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Dillon Levenque

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Everything posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. As for playing versus watching, I quite agree. I am not sure but I believe the game of 'workups' has vanished. When I was a kid you could not go past a schoolyard on a weekend or a summer day without seeing a game of 'workups' in progress. It was a constant. Workups meant you worked up to a being a batter. However many kids were there formed a defense: pticher, infielders, outfielders. The extra kids were batters. The starting position was Right Field. Everytime a batter made an out, the assignments would switch. The current pitcher would become a batter, the batter who made the out would become the right fielder, and everyone else would move up one position. It varied wildly depending on how many kids were there. If there were few, Right Field would usually be called foul terrrirtory so you didn't need a right fielder. If there were tons of kids, you might even have a catcher (which was usually covered by one of the batters) and people waiting to get into right field. There was no keeping score (something the moderns have been working on for twenty years) since of course there was no 'other team'. You just played to the best of your ability. I played workups in games with girls way before Little League included girls in their rosters.
  2. I did a quick google after writing this and found that my hint phrase led to nothing anyone could use, mostly because I'm so damned old nobody else remembers it. A playoff game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Miami Dolphins (American football) was tied after regulation. They played a 'fifth quarter' and were still tied, so they went on to a sixth. The game was of course televised. At one point a camera pointed into the night sky to show the Moon (the game had started and was expected to end in broad daylight). The announcer (Howard Cosell?) said, "Moon over Miami". That was the name of an old (even then) song/movie. The comment has been repeated a bazillion times in talks about sports and the game itself, which is quite famous, is usually called by that title. Yet a search of google shows only the original song and movie. If you're interested, you can see the NFL's article about the game here . Woohoo. I meant to 'Edit' my post and managed instead to click 'Reply'. I'll retake Forums 101.
  3. I've tried really hard to see all this in a positive light, but I'm done. I haven't been actually following it much but I do lake a look every day in which there are matches to see who is going ahead and who is not. I was astonished to learn that in Group play the first tie-breaker was goal differential. I would normally expect the first tie-breaker to be based on head-to-head competition between the teams involved, and in Group play everyone plays each other. That is always the number one decider when two teams in the US wind up with matching records (except baseball, where if two teams wind up with matching records they play against each other until their records damned well don't match). I was not happy about goal differential being a decider in Group play but I let it go. Then I looked at the standings today. There were two draws: Chile v Brazil and Costa Rica v Greece. In both cases the team with the highest goal differential moves on, the other team is out. That is so incredibly wrong that I can't get my head around it. A team scored more goals against some other team that wasn't even on the schedule of the team to which they're being compared, and they ADVANCE? Sorry, soccer fans. Your sport bites. Never mind that it's really boring to watch. Never mind that most of the time a small plane could land on the playing field without seriously disturbing play. I am fully aware that if I actually understood the skills and strategies needed to win at soccer I'd probably enjoy watching it. I've talked to people unfamiliar with baseball who found it incredibly boring because all they watched was the ball. I assume the same thing holds true for soccer. HOWEVER: I will never pay the slightest attention to any sport in which tournament play does not require contests to be played to victory, however many extra periods it takes. Moon Over Miami (a little hint, for those who have, like the BBC, been quick to point out that some American sports allow tie games). FIFA lose.
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: What DMCA and how is a DMCA going to affect sales in general? Teagan Tobias wrote: Could it be in part due to the (what is being called false) DMCA that has taken place? With the Ebbe announcement and the DMCA and it being summer, could be everything all together is the problem and it will settle down shortly. I believe she is referring to the Wowmeh takedown spoken about in detail by the creator HERE. While i do not completely believe a merchant would just sit back while their body of work was ripped from SL and do nothing because they do not want to give their RL info in a counter claim (to SL as far as i know, not the original filer.) She states her work will return better and fully made by her. It sound like she may have used someone to make a part of the av and perhaps they got bent at how little they charged and how successful it actually became.. Pure conjecture on my part BTW. As to the OP.. I have had the same amount of sales over the past week, i actually had a spike on Friday. Several others here have stated they have had no change. Perhaps it is simply a fluke that you have not made any sales. If we could lok at your store we could possibly make a better assumption, which is all this is as no one actually knows why anything happens in SL. But, alas, you don't wish to share that info. Personally I don't get that. Any potential sales are a good thing. "(to SL as far as i know, not the original filer.)" That was a good question. I'd heard it brought up before, never looked it up. Yes, a copy of the Counter Notification (with all the info) does get sent to the original filer. ".....upon receipt of a counter notification described in paragraph (3), promptly provides the person who provided the notification under subsection ©(1)© with a copy of the counter notification, and informs that person that it will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to it in 10 business days; and" 512(g)(2)(B) Good grief. What, are you some kind of Martian lawyer, for crying out loud? The Forum is not for dropping links to documentation. The Forum is for yelling.
