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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I didn't come back here after i posted cause i thought it was a joke..then i was over at SLU and saw a thread about it that was started on the second..so i had to read it..so now i came back to eat crow!!! lol this is the new viewer they have now? the advanced one?
  2. the only reason i use the cart is to compare items when i am shopping for a certain thing..i will go for a certain item and then hit my search and just run down the list ..if something catches my eye that i may like. i will put it in my cart then keep shopping down the list.. once i have 10 i will compare which ones i want to keep out of those..toss out the ones that i don't want and then buy the rest..then head back to the list to rinse and repeat lol it saves me time on back tracking.. myself i haven't had any failures yet..but i am sure i will..I like the cart but i don't always use it..mostly demos and things to check out the product before i go and get the real thing i am gonna spend my money on..
  3. I believe thasts a rockberry..if not it's very close to some of the rockberry skins.. Here is a link to the female skins section of her market place store to see if it is hers..it looks very close..with tattoo's and makeups and the hair bases with eybrows ..it's east to change a skin up..but the lips and shading and makeup look like some of my skins only lightser ..hope you find it =) Rockberry: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=106&search[keywords]=rockberry&search =1&search[per_page]=12
  4. oh thats just my Cycle i goof around on ..when it is serious time..this is mah leathers and bike of all seriousness death race 2000 spammer killer hehehehe it goes faster than the speed of spam taking out any spammer in the proccess LOL If you are not carefull it will not only go off the road.. touching the Wrong NOS button can throw you sims and sims away lol PS..Loving your leather look ..Amazing shots of you =)
  5. I am just glad we are in an improved situation now rather than having to deal with bumping thread and changing titles for a whole weekend till they could be delt with on monday.. I won't be shy to Adimt it..i will AR bot spamming or any throw away acting like a spam bot..and i have been.. there is no love lost between me and bot like throw aways.. i used to never AR..but in those cases i make the acception because of past experiences of frustration from the older forums..I am glad LL put mods back on weekends when a lot of people want to explore the forums for information.. Bots are now a lot less powerfull than they used to be..again Thanks mods =)
  6. I'm just glad to see that mods are hear on weekends.. Wasted would come on weekend because he thinks mods are not here till monday..which used to be the case in the old forums..it's nice to see those floodings of forum sections are delt with much faster as well on the weekend.. it takes wasted no time to copy and paste the same things he has been pasting for close to a year now.. i'm just so glade it's much faster and easier to have him delt with now..he will now start to lose that fame he pushed on us..*winks* hehehe
  7. I don't have any recent ones as of yet..But here are some older ones taken over the years i have been in SL =) Soon as i get a little more time i will get back into my photoshop..I miss working in it soo much..it's such a good release.. most of these are just strait SL shots and sized where a couple were toyed with in PS =)
  8. I found a really great blues club the other day that i keep going back to..I don't have the Slurl right now since i am not in world..but the name of the club is The riverside Blues society.. They seem to be going at all hours and play some really good blues everytime i have been there so far.. They have lots of really nice DJ as well... As far as this Redzone and Quickware thing..Well one thing i did find out while all that was going on was that it wasn't using the music streams..IP collecting would have been way to hard since land music streams can only run one url at a time and would have to also be set up by the owner of the land.. Where media was much more different and versatile especially with media on a prim..If you had media off and music running you would have been fine..Only inworld data would have been picked up..data that pretty much can be gotten with many things .. The thing that made me notice this was that as much as i had my music on which is 100% of my SL and as much as i never had media on which is 99% of my SL time..only on my land did i have it on withno perms of any kind for anyone else.. I had been in well known redzone sims long before i knew they were RZ sims over and over many times on shopping sprees..always had music on and media off.. If they would have been using music URL's for rz and quickware..there is no doubt i would have been added to the database..you only needed to be scanned one time and that was it.. When we first found out about all the RZ scanning..music was put in there because when you don't know where the threats are coming from..you have to look at all options and see what is possible to leak through.. it was better safe than sorry approach.. now that we have the media filters and music stream filters and soon a possible media on a prim filter..We will have a much stronger defense against such intrusions.. The RZ and Quickware are disabled now and history..but there are still ones not known about i am sure..and there are older ones around that are still being looked into.. with the filters that are out in certain viewers and ones coming..i hope that we can get back to a bit more normal SL like we had before..as far as other things that need caution..like cookies and inworld browser and such..i still use caution with those.. Oh and i would like to add one thing..Someone had mentioned a Club named GOL the 8th.. A lot of people were upset because places were hiding their RZ's and other securities like it.. In GOL's defense i would like to say that they were one of the places that did tell you in their note cards of their rules that they were using that type of security..i had gone there and looked myself after hearing about it being there.. i just thought i would mention that so they were not placed in the same catagory as those that chose to hide it.. I think there has been enough misinformation on this whole matter with RZ and a lot of people don't even know that it has been disabled..that it's time now that we know so much more..to put out solid information for those that may still be going from old information before we knew too much.. I hope that we can get back to a better sl and enjoy the music again..=)
