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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. It's never very far away from mine. Read the lyrics again and substitute the word thrive for find and brain for reign. Pretty chilling.
  2. That's a good thing but where did you get the info and why isn't there any regarding the recurring event fees for basic accounts? They hold recurring events, too.
  3. Zager and Evan's 2525 always struck a deep chord with me. In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the pill you took today In the year 4545 You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes You won't find a thing to chew Nobody's gonna look at you In the year 5555 Your arms hangin' limp at your sides Your legs got nothin' to do Some machine's doin' that for you In the year 6565 You ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too From the bottom of a long glass tube In the year 7510 If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then Maybe He'll look around Himself and say Guess it's time for the judgment day In the year 8510 God is gonna shake His mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down, and start again In the year 9595 I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive He's taken everything this old earth can give And he ain't put back nothing Now it's been ten thousand years Man has cried a billion tears For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find Is this really how we all want to see humans become? I don't believe that is true but by their actions (or inaction) today that is where we are heading and it is a very ugly place to end up. To put it mildly.
  4. Thank you Tari. This is exactly what I was trying to convey. And this time? It wasn't tl;dr.
  5. lol Makes two of us. Maybe I should explain a little something to you and everyone else. What I am about to say applies to nearly everyone on my ignore list. Not all. There are a couple who are there because I simply will not put up with her (or his) bs any more. Most though are there to remind me to be cautious in when and how I reply to avoid unnecessary conflict, anger and hurt feelings on everyone's part. That is, when I read the posts. I don't always. There are only 24 hours in a day after all. lol I can no longer enjoy those occasional fights. My heart starts pounding because my blood pressure goes up from the stress and that scares the crap out of me. Besides, I've always been a peacemaker. It bothers me to see people fighting when there are better ways to settle differences. ETA: When I was a small child I never got angry about anything my brother did to me. I have a lump in my arm where he would frog punch me every time he would just walk past me. That's just one of the bullying things he did on a daily basis. Then one day my mom told me instead of feeling hurt, get mad. That was the one thing my mom did that I wish she never had because now, a little over 50 years later... it's become a nuisance. My temper is far quicker to boil over now that it was even just 10 years ago.
  6. Nuclear power is one of the worst things that have ever happened to this planet and its occupants, both ambulatory and stationary. "God" and so called "god given" rights is just their way of forcing others under their control. That is what it really boils down to. Control. Why do you think so many claim to know what "god" wants when all they have to go by is the words of human beings written more than 1500 years ago. According to the bible, "god" is perfectly capable of writing or did not Moses bring back the commandments on stone tablets that he claimed were carved by "god"? We only have Moses' word for it. There were no witnesses so Moses could have done the work himself. He was on the mountain long enough to do it and it would have taken that long. No, I do not believe in the "god" touted by organized religions. Is there something "out there" creating worlds and galaxies and creatures to live on the worlds? Certainly but it isn't a god of any kind unless you want to think of a black hole as "god". There is no omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, incorporeal being "out there". If people want to worship black holes that's fine by me. But don't try to force your beliefs and desire to control others on everyone else. That's how wars start. People don't see it but when you start digging, all wars were started because of people wanting to force their beliefs on others to control them. Just how many gods will it take for humans to finally accept the truth and be responsible for what they do rather than try to fob it off on some nonexistent "omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, incorporeal being". http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/names/gods.htm
  7. @Evah Baxton Maybe this article will help you understand where I'm coming from. Extinction/destruction, all in the name of the almighty dollar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/07/honeybees-deaths-almonds-hives-aoe We need bees.
  8. There are better and much, much more subtle ways of getting revenge so you don't get fired. 😈
  9. A couple of you need to go read the older threads about gachas on the MP and see what others have said that I am doing such a piss poor job of trying to convey. They also refer to the items in a gacha machine as gachas and call them gachas on the MP.
