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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Never mind - figured it out for the most part! Now if I could remember again so I can color the one window I missed LOL Anyway, I present to you all - The Pink Lady in Oatley
  2. In back of mine it rolls off into the next region. There is an unfinished road that appears like it will be finished to cut through. The land itself has coastline. It isn't on the map though; where the green land is on the map it shows as blue as if it's water. Here's a view. My alts house is the lilac one 2 houses over from the unfinished road at the bottom of the mountain. I'm holding onto it for now to see what happens with that land, hoping it remains undeveloped and that more landscaping goes in *fingers crossed*
  3. I think we may be sort-of neighbors. One of my alts got a house in Caladium and faces that same "mountain". I also got one on Elora's account in another region which initially I thought I preferred but as it turns out, I think I like the other one better. It's set up higher, has a nicer entry. There's just something about it, like you said, that speaks to me better. I also like the region a lot more - the house may not have any water views but it's only a few house from water, and it just seems that there's more variety of landscaping there than the other area. I'm holding onto the other for the moment though as I heard abandoning right now was screwing things up for LL.
  4. This, did eventually work for me. For whatever reason. I am in, thank you!
  5. Does not work, I've been trying with my main and my alt. No go.
  6. Not sure if anyone can answer this or not. Relating to that connecting area, right now it's extremely high and hilly. Would it be left like that or would it be leveled out? I happened to get a house in Caladium today which backs up on to that "mountain" that is there now and I'm wondering if it will remain that way or eventually I'll be looking onto another house. Thoughts?
  7. Oh no! Just realized @Nika Talaj has not posted. I wonder if she was able to get a house today?
  8. Oh no don't know what to do... Alt got another one in Caladium. But, it's on the edge of the region and right now, I have NO idea what will be there once the connection is made to the region next door. Do I take a chance and keep it? Big huge mountain in back of me right now...not sure
  9. Yay! Got one in Bad Unterhof. Very nice, corner lot. Happy. An alt got one also but didn't like it as much because it was in between 2 other homes so I let that one go
  10. probably not. it's like an elevator. won't make it come to you any faster
  11. yep just saw that. going to keep mashing buttons though lol
  12. I'm so happy my boss isn't coming back to the office today 👏
  13. looks like a lot of Traditional homes coming up though. Probably abandons galore.
  14. Was able to log in and have a look. Stunning. Love. Will not even mind living inland here. At. All.
  15. Kind of annoyed with myself. I like this but while shooting I took off the hair by mistake. When I finally figured out which one it was and put it back on - didn't realize the color wasn't the one I was using. Until I posted it to Flickr. Ugh. Not that this is bad - just it's my usual blonde tone and the other was a lot lighter and had more impact for what I was trying to accomplish. C'est la vie. Thanks to @Orwar for his lighting system which I used for this. Worked like a charm, very easy, simple and effective.
  16. We are all here to offer advice. Not everyone is going to have the same opinions. You are certainly free to offer yours and we are all free to do the same. Anyone telling someone their way is wrong is not being helpful either so don't be surprised when called out for it.
  17. If you are looking at Lelutka, try May or Greer. Both are less angular than the others. FYI I wasn't familiar with Chrissy Metz until I looked her up. I had made a plus size avatar a while ago and initially didn't buy a mesh head for her for years because I couldn't find one that seemed right. I finally broke down and purchased Greer for her and have been happy with the look.
  18. Beg to differ. Heads are what YOU make of them. They are all able to be customized now and depending on what shape and applier you use will look entirely different from one person to another. Suggesting to the OP a Tonic head isn't specific enough either. Which one? Why? Anyway since nobody has posted photos yet here's a few to show what Baby Face looks like. Also a Strong Face to show this one too is usable for a more full facial appearance. One of the Baby Faces pictures shows that this head also can be customized to appear NOT as chubby cheeked, with moving sliders and depending on the applier used. Also shown are some Lelutka and a Catwa sample. As you can see many types of heads can give you the look you seek - hence why trying demos is SO important. Also it's important to see if you like the way the HUD works. Some are really difficult to use/read/wonky. I personally love Catwa heads and have several but tend not to utilize them as much because the HUD makes me crazy. LAQ also makes some really lovely heads, several of which are younger looking and would work well. I have a couple of them and like them a lot, just did not have good enough photos to show here. Also, so does LOGO. I have a couple of those also but haven't had a chance to play around with them yet. All of these photos, IMO, have the look I think you may be looking for. More or less. Again, you can always tweak the appearance to give it your own twist. Anyway, First one is using an applier and shape by Tres Beau. Another darker tone of Tres Beau, shape as well. And this one is also Baby Face. Notice that it has a much less filled out facial appearance. Applier and shape used are by Not Found. Now, here is Genus Strong Face. Looking kind of roundish too, no? This is L'Etre applier and shape. Now for Lelutka. This, is May with a Skinnery applier Another Lelutka, Simone, with Glam Affair Honestly, can't remember which head this is, did not notate it but I'm almost positive it's one of the Lelutka ones. This is Catya, from Catwa with an Atelier Pepe applier
  19. I'd love to! And you don't even have to provide anything being I'm a skin/makeup/hair/clothing/boot whore 😋
  20. Would love to help out but being in the USA (and working full time weekdays) I'm unable to meet your schedule. However, I did want to wish you good luck! I enjoyed our short photo shoot a while back and I'm sure anyone who works with you will too.
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