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Dillon Levenque

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Everything posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. The 'evil titler' reminded me of one of my favorite moments. The first SL wedding I attended. My closest friend's marriage. There were only a handful of us because they decided to 'elope' at the last minute rather than go through the whole big wedding celebration deal. It was in a quiet grove somewhere with a couple of rows of seating and a pulpit/stage for the wedding, with a few decorations. Like a Las Vegas wedding chapel, I guess, only outdoors. Very nice ceremony with the woman who conducted the wedding talking (in chat, not voice) about the usual things like what it means, etc., etc. Solemn. Deep. Important. And just then the girl sitting next to me had her evil titler go off. She'd forgotten she left it turned on. We never let her forget that.
  2. I know this has been posted here before, and more than once at that. But the inventive percussion in the other two examples inevitably reminded me of this. I love it just as much now as I did the first time I saw it, probably even more. I need hardly point out that I was introduced to it by someone who's posted to this thread. I'm absolutely a true music lover and for me it's all about the sound. So don't tell anyone I kept trying to cam in on Yuki.
  3. That IS certainly something to smile about. Thanks. :-)
  4. Well yes I knew it was against the rules but I did it anyway and all of my stuff got deleted and it's kinda unfair. UNFAIR? Are you SURE you're old enough to register for Second Life?
  5. "When will LL tell facebook to leave us be.."? Why do you invoke LL? This has nothing to do with LL or Second LIfe. Facebook requires that users sign up using their real life names, as in the name on their driver's license if they happen to have one. According to everything I've read on their pages and others, that is made quite clear from the start. Those who created accounts for their SL avatars did so in the certain knowledge those accounts were against the rules. I personally wouldn't create a Facebook account for my can opener, let alone my avator or my real life self, so I don't get the whole bit. But I do at least understand they have their own quite well known rules. If someone creates an account for a non-real-life name and that account gets deleted, it's to be expected. There sure isn't any reason to complain.
  6. CheriColette wrote: would that be 'text chat' Dillon? Yes on the text. Not so much on the chat. As I said, it's not really fluid like a chat or IM session inworld would be. You can say 'hi' to your friends and they'll stop by at some point and reply, but it's not a really in-the-moment thing. It IS a nice way to wave to your friends or ask questions or post pictures. It is also far more public than an inworld conversation. Everyone who has permission to view your 'Feed' sees everything you post (and the default setting is 'everyone'). There are varying methods of closing or privatising your Feed; mine for instance is open only to people on my Friends list. It's that way because of a long thread we were all posting to (still are, actually) and my friends and I decided we wanted to keep that conversation to ourselves, for reasons we needn't bother with here. Most people are less restrictive. Nice to see you on the Forum, btw. I hadn't seen much from you lately :-)
  7. my.secondlife.com allows you to do that, after a fashion. It's not as fluid as inworld chat but it does allow for a certain level of interaction. You do have to 'log in' but you needn't start a viewer and be inworld, which is what I thought you meant.
  8. Mikki Miles wrote: I assume we can state the same about american beer compared to european beer... /me ducks and covers No need to duck and cover; it's an accurate assessment. American beer has come a long way in the last thirty-odd years, but most of the good stuff is made in very small quantities compared to the big brands. The big brands, the ones consumed the most, are far worse than the mass-produced European beers I'm familiar with. I have to add that I recoiled in horror upon learning that Budweiser was the main sponsor of FIFA. Have you all gone mad?
  9. Chances are no one is going to have your answer without knowing exactly which file is being called 'corrupt' and the exact wording of your error message. Getting the dust out of your tower and downloading the latest drivers is probably a good idea but it may not help. Just so you'll know—I have my Forum viewing settings arranged so that latest posts show at the top of the page. Any section I open shows me threads in order of the most recent post. When you posted to your original thread, you moved it to the top of the page in my view. I'm pretty sure that's a pretty commonly used setting, because it's easier for most of us to keep track of what's new that way. ETA: Since I knew someone might ask and I didn't have the faintest idea where I'd done that I went and looked it up. Click 'My Settings' at the top of the page. Click Preferences>General. Put a check mark next to "Sort topics by time of most recent post".
  10. X3aV wrote: A person with a regular IQ would have Googled him. We as humans are unable to choose our intelligence quotients. Why on Earth would anyone want to do that? Bad enough seeing the constant yammering here.
  11. irihapeti wrote: can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat Because of the somewhat minimal road system in SL and the way the sky settings can vary from sim to sim, I'd have to think the "...at a crossroads at midnight..." could be waived: a stake through the heart should count anywhere/anytime. On the other hand, there's no reason a person who nailed the time and location shouldn't be awarded a big bonus. That might even be good for business. People might start hanging out at crossroads, most of which (at least where I live) have a lot of shops nearby. I'm starting to like this.