  5. I'm just a consumer. I also have real stuff I have to do so I must confess I've only read about half the posts in this thread. As long as it is, it's not even a patch on the one running across the street which is now well into four digits. I haven't read any of that one. I just don't have that kind of time. Here is my consumer's take (and I have seen a few others in the sampling I've done here). Short term (as in over the next six months to a year) this has no effect whatever on my purchasing plans. In case anyone hasn't been reading any blogs anywhere there's something akin to the 1849 California Gold Rush going on with mesh avatars right now. It seems as if someone is introducing a new mesh avatar almost daily. After being content with the shape (and skin, most of the time) I've worn for going on four years, it's quite likely I'll wind up with a mesh avatar in the near future. I may wait for the dust to settle a bit but I'm pretty sure it will happen. That means I'll need new clothes. New shoes. Probably new hands and feet. New lots of things. I'll be spending money.I won't be hesitant to spend money decorating my place either, although to be quite honest I'm not much of a decorator. If I do decide I want something I'll buy it. Whether I can keep it and port it to the new SL doesn't matter a bit. I buy the things I buy in SL because I enjoy what they do. I consider what I spend here entertainment money. The idea that SL might actually cease to exist is troubling, but if it happens it happens. I'll hate it, but I won't give a second thought to my inventory (although I will request a rebate—with no real hope—on whatever portions of my and my land group alts' yearly Premium fee can't be utilized. I don't think my attitude is too far out of line with that of most consumers. I suspect the tens of thousands of us can roll with whatever punches LL throws. That leaves, from what I've read here and other places, two groups with serious issues. One group is the Content Creators. I capitalized to signify, in general, people who have stores, who create things that are purchased by many, who devise new ways to use the world. We are all of us content creators in some sense, but I meant the ones who make things other people want to buy. I would think that group of people needs to be addressed by LL, since if their creations are not going to be portable to the new platform they stand to lose the benefits of hours and hours—hell, days and days—of work creating objects. If any one group deserves a bit of extra attention, it's this group. The Lab should give them all the help they can to let them move their creations. I'm sure that won't be possible in all or perhaps even most cases, but there has to be a concerted effort to allow current SL Creators to port to the new SL. The other group is the Real Estate agents, into which I lump everyone who has paid/is paying LL for land with the intent of renting/leasing/selling same to other people. I've seen them here commenting; I've seen them commenting elsewhere. Their* constant comment (I would pause for a sip of tea were I a tea drinker) is that LL should treat them special because of all the money they pay to LL. Somehow it never gets mentioned that all that money comes from consumers who rent/lease/buy the properties they hold. Did they once gamble on making money and pay for a region/sim/whatever? Sure. Does that entitle them to something? Hell no. They are land speculators. Anything can happen. That's why they call it speculation. *I do not intend to damn all who own and speculate on SL land, and in fact the 'Real Estate Agent' complaints have been limited to a handful of people. It appears that most are aware of their situation and are prepared to deal with it in their own way, without expecting Linden Lab to somehow help them out. edited to flesh out a paragraph about creators
  6. Your first stop should be at Virtual Ability. I'm not inworld but here's a link to their wiki page; that will show you how to get there. You can probably just send an IM to Treasure Ballinger and find out what you need there as well. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Virtual_Ability
  7. Parrish Ashbourne wrote: I hear that when the new SL rolls out the old SL will become post-apoplectic SL and all the object inwold will start to rot and decay, motorcycle gangs will roam the main land looking for prims and killing any one that gets in there way, the economy will be booming for people selling sawed off shot guns and the last of the V8 interceptors. Awesome. I'm gonna change the oil on the Camaro, check the tire pressure, and buff up the grenade launchers. Finally I'm going to make some money from this place!
