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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You mean like how I've been doing it for 16 years without ever having a USD balance and people always think I'm stupid for doing it that way? Yet, I still haven't had to agree to Tilia's terms. Go figure.
  2. I stopped answering the phone years ago. The only time I answer now is when I know the number and/or expecting a call. I have gotten a spoofed call from my own phone number before. Was weird seeing my own number come up on the caller ID. So even if you know the number, it could still be a spoofed call. Bad thing is, most of these calls originate from boiler rooms outside the US so the FCC can't really do much to stop it without cooperation from other governments.
  3. Sure, it would be nice to have for those who have cell phones or tablets. I have neither. I've never even owned a console so it doesn't make any sense for me to be interested in an app for something I don't own and never will own. No point in coveting what I can't have.
  4. Wow. You really are that blind. I'm letting it go alright. Have a nice life.
  5. The sad thing is you don't see the degradation in your own words.
  6. Who is agitated? If I got any calmer I'd be asleep. Mellow out, dude. You're jumping to false conclusions. Women are moody? Sheesh! Here... you need this more than I do.
  7. Not cool. You're judging an individual on the actions of a group the individual isn't really a part of. Not cool at all. And before you try to turn that around on me, you're barking up the wrong tree.
  8. Wait... what court of law are we in here? Yours? That is so wrong on so many levels. Done here.
  9. Who said they did? Why would any one make a rule like that? The whole issue here is one of control. Hypothetical scenario is hypothetical. It has no basis in fact and does nothing more than stir the pot so why do it? Think about that. You're under no obligation to answer. All I'm saying is, think about what you are saying from the other perspective. Maybe then you'll see what's wrong with what you've said.
  10. You pulled that one from where the sun doesn't shine. I thought you were a bit more... open minded than that. Oh well.
  11. But what about the chickens? Will no one think of the chickens?
  12. The ones that aren't already taken are usually hiding in plain sight.
  13. Back in the days of walking a mile uphill, in 6 feet of snow, to get to the store, I used to shop with either my bslf (best SL friend) and/or my RL other half in SL occasionally. It was fun. These days, bslf has gotten married and moved on from SL and I'm still stuck shopping with the SO in RL. Anyway, I do both, cam and walk, but there is no way I can use mouselook. There are one or two in store hunts that I will do but grid wide hunts got to be too much of a PITA.
  14. Well... there's bound to have been a few Korean women to have been kidnapped and taken to a planet, hidden from the view of government satellites, on the other side of the sun. A planet with lower gravity than Earth, yet bigger and stronger men while the women remain weak and subservient to all men, but, just a few. And we all know that on lower gravity planets it is quite the opposite as proven by science and astronauts. Humans on a lower gravity planet would lose mass to compensate for the lower gravity, including, but not limited to, muscle mass. Just as humans on a planet that had slightly higher gravity than Earth would compensate, over time, to strengthen bones to be able to carry that mass. Call it the Evolution Revolution. A university professor debunks a lot of science in a bunch of paperback books "written" as fiction. Okay.
  15. Funny thing about this was (and I forgot to mention) SIL is the one who came up with the Dirty Santa.
  16. The movie hasn't been around as long as the game has. lol
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