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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I rather doubt since I have been logged in at least 3 hours now with no issues. I could be wrong though. It wouldn't be the first time.
  2. That takes me to the grid status page. Is there a link (for the graph) somewhere I need to click that I'm not seeing?
  3. I'm trying on all the freebies I got yesterday and watching the panic in the forums and FS support.
  4. You shouldn't do that if you are not in the Pacific time zone. That can cause issues with other programs as well as SL. Please set it to your time zone to be safe. Note: I did say can not will.
  5. I'm still in and have been for almost 2 hours. I've even TPed to another sim and back with no issues. It's a long shot but maybe resetting your computer clocks will help. Just go in and change it then change it back to the correct time. Who knows.
  6. Since it won't let me fix my post I'd have to say there are more issues than just log in issues going on.
  7. Mine actually was off by an hour and I didn't get that message. I'm in the US and DST doesn't start end until next Sunday Nov 4th. And since I have my clock on my pc set to auto update it should not have been set back an hour. None of the other pcs in the house had that happen, just this one. But I was able to log in with it like that on the 4th attempt. I've reset the clock and have stayed in for over an hour now. *fingers crossed* ETA: No I was not in world and got booted like so many did. I had just gotten up. HOly. I tried to stike out start and add end and now my post is all messed up and I can't fix it.
  8. Status page didn't show anything until after I managed to log in but there is an issue with logins. https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  9. Why? Why did you have to post it? Now I'm getting it and can't log in. And there is nothing on the status page. ? ETA: Whew. Managed to get in on the fourth try. I just knew my whole last day off before work again was going to suck if I couldn't log in.
  10. Ok now that's just creepy. Last night that movie was brought up in conversation that also touched on dying in the Phoenix Lounge group. Stop that!
  11. I didn't say it would work. Or did you not see the word wish in there?
  12. Mine are kind of lame but I got tired of scrolling through old threads and resisting the temptation of reading some of them. All the Governors Horses and all the Lindens All the Lindens govern all the horses. Breedables - Yea or Nay? Breedables - Yay or Neigh?
  13. From my POV, you should be grateful you can afford a premium account. Many of us can't. There are times when I truly wish LL would allow basic accounts just a 512 so we can have a place to log in and open boxes, if nothing else. It would certainly help mainland to not be quite so... barren and desolate with all the abandoned land I've seen as I TP around looking for the stores I used to shop in. It would also contribute to customer retention since even basic accounts do contribute to the economy that LL profits from. Greed is far more blind than justice ever will be.
  14. Most of them are clueless that they can change the amount of time. The 10 seconds is default on most (if not all) orbs. The ones that are less than 10 seconds make it obvious they are doing it intentionally to grief.
  15. It really grates on my nerves when some jackanape calls on the phone and continues to call me sir after I have told him I am not (and never have been) a sir. The last one's response was, "you're not?" Another number blocked. And it's only the guys who do that crap. They seem to think it's going to accomplish their goal to either sell me something or get information out of me by continuing to insult me. One of them even used the excuse that it was "a habit". BS. My response is to immediately hang up and block the number. Then take amusement from the number of times they try to call back and block each new number they try using. Guys that pull that sort of crap in SL get the same kind of response. Life is too short to put up with that sort of garbage. I've found the best solution is to just keep voice turned off. I have high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus so it's just less stressful for everyone. No one likes to have to repeat things several times and I don't like having to ask repeatedly. If people don't like that I have voice off, that's their problem, not mine.
  16. SL doesn't get stagnant. People do. I was stagnant for 4 years. Now I'm back. And you're all stuck with me!
  17. I got a couple of random TPs "requests" yesterday. Me: Does that ever work? Sending out random TPs to women you've never even spoken to? *crickets*
  18. 1. Will humankind ever achieve interstellar space travel and be able to colonize other planets? 2. You look good for someone your age. 3. Stay awake when I need to be asleep.
  19. That's true in any state. What I'm getting at is it doesn't have to be a perfect match. That is an impossibility for a human being. Just writing your sig 10 times in a row you will see differences. It takes an expert (forensic document examiners) to be able to tell if it is forged or not. As we get older our hands can shake while signing. They know this. So unless it is wildly out of whack, you probably don't have anything to worry about.
  20. Mine has been chicken scratching for decades. Dion't let what it looks like bother you. Just makes it harder for someone to forge.
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