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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I'm sure you don't mean it to sound the way it came out, but that has a tone to it of assuming that these people have nothing better to do. I work full time and my weekends are sucked up with household and family related chores and stuff most of the time. I've gotten more than a few homes over the past months. It isn't that I have all the time in the world at all. Far from it. I'm just lucky that I have a job that allows me to use the internet without getting in trouble for it. I just think some people are extremely good at hitting the refresh button and/or have great luck. There's been times where I wasn't sitting around even waiting and just by luck happened to log on at the exact moment a region was released and hit the jackpot, so to speak. As for my comment which you quoted, I've known Marianne for quite a while and was joking about her being able to get so many nice lots. I'm pretty sure all of us that have known each other for a while (Nika, to whom I responded being one) knew that too and most especially, so did Marianne.
  2. I was walking around Goodbury the day before the release. Love the landscaping the Moles did on those homes. The one with the shells on the walkway? Perfection. Yours is great too. I actually had 2 houses pass me by in that release, just wasn't fast quite quick enough on the F5.
  3. Heh I decided to log on and hang out around the area hopefully being released today too. Can't keep my eye on the maps all the time though so keeping fingers crossed I'll notice when it happens
  4. I know - I use that all the time. Only problem is in this instance I would have been looking right into the back yard of another house. Also, not great.
  5. crud was trying - 2 came up, couldn't move fast enough!
  6. I've always abandoned any home that did not make me happy. Some I knew right away that they were not right for me; for instance if they the middle house in rows of other homes. I prefer being on a corner lot if possible so that I have some clearer views from some parts of the house. I also prefer when the front landscaping has been done nicely by the Moles; a good walkway with a bit of fencing with some thought put into the placement of shrubs and flowers that they use (a lot of times they seem very randomly placed and since I garden in RL that matters to me). I once got a home that I really loved the location of but the entire back of the house was an enormous wall of huge boulders and it just made me feel boxed in so after trying to make it work for a week or so I finally admitted defeat and abandoned that one. However, my houseboat, while the location isn't *perfect* is good enough for me. I would have preferred it to be near a sandy shoreline, perhaps in a more neighborly area. It's in one of the original release regions and surrounded completely by water and other houseboats. As it turns out, though, it's perfect for sailing. I have a lovely neighbor to one side and the other neighbor I have never seen in the nearly 1/2 years I've had that home. So, it's quiet, remote and I'm pretty sure I'll hang on to it for the long haul. Everyone has different ideas of what they feel is "home" to them and there's nothing wrong with continuing to search for one that feels right to you. If you can tolerate being homeless for periods of time, than keep trying. It seems most of us eventually do find a home (or 2, or 3) that make us quite happy. And yes for many the main joy of these houses is decorating them and once that's done, well, it's on to another location to play again with another theme in another area. Again, nothing wrong with that either. Just remember all of the Linden homes will feel cramped give or take, but with vision and skill you can overcome that!
  7. Letting this gorgeous lot in Edgar go in a few minutes. I utterly adore it but I had gotten another one closer to my ideal so I'm giving it up. Honestly, if someone likes a quiet, private home on a cul de sac with really nicely done landscaping by the Moles, this site will make you very happy. No homes face the back of it at all - there's a street in the back, with high Linden walls and the next region 's home are set back quite a bit, plus there's a little pond on one side. All the neighboring homes are set off at nice angles so none really look into the house directly. I truly hate to give it up and have been sitting on it for weeks debating if I want to hold onto it or not but finally gave in. I've had a ton of fun decorating this one. Will hit the abandon button at 3pm SLT. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Edgar/219/184/27 Good luck!
  8. I know everyone has their own idea of heaven but this sounds like my idea of perfection!
  9. Yea, the more I'm looking at this (I actually have been logged in now for about 20 minutes waiting for my next meeting to start ) the more I'm liking it I probably will let the house go in Edgar over the weekend at some point when I have time to clean it out.
  10. Alt just landed a house in Cadhaire, a couple of blocks off the water. Front of house actually can see water from it - looks pretty decent from the very quick in world look I just had. In fact, might have a view of various water elements from all angles - seemed to be a lake in back a block away also in Pantelleria. With some strategic permanent de-rendering of trees looks like I'll be able to see the ocean at Tiring Swim. Has a little bit of an elevated step up walk way from the street and It's a corner lot too which is always a+ to me. Has a nice tropical vibe - lots of people have put up palm trees in nearby homes. I was considering giving up the house in Edgar for a while now, much as I like it, but I'm thinking that this one is a tad better.
  11. Darn, was tied up in a meeting. Ok, keeping my eyes peeled for further releases until I have to go into another one later today!
  12. I have a few Windlight settings that I created for myself or *stole* from various regions that I liked. I do prefer to have lighting that is bright but not washed out, but I also dislike really clear blue skies. I've tried messing around with the EEP and meh so far. Also have a few personal light settings from some creators - some pretty good for general usage. There's a handful I use constantly if taking photos depending on what I'm trying to achieve but if I were just grabbing something to walk around that isn't my own or, if testing out skins etc I use something like the one from Strawberry Singh, CAWL or Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim and like Nika, move the sun around as needed to get my shadows where I want them. There are times that a parcel does have naturally poor light though and nothing seems to fix it. I had one lot that had a giant wall of high rocks that seemed to cast a long shadow along the back of my houses no matter what light setting I used. I could never get a stream of light to reach though any window and it just kind of depressed me. It was the main reason I dumped that house, because other than that, it was a pretty good area.
  13. Had that one earlier. I did like that huge empty lot next door but not what I'm aiming for currently
  14. Seems to me a lot of releases happen around 1-3 SLT. I leave my office at 4:15ish EST and I don't get home until 6pm and wind up missing a lot of releases because I'm traveling.
  15. You are right. I should have said "uninteresting to me" as a qualifier. I am sure to someone, it would be lovely. It is true, we all have different opinions of what "home" means to us!
  16. Anyone have any guesses about what might be released today?
  17. Yea realized it was - too many established looking houses there already
  18. Was Shanty the only release? Too inland for me, very uninteresting
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