/furniture/landscaping in new ways in new places. If you thrive in a residential community, you might consider Bellisseria. Linden homes are a good value and you don't have to worry what a resident landlord might do. And some of our mole builders are good looking 😉
  15. In the over two years since Bellisserria has been available to residents, we have learned two things. 1. Linden Lab gives no details about plans for developing Bellisseria (except for 2 below). If something is announced, the only answer to "when?" is "soon". 2. Linden Lab may announce that themes are in the works and may give previews, but those aren't necessarily announced before they happen. However, we can speculate that certain things will happen based the way existing themes have developed over time. I expect that various themed areas will be properly "edged" with a proper coastline and protected water. I expect that Bellisserria will eventually collide with Satori at or near Stromberg. I expect that the Newbrookes and Chalets will be separated by land, not water (similar to Vickies and Logs). I expect that the northern coast of the logs will be water that goes from Snert to Really Wet, connecting "old belli" to the Stilts. No clue about your questions 6 or 7.
  16. Based on this recent surveillance it appears that another way to connect Bellisseria to Satori protected water is to go from Lavon (west of Buiffalo Springs) to the most recent 35 region Linden Homes addition, which appears to be continentally drifting to the northeast toward Satori. The protected water channels would be on the edges,
  17. and welcome to the Game of Homes 😍
  18. First of all, this is a lovely parcel with a nice home and beautiful landscaping. The person who bought the land and then abandoned it is a 2 day avatar. One would have to ask that person to get the reason for this strange behavior, but I would guess that they did this by mistake or they were just fooling around to see how land sales worked and decided to use their tier somewhere else. Or they decided SL was not for them, never to be seen again. You retain ownership of all the objects. If you wish you may go pick them up. Actually the objects might have confused them. They are no transfer so the new owner saw all this stuff they could not edit or move. If they had turned on auto return, it all would have poofed but perhaps they did not know how.
  19. It is not obvious that anyone gains with higher priced rentals and land sales. The value of mainland parcels might stabilize or even go down, as Bellisserria parcels would now be Blake connected, increasing the supply of such parcels. Mainland water parcel prices are currently crazy high. For example, a 5120 sqm parcel in Poob with a mere 40m of beachfront and a small harbor recently sold for L$237,902 (approx US$1000). Owners of Blake Sea connected mainland parcels would be getting access to additional public protected water, not more land. We expect that Satori would be connected to Bellisseria the same way that way Sansara was connected to Jeogeot, that is, by creation of Linden Home regions having protected water along one or more edges. It is likely that the Satori landowners in the stretch from Graybar to Carver would remain disconnected. Linden Lab would receive revenue from the regions and the value of the Second Life asset would increase through the creation of a public benefit.
  20. Here is a thumbnail of the exhibitor rules. See the SL19B Exhibitors Application for details. 1. No commercial displays or spamming 2. Unique build created by you and/or assistants 3. No collecting money 4. G Rated 5. No events 6. No camping or contests 7. No avatar bots 8. No copyright or trademark infringements 9. No illegally obtained content 10. No hate-oriented content 11. No deadline extensions 12. No parcel moving or water conversions 13. Acceptance not guaranteed "The Mole Coordinators will have the final decision whether a build meets and follows all guidelines and requirements. All decisions are final." Here are some things that are no longer explicitly prohibited: - 1024 textures - non-phantom non-surface objects - boxy buildings - walled parcels - exhibits from previous years - high script usage - exceeding your LI (may be a mistake so don't count on it) - build height limit - floating signs - skyboxes - excessive landscape overhangs - annoying light sources, full bright, and particles It is possible that some of these items may be explicitly prohibited in future mole-to-exhibitor communications. And now, a blast from the past... Patch and Squeaky touring SL16B prior to the opening.
  21. The Game of Homes rules allow you to select 5 homes per day so you could keep selecting any available stilt until eventually you hit upon the desired region. If you want to go down this time consuming path, there may be some automation than can refresh the selection page and notify you when a stilt comes up. I am not current as to specifics but others may assist if you have such a desire.
  22. diamond Misaki @ District X 2042 @ Bellisseria Fairgrounds thru April 4, DJs noon to 2pm, build by XaandarRaain
  23. Your issue appears resolved but here is some extra advice for the future. 1. The easiest way to see the parcel organization of a region is the Mini-map with "Show>Property Lines" checked. 2. If you just need more prims, any parcel in the region will do... doesn't have to border on your existing parcel. 3. If you just need more prims, try hard to reduce LI first. Use World/Area Search and check "Current parcel only" on the Filter tab. When the list of objects comes up, sort it by LI. If you see any crazy high LI objects, try to replace them. It is usually much cheaper to purchase lower LI items compared to purchasing more land to get prims. Also if you are a prim builder, make sure you use the convex hull trick to halve your LI. I have had the same mainland parcel for 13 years and still replace stuff all the time. 🙂
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