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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Haha! Actually I think it was my fault completely. I forgot to turn off my AO. Then I tried to fix my hoover height which was a fail. Took a while until we synched!
  2. I too, like Ghosty, am somewhat groggy this morning and on my 2nd cup of coffee. Quite the music marathon last night! It was wonderful to see some old friends and get to know others "in person" I have only known from the Forums. I tend to keep to myself a lot inworld and socializing was a much needed pick-me-up. Lots of new pix in the FC Flickr group this morning to look at. Won't clog up this thread with them so here's the link to the group - by the time you look there may be more from @LittleMe Jewell and anyone else who also took photos. Thanks to @Maureen Boccaccio for always being so on top of planning!
  3. Great crowd so far! Music still playing for a few hours, come on down!
  4. 1 more week! Please set your viewer to Midnight when you arrive to fully appreciate the holiday atmosphere!
  5. Buyer beware, the logs don't light up. Mine is missing the script. Thankfully with 100,000+ objects in my inventory I was able to rectify that 👍
  6. I'm 63+, here since 2007. When I first arrived I knew someone who was in his 70's. We've lost touch through the years, don't know if he is around anymore but if so, he'd be at least mid-80's now. And one other, that I didn't know his age for certain but, knew enough to know he was also/is quite a bit older than I am. Most of my SL friends that I met all those years ago via The Forum Cartel are all more or less same age as me, some slightly younger or older. I remember one person (who I'm still in touch with out of world) celebrated her 18th birthday with us in those early years and we all had a lot of laughs over how much she didn't know that we all took for granted as being common knowledge. But age really does not matter in SL at all. It's always seemed of so little importance. I have friends of all ages here and in my RL.
  7. We figured it out, finally! It was because Ghosty set himself as a manager and tried to sell himself the land. /facepalm Live and learn! We are good now!
  8. That was the first thing we tried. No luck. Should I be deeding the land to my group? Or maybe we shouldn't make him an estate manager? May have to call LL oy
  9. Hoping someone has a quick answer for me because G and I have tried finding this online to no avail. Subdivided the land so that Ghosty can have a portion to himself - we want different music streams, for instance and since he might sometimes hold (small) events I want to keep part of it private for myself. Made him an estate manager. He can terraform and rez objects but can't set media/sound. Tried to do a sim reset but that didn't help. Tried selling him the parcel and that didn't work. He's unable to set anything in "About Land" also. I'm sure it's just some small setting we've missed. Thanks.
  10. I'll take a look also. I mean, I know how to terraform. I'm just inherently lazy and if there's an easier way I'm all for it EDIT: I think, I found it https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Default_Private_Region_RAW_Files?_gl=1*losymv*_ga*MjI0NDIwMTY2LjE1OTg5ODk1NTk.*_ga_T7G7P6DCEC*MTY2NzQyNDI3Ni4xMTQ1LjEuMTY2NzQyNDMwMS4zNS4wLjA.*_fplc*JTJGWHBVbXpEOFlXRjhmZm4xamxsQWJyS0pGdHhsNVhQNlhqNzViYmxHY2NzTmt3eGh6T0I1VSUyRjRic01RQWQ2TlRRT3NGQjNXWXdkVVVXYUp2ZzhaQWU5Q2Q3eTBSVlFNMXIlMkJZYnhMbWtPRXA0Q3Q3TDIlMkIxd1ZhVGVMNVhJQ0ElM0QlM0Q.
  11. Dumb question since I've never owned a Homestead. Got my land delivery, yay! Am I able to swap out the one I asked for for another shaped land mass? Now that I see it in person, it feels rather overwhelmingly high in spots. Obviously I know I can terraform but if I could do that from a better starting point, all the easier.
  12. Just put in my request with Whitney too. She's been stellar to deal with. Just in time as my tier is due in a few days on the private estate I'm renting with. Ghosty already has put in his dibs on where he wants his house to go lol.
  13. I'd make myself sick if I add up 15 years of SL spending. The worst was at the height of the pandemic with little else for us to do. Stress spending.... Suffice to say, I've curbed the urge for Lindens a lot this past year. Spending more on land costs because playing house brings me joy, but much less on the alts and overall shopping. I've become a lot more picky about what I buy.
  14. Me me me me me me me! Ghosty has been back inworld for a while, so would be nice to finally have a place we can control ourselves.
  15. I tried turning off the AO again, this time it's better but still not perfect. Plus you shouldn't have to do that. Hope this is one of those items that gets fixed with an update
  16. Curious if anyone else is having problems with the static pose on the GenX HUD? My avatar glides and bounces around when I use it. I even tried turning off my AO but no luck
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