  8. Vinten wrote: Opps ok, if a Moderator can remove please. No big deal. That happens all the time. There are a couple more threads going that I'd missed, too. :-)
  9. There are two threads on this topic already, one of which has grown to 260 posts. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/td-p/2753476
  10. bbnny9 wrote: And are you trying to say that my support ticket isn't taken seriously because I never spent money on the game? That's really unfair, all players should be treated equally. I haven't done anything to have my account blocked. I can't play anymore because in a whole year I didn't play alot? Because I never spent money? I'm asking for help here, because I want to keep playing on second life. If you don't want to help me, don't comment here. Nowhere did I suggest the fact that you haven't put any RL money into Second Life meant your support ticket should be ignored. I mentioned it because you'd made it one of your two motivations for wanting your account unblocked. That seemed odd to me given that it was a relatively insignificant amount and wasn't even your investment. So you needed your Contact list because you wanted to look up the people you used to RP with, but whose names you've forgotten. Okay. To your suggestion I should not post here if I'm not helping....this is a Forum. You post, others comment.
  11. This does seem a bit odd to me. In post 9 you said, "On one of them, they asked me questions, like birthday, name, my alts but without explaining me why was this happening. Thing is I don't even remember if I put my real birthday or not. After that they didn't answer anymore, and now I can't even acess to the case. I want my account back or at least to be refunded the lindens I have on another account." In posts either before or after that you added that you wanted your Contact list back, too. That is strange behavior. Most of us (I exclude merchants from the "us": clearly anyone running a business would have different and far more urgent priorities) should we be locked out of using our accounts, would care about two, possibly three things. The first thing for me would be finding a way to contact the people I know to explain the situation. You've already solved that issue by alting up, but one of the things you say you've lost is your Contact List. Really? You need that for some reason? I can't imagine why. I don't need a Contact List to know my friends names. I know who they are. If I were in business in SL then of course I'd want my Contact List, but a casual user—someone who is just here for the entertainment, as you have made it quite clear you are? Nah. Thing number two (and much more important. Maybe I should have made it number one) is my Inventory. Just thinking about having to start all over creating my outfits and looks and finding a property I liked and building my house and and, and.....well, it just might be enough to make me quit altogether. The third thing, which I called "...possibly three..." because not everyone cares that much, is my L$ balance. If I had to start over I would sure be able to use my current balance but it isn't even a patch on what I'd need to spend to get my inventory the way I want it. You yourself have said you realize your L$ balance is only worth about 10 USD and besides, it was all gifted to you (lucky person that you are: when I was new the helpful people I met gave me clothes all the time (fortunately for my ego I was too new to realize that was a hint that whatever I was wearing at the time was horrid) but I don't recall anyone ever giving me money). Nobody would care much about a 2500 L$ balance, particularly if it didn't involve any investment of real money. You've pointed out in more than one post that you have never put any real money into Second Life. To sum up: You're saying your account was put on hold and you can't use it, and your two primary concerns (the ONLY concerns you've mentioned in this thread) are your Contact List and your 2500 gifted Lindens. You've never even mentioned the word 'inventory' as best as I can see. Sorry, that just doesn't add up. If I had to guess, I'd guess that your account is on hold because LL has seen things that give them reasons to block the account.
  12. Don't. Do not. Fugget about it. If you're being hassled, capture whatever screenshots you can and AR. Privately. Don't even let whoever it is know you've even noticed them. ETA: I just noticed my post count on the next post I made after this one, meaning this was actually my three-thousandth post! I did the math with the help of the internet and that means I've averaged about 1.75 posts/day since I started. And here I thought I was an infrequent commenter. Almost two posts a day? I'm practically another Hedda Hopper. Clearly I should start a blog. :-)
  13. Marigold Devin wrote: Looks like I'm about to hit my limit! Why do we need a limit? Bl00dy SLrules suck. I do apologize. When the word 'need' is used in conversation, it sometimes moves me in a way I can't control. I blame Alfonso Bedoya. We don't need no stinkin' limit.
  14. Originally we were told it was 100. Then I heard a rumor that frequent contributors (that would be anyone who got promoted to Member back when just about everyone was) had the limit raised to 500. I don't think I've posted enough to hit the original limit yet.
  15. Suella put that together more than three years ago, a month and a half at most after the Forum re-appeared in its current style. It is still the definitive answer to any questions about forum badges. She should get a special forum award for that. In her honor, I'll be sure and ask for Stilton tonight on something (going out for dinner). Also, even though it's World Cup time: GO POTTERS!
  16. Yep. I have an old thread (believe it or not, I've actually started a few threads!) that had a bunch of pictures (two old threads, now that I think of it) and some of the contributors were people who post pictures all the time and thus over the years have deleted pics to make room for more. If I go back and look, which I sometimes do, I see lots of those white boxes with the red X.
  17. Alas, I have no information to help explain this situation. I am thankful that I happened to peek in here on a Saturday afternoon, and I shall subscribe to the thread in hopes of some day reading the answer to this perplexing phenomenon. Other than that, I can only put some extra oats in my steed's feed bucket, buff up my armor, and (blame yourself) offer this for those who follow.