  12. TheG0t wrote: thank you for your ideas, the fact is my game is 0 like bloodlines but vampires bite. There is no dieing if you go dry in my game and it is more of family building and combat that lets you take the blood of others if you win. My best idea was to remove any reward with biting and add the ability to simply suck a little physic energy out of people with out them even knowing or having to take part if they lack the skills to talk a person into sharing blood. Also I will make a demo version of the game HUD that will let user play the game for 48 hours free at that time they can not stop players from biting them.Basically they blood in the water if they want a free demo. I agree there should be no bothering any one that has not taken part of the game I did find humor in one snarky person post , after I reviewed their market place my reply is "Why buy re-seller full perms mesh clothing outfits...there already 3000000 version of the same outfit out there..." You suggest a 'game' like the one you have suggested and have the nerve to call someone out for snark? You're lucky you didn't get flamed to a state past well done. For every one thousand SL avatars, you might find one (and I'm being very generous) that thinks your plan is a good idea. It might be something that you could attract visitors for if, as has been suggested, it was carefully contained to a sim or sims. I'm sure there are probably lots of people who might enjoy taking their chances either as vamp or victim from time to time. Release it among the general population and be prepared to be called out for the spammer you would be.
  13. Interesting. There's a thread going on right now on another forum in which people are posting about bans they've received. Two different people mention being banned from the Star Trek museum (the banner was a female avatar), both for arguing about being told they were inappropriately dressed. One was told she was naked—an apparent viewer issue since she was fully dressed. She sent a snapshot to prove it and was then called a 'hacker'! It appears the museum has at least one employee who is a bit off the rails.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: It's amazing how times have changed. I just grabbed this at random. It is Yogi Berra hugging Don Larson after he threw the final out in Game Five of the 1956 World Series. Notice all the suits in the crowd. They would have never dreamed of going to a game not properly dressed. I really do think sometimes we've gotten way to lax. (I don't know if it is really true but the joke used to be when coming through Customs to get back into the U.S. they'd ask people who won the '56 World Series to proove they were American. You'd find yourself in the hot seat if you didn't know the answer ) Funny that. There's film—video ?—of the end of that game that concentrates on the fans, because everyone was being practically silent, not wanting to be the jinx. Then they just exploded on the final out. I remember thinking the same thing as you when I saw it. "Wow, they're all wearing hats and coats and ties."
  15. See, that's where I missed the mark. My only experience with this kind of environment is here in Second Life. I'd never run across that particular combination of names related to greifing until I got here. Far as that goes, I never even saw the term 'greifing' untill I got here. So thanks, and you too, Talon. I'll be less prone to say, "How did you know to call them that?!!!" in the future. My skepticism regarding this particular OP remains at an elevated level but at this point I can only chalk that up to 'feel'. One of these days I'm going to outgrow the blind spot I seem to have regarding the word 'grief' and start spelling it correctly. I mean, it's a pretty simple rule, even if there are a few exceptions. "i before e except after c, or when used as 'A' as in neighbor and weigh". I manage to get it right most of the time but for some reason I almost always screw up on 'grief'.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: jacquezlaveau wrote: Hi im new to sl. I was trying to build at a sandbox and was attacked by several objects spewing dialog spam all over my screen. I left and went to the mainland and was attacked by the same objects. This type of griefing is becoming a big problem with new players playing the game. I have restarted my viewer and my computer but when I log in I continue to get spammed and thrown all around the sim. At one point the griefer took control of my avatar when I tried to sit on one of the boxes they rezzed. I would include a picture but the boxes had very graphic images on them. Is anyone else having this problem. If so how do I get ried of the griefer spam and objects? You said you 'left' and went to 'mainland' which i am going to assume means you teleported. There is only one way an object like this could follow you the way you describe and that is if you accepted (or took) and wore one of the greifing objects. Or if you were using an illegal viewer. Also, I see this account you are posting with was born today? So you are for some reason hiding the account you really use. Else you would have no way of being able to state "this is becoming a big problem, etc." Interesting. Yep. Just the use of the term 'Goon Squad' from someone 'new to sl' is a tell. I think you were right in suggesting you might call bull *bleep* (or whatever that is you call) on this one.
