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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I like the system here in Oregon. They mail out the ballots and all you have to do is either drop them in the box or mail them back.
  2. *breathes a small sigh of relief that she isn't the only one standing around in a daze wondering what to do besides sorting inventory and boxing up 30k plus of ancient stuff* Oh I know! I'll go demo and freebie shopping!
  3. In our house it was always: Me: I'm bored/hungry. Mother: Hi Bored/Hungry! I'm Mother! Nice to meet you!
  4. You must have missed the quotation marks around my first use of "race".
  5. There is only one "race". The human race. Also known as Homo sapiens sapiens.
  6. The only real "wave of hatred across the grid" that I can recall, was the wave of extreme dislike of RedZone. If anyone wants to know more search "redzone second life". I don't think anyone who was in SL at the time (2010/11) really wants to rehash that mess.
  7. Libraries aren't for playing games. They are for reading, studying and doing research. Try a coffee shop. Or some other place that won't mind you sucking up a lot of bandwidth to play games.
  8. I didn't say you did. Schools and places of work have good reason to not allow just any program to be installed on their equipment or their connection(s) be used to access places they have disallowed. It's for your protection as well as the school's/place of work. Not to mention the legal connotations. Too many people are sue happy as well as filing criminal charges for even the most minor of things.
  9. Us indigenous peoples would be more than happy to ship all the immigrants back to the countries of origin of their ancestors.
  10. Preach it Sister! Education is the key. It begins at home before the child ever sets foot in a classroom. Everyone needs to learn that just because my skin isn't white, it doesn't mean I am not a human being of equal standing.
  11. You're not supposed to be playing games in school or at work. You're supposed to be working/doing school work. Employers don't pay you to play and parents don't pay out the nose for education for you to goof off.
  12. Close but not quite. I was 6 and I went looking for my brothers at the Shriner's Circus. It was a circus and I wanted to go. I thought my parents had let my brothers go but I wasn't allowed. I found out later they were supposed to have gone to a baseball game. The ball fields were all right there in the park and the circus was in the biggest one. That was one loooooong walk for a 6 year old. I wasn't scared I would get I trouble. I was scared I couldn't walk a half mile back home and be home in time for dinner. Luckily my Uncle Soda Pop (yes Soda Pop) was a Shriner. He saw me and took me home. Never did get that spanking I just knew I was in for.
  13. How would I know? I don't do pixel sex. Not my cup of tea. Never owned any "bits" either.
  14. Allow me to present the first evidence for you. Meet.... me. I use the MP as a catalog and do the vast majority of my purchases inworld as does my RL other half. Now you have two pieces of evidence.
  15. lol Pixel sex just isn't something I'm interested in. Been there. Done that. Burned the t-shirt long before I joined SL. *fades to black*
  16. Hey, it's ok to be an SL virgin. I've been one for 14 years, almost 15. I'm rather proud of that fact.
  17. Throw in some Empyrion: Galactic Survival with the Sims and SL and you have my dream virtual universe. No, not world, universe. Complete with solar systems to explore and inhabit.
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