  18. Theresa Tennyson wrote: l The i3 is the budget processor in the Intel family. If you're looking to run 3D modeling software the CPU is no place to cut corners - it will use every bit of the processor it can. Have you taken a look at how much a legal copy of 3ds Max costs? It's not really intended for people who need to pinch pennies. *cough*
  19. I just want to join the chorus on this. Do NOT pay anyone anything to teach you to build in SL. There are so many free classes for that and for all sorts of other things that I'd have to think anyone charging by the hour is just someone hoping to lure new users who don't know any better yet. A creep, in other words. Look on your dashboard page for 'Upcoming Events' at the bottom of the page and select 'Education' to see what classes are coming up. Or search inworld for 'Builder's Brewery' or 'NCI', to name two of the best known.
  20. Kelli May wrote: There are other clues. Ginger cats are far more often male than female. Calico and tortoiseshell cats are almost always female. This is down to the way red coloration is expressed on the X-chromosome. I didn't know that, but our small sample size lines up. We've had two gingers, both male, and one tortie female (who stole the hearts of every male in the house, feline or otherwise, and who will always be missed). You were dead-on with the 'faking it' comment, too. :-)
  21. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: KeiraLiss wrote: Do people lie about how long they have been playing? Yup. If so why,... Because humans lie. We're maybe the only species that's capable of being so manipulative and false. Pretty cool eh? and how on earth do people seem to know what I have attached, how many accounts I have etc? They don't. Probably just lucky guesses. You reminded me of Mark Twain :-). I don't know how valid this quote is and to be perfectly honest I'd just as soon not look it up: it works so well that I prefer to think of it as quite real. Hal Holbrook once made a living doing stage shows as Mark Twain. He'd tell stories and talk, all of it from Twain's actual work (or at least almost all of it). There were recordings made; I don't have any but I've listened to them many times. In one of his talks he said: Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.
  22. BettiRaige wrote: I realize I am a 'Newbie' but we were all there once. Why is it that everytime I try a room with Other Adults... I keep getting booted? Do I really have to WAIT a whole 30 days before I can actually enjoy the places and the types of people I want to hang out with? I am over 21, and I am a Safe/Sane/Consenting Adult... so why the boot? Please explain the evasive Rules of engagement . They aren't really rules (as in rules of Second Life), but a lot of places have that particular requirement.. As Mr. Moose implied, adult hot spots seem to attract griefers. People who have more than 30 days of experience are less likely to be griefers, because griefers get pointed out and Abuse Reported (something any resident can do: google it) and rarely last a whole month. There are plenty of adult places that do not have that rule, or at least there were. Keep playing with Search. Even if you really have your mind made up you want to go a particular place, you could always spend the time waiting for your avatar to age shopping and looking around, so that when you finally DO get in, you'll be just as hot as you can be. ;-)
  23. I have a bit over 10,000; been here five and a half years.
  24. I'm pretty sure I don't fail that miserably, as in abusing 10 out of 10. I do understand both 'Proof' and 'Theory'. Quantum I understand well enough to know I don't understand. When I was told that water doesn't crystallize at zero C for really small quantities of water I first determined that a smallish quantity, like in say an ice cube tray, would be fine then said "Carry on". Clearly it means what was assumed to be an ironclad fact was wrong and there is something seriously strange about the universe but it's not for me to figure out. I've almost certainly used 'Learned v innate' incorrectly, probably multiple times. When anyone uses the word "natural' as a positive attribute I just back away. Not that it can't be a positive thing, but the definition is so absurdly misused as to be worthless. I'm pretty sure I've mis-opined about things to do with genes on more than one occasion. Guilty as charged. I may have misused 'statistically significant' at some point. Sounds like something I'd do. I have never ever said 'survival of the fittest' in grownup conversation. I get that one. I'm a kind of amateur student of Geology so I'm good with the timescales. Organic always made me laugh because I felt like saying, "You DO realize that just means it is carbon and oxygen-based, right?", but I do get the currently accepted definition, which for produce is a point of law, at least in California. So I've abused probably three of ten, maybe four. I'm okay with that. edited: spelling
  25. I'm certainly not a hater and normally support my country's teams, but considering that our population exceeds 300 million and Ghana's is about 25 million, you would have to count Ghana as the underdog here. I will exercise the American tradition of rooting for the underdog. Of course, the point could be made that the USA team is the underdog given that Ghana has played them four times and won all four. Nevertheless I can't bring myself to root against Ghana here.
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