  10. Sounds like your thinking more along the lines of Star Trek. I still have a very small hope that someday we will achieve that but it won't happen in my lifetime. We could have both and we could have it right now but as I said (and you just inadvertently demonstrated) people don't want to give up what they have now. Why? Because they are selfish and greedy. (I'm not saying you are, just people in general.) Today's society has moved away from the good of the people society for that very reason. That and change scares the crap out of most people because it's an unknown. We're not dealing with an unknown here though. We know it worked and could work again. We are the living proof that it worked. Otherwise, humans wouldn't be here now. People had to band together and work for the good of the community to live. That should never have changed. But thanks to people like assTrumpet, we now live in a society that cares nothing for the community or the people that live in those communities because equity should not exist in their minds. They should all be kings and queens while the rest of us should bow down and grovel for every tiny scrap of food they dain to toss to us once in a while only because if they don't feed us from time to time, they have to get off their butts and do their own dirty work. I think I'd better stop now. I'm pretty sure you get the idea.
  11. Oh wow. That made it past the filters. I'd better edit that and self censor even though I'm pretty sure Dick still has his head.
  12. My first job was in retail. At age 14. It's why I went into bookkeeping/accounting. Still had to deal with ****heads on occasion but not nearly as many or nearly as often.
  13. I've not said it isn't helpful as is. I'm saying LL needs to add one more checkbox specifically for filtering out gachas and not limited number items. I don't mind gachas being on the MP. It's the resellers that I wouldn't miss if they were removed from the MP since they do more to contribute to the clutter.
  14. You keep talking about categories. I am not. I am talking about adding one more checkbox to filter out just gachas. Nothing more and nothing less. There is no category for limited number of items.
  15. You may be but others are not. I don't purchase gachas so I don't want to see them but I do want limited number of items to show. I'm not alone in that either. So we're caught between a rock and a hard place. Many will want to see one and not the other so the best way to handle that is to create a "don't show gachas" to separate them from limited number items.
  16. But you just said you wanted to work for your food (hunting and gathering or growing crops), shelter, and clothing. Where all worked for the good of the community. What do you think First Nations people have been doing for the past 40,000 or so years on the North American continent? It is still happening today. Humans are ready for it. They're beyond ready for it because we have already been there and some of us are still there. People just don't want to give up their planet-and-all-life-forms-killing ways because they think life would be too hard then. Life is hard. You either deal with it or die from it.
  17. We were like that once. Before someone invented money and greed became the norm.
  18. This is the only part I don't agree with. It's more likely that Joseph of Arimathea was his father but couldn't marry Mary or acknowledge his illegitimate son. Was it coincidence that the man who did marry her happened to also be named Joseph? Probably not. Why else would JoA assume responsibility for the burial? Think about that one for a while.
  19. Sure if you don't mind filtering out all limited items along with.
  20. Precisely! It is so frustrating to search for a specific thing and have completely unrelated items show up by the tens you then have to wade through to find what you are actually looking for. You end up with hundreds of pages to wade through when the thing you are looking for has only a few pages. That is what pisses me off. Creators are wasting my time and losing a customer in the process because I'm not going to wade through all that mess for a handful of pages. I don't have that many years left in this life to waste one precious moment of it like that. I have to do that more than enough in RL dealing with the incompetence that is running rampant in all business types. But that's another rant for some other place... if it ever comes to light.
  21. To the best of my knowledge the majority are not limited although there may be a small trend heading that way. I know some creators limit certain gachas but they don't do that with all of them. Most are not. The resellers are not limited as those are no copy which means there is only one copy available to buy off the MP from that reseller. Once it is sold, that is it, there are no more from that seller, unless they happen to have more than one copy and put them all up as one item rather than separating them. I have never seen any gacha reseller bundle them like that on the MP. They've always posted them singly. While gacha creators may rotate some gachas out to bring new ones in, that does not constitute limited numbers. Yes I know, copyable gachas are available for some no copy gachas but you have to trade your no copy one in to get the copy/mod/no trans one. Another hoop to jump through. Don't we already have more than enough of those in RL and SL?
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