  17. AnneMarie Alcott wrote: So, this is a rant and I will just tell you that right off. In looking for something unique to do with my bf that he would enjoy, I looked on SL's main page for events. I stumbled across the Star Trek Museum. Not having been there before, I wanted to visit it before I took my bf there. As SOON as I landed, this woman starts harassing me about what I was wearing, saying this is museum attire only. I got a notecard with rules upon landing, but I did not even have a chance to look at them before she started in on me. I was wearing a bra w/ a leather jacket, a skirt, and high heels. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so I asked her not sure what the problem was. She said to take off the 'bouncing boobies', so I removed the physics. No issue. then I started to walk inside the musem, and she began a long lecture to me about the rest of my attire. "put on underwear" was her next statement, followed by a lecture about it being a real museum. As I hadn't had a chance to even respond before she started in on me, I stated ok I'll just leave I won't stay where someone is rude to me. She said that my hooha was in full view of everyone and she knows that I'm aware of that or I wouldn't be flashing it (this is not a direct quote, not violating the TOS here) so that's obviously me being ruder than her. The skirt I was wearing was new and I had an alpha on--I wasn't aware I was flashing anything, and I tried to explain that to her but she muted me. NOW...I realize people who own businesses are fully able to set their own rules. I have no problem with dress codes, what I do have problem with is people being rude to me. I've been on SL a very long time--since 2006 and this is getting ridiculous. I wasn't by any means rude to her, and quite frankly am puzzled as to why people feel that they have to treat others with such disregard. Honestly...now I'm mad and I hope ya'll don't go to this "museum" or you'll be treated the same way. :catmad: You may very well have been "inappropriately" dressed by whatever standards the museum has. I won't get into how silly that whole idea is, I'll just accept it as part of the scene. Your reception was a parsec out of line (those of you who burst into laughter at Han Solo's comment in another galaxy far far away that has nothing to do with Star Trek will note that I used the word correctly). The appropriate response (again, given that the scene is as they wish) would have been, "Sorry, we do have a dress code. Please take a minute to read the notecard before you go any farther and IM me if you have any questions." If that didn't happen prior to the convo you've described, than yes. It was rude. Happens, but it is not excusable.
  18. Coby Foden wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: <snip> Mesh isn't perfect but it is a lot better than what we had before for the most part. That is highly debatable. I think all clothing types and methods have their proper uses where each suits a particular purpose the best. Image tells it all. Thank you for beautifully illustrating the counter-argument to those whose attitude is, "If it's not mesh (in fact, if it's not FITTED mesh now!) it's trash. Great pictures :-)
  19. joal Oddenfen wrote: go looking for role play sims, some have malls you cant get out of as for stopping people from posting, there was one person that commented in this forum and all asked for them to be banned and that included makers like DCS asking all thier sim owners to ban them because no one liked thier ideas, they were not abusive they just had ideas that many here hated, the lindens have never banned them but the posters here managed to get them banned from this forum, ill say one name and many here can only hold thier head in shame LUCINDA BULLOCH, how evil were all here to her. Ah yes. The person who came here with a whole bunch of statements that did not make a lot of sense and then viciously and quite personally attacked every single person who disagreed with any of those statements. The lovely Lucinda.
  20. I know a pirate who's been on the Pirate Board of Directors for a really long time.https://www.flickr.com/photos/dillon_levenque/9829647193/in/photostream/
  21. Poison Trang wrote: Avatars might look more realistic these days and everyone seems to love mesh...but i miss the old days and the old look - it was more fun! Here are some great looking avis in a sandbox...I guess these days snobs would call them 'noobs' but I think they look fantastic: Here are two stylish guys - keep it simple! Puts most of those fashion blog posts to shame! They look like fun too. But below is the BEST AV that has EVER been on SL...what a shame you can't get it on SL anymore!! We need a fashion revival, get back to basics! There really is a big fashionista community. Those who are part of it may not self-identify as fashionistas but all the same they're part of it. Take pouty-mouth skins. Suddenly one popular skin maker (apparently) made pouty-mouth skins, and then many more rushed to follow. For a while, damn near every skin you looked at had lips two sizes too large, pouting. You'd think people would say, "Well ok but it's not for me; i don't really want that look." But NO. Everyone rushed to get them because, IT'S NEW! IT'S CURRENT! Same for Phat Azzes. Same for Lolas and Tangos. I mean, why would you want to make your avatar look even more cartoonish than Jessica Rabbit? BECAUSE IT'S NEW! IT'S CURRENT! As long as there are people who believe that getting the latest and greatest is an absolute requirement to be even remotely considered relevant in SL (and there are a whole lot of them) that opinion will continue. For me, I figure if I look okay to me than i look okay. I may meddle with new things now and then, but just for fun, not because I have to be up to date. I have a friend who does not visit SL often but when she does is still clearly wearing an avatar put together way back when, maybe 2004 or 2005. Bothers her not at all and me the same. We can talk.
  22. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Splatulated wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Splatulated wrote: i want toss a fir ball in there to help sink a sink or ship a shield to protect my own But that's cheating! Your boat should not be protected by shields like Starship Enterprise. No. well not the entire ship but the part around captain wheeler thing ? and is has be ways make it balanced ? only allowed sue boats with like 3 hps or less ? and spells do as much damage as cannon ball but look cooler or more damage and take longer to get to target ? Generally you have to join a group to be included in sea battles. Most RP groups probably won't allow you to use spells. You need to ask before you use them. If you want to battle other ships you have to follow the rules of the group or risk being booted and banned. If you don't join a RP group and just sail around attacking random ships then you will probably get AR'd. Combat has to be mutally agreed upon. whats point of pirating if you has to go about and diplomatically ask if they can be pirated ?? Pirates actually had a quite ordered society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code The code is more like what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules. You had to know someone would do that. TY for the straight line.
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