  9. i think accessories are the birth of a lot of looks..even in RL it's the same.. I can't say how many times i have had to buy a full outfit for a nice belt or hat or shirt or any item and just toss the rest out or give it away if itis transfer..hehehe all because it fits a look i am working on or it gives me an idea for a look.. some things i have been looking for and won't be able to find until a year later or so..then that whole idea will come back when some accessory shows up and i'll do whatever it takes to finish the look.. The little things are what really bring out the difference in us all i believe..just one necklace can set off a whole new wardrobe LOL
  10. Huds are not that bad for me really..i like them better than presets in the shoes..freedom to adjust is great.. i would rather have them mod..but i can understand all the call backs creators would be getting making prim toe shoes too much mod for a lot that don't know their way around the build tools..Huds and size scripts are just a user friendly version of mod tools with less to deal with and less headaches for creators... it gives creators more time to deal with new creations..i'm all for that..hehehe..especially the things that have been put out the last couple of years..stuff is just getting better with way less fitting problems than we used to have.. i mean there is really some good fitting smexy stuffs for us now where we can actually get to looking like the fit in the picture that made us want the products..before it was ..omg how come they look so good in the picture..well it probably took 40 shots to get that one shot that looked like it fit so well ..that or they had to shape their body to it lol.. for me huds save more time than they waste..i'm all for getting back to the store for more shopping instead of spending the day fitting tons of stuffs from the day before hehehe
  11. Chip midnights templates are a big help..also about the 5th link down on that wiki you will see robins site for tutorials on alpha channles..she has some really great tutorials..i believe she even goes over the white haze that can happen as well.. Also the old texturing archives have all kinds of great tips in them as well Second Life Forums Archive Texturing Tips One thing with that dress..you really shouldn't have too much shading to do really..i mean unless you are wanting to get wrinkles in it..then you may want to get all detailed..but for the most part i would just shade seams and where the skin meets the cloth to keep the cartoon feel off it.. =) it's busy enough that you wouldn't have to get too into detail with it really =)
  12. Aww thank you =) I love your shots in here also..Everyone has such beautiful avatars and outfits in here.. I love threads like this..because i get to see all the beautiful people and their way they love to enjoy SL.. If i was in world and bouncing around..i find i am always just looking at profiles just to get glimpses into other peoples worlds.. I am glad fashion has it's own section now..A place where we can let loose and really share things we find or work people do with their avatars and all things related =)
  13. Venus Petrov wrote: /me smiles Now that you've posted a photo, Ceka, I will say 'WELCOME BACK!' heheheh Thank you..I could lurk no more..hehehe =)
  14. I love high fashion and have lots of that stuff..but really i just love feeling relaxed and shop with my moods.. Relaxed A little wild a little experimental A lot playfull hehehehe Ect.. heheheh I just can't help but dipping into everything as moody as i am LOL
  15. Jean Horten wrote: Nice April Fools Day fooling, there are of course no such avatar physics settings in LL V2.6.3 beta. Jeannie lol I had to do a double take at the date..Then it all made sense hehehehehe
  16. I have to say thanks for how fast they seem to respond..I mean it's the weekend and it's good to see there is someone here to handle the weekend spam.. Two Thumbs up guys =)
  17. One that i have heard is that April first used to be the old new years..Then it was switched to jan1.. With the slow communication back then some didn't find out till much later..some ignored the new date of jan1..So others would treat them as fools playing pranks on them with the old date..
  18. i feel like we were left out in Firestorm..We didn't get a neko joke pwaid on us!!! i call favatism!! At the same time i hope they keep it there and put something in FS too ..it's nice to see the devs having fun..kind of like blizzard does with their site on holidays to mess with the customers..
  19. Peewee Musytari wrote: Yeah technically that was a successful prank lol They still posted an apology on their site to anyone upset by it. ya i had gotten a notice from the group a little bit ago to go to the site lol..i saw it about 3am central time thismorning when i woke up..we were in GZ groups having a giggle about it lol..
  20. it sounds like it worked pretty well as far as execution..they just didn't have something pop up intime to say april fools..hehehehe
  21. paypal may be taking it's time..that or you could see if maybe your bank did a security stop ..i had something like that happen last week..only not at the market place..it was in rl..i had spent so much on the market place that the bank saw my activity kind of different than what they were used to seeing..so they put a hold till i could confirm it was me doing all that stuffs .. maybe check with your bank or look at your pay pal records..that or you could just have the creator maybe send the items to you showing transaction records..if they show up in your transaction history already..
  22. Then there is Firestorm which is Phoenix's version of the V2 viewer as well which is on it's second pre-alpha.. it's becoming more adjustable..even having the older style profiles which were just added..it has the RLV as well and you can use the side bar if you want or get rid of it.. I don't believe they have the radar working on this one yet but i could be mistaken..I use both phoenix 977 and Firestorm..i actually have never crashed on Firestorm yet and get faster rezz times..but really phoenix rezzes pretty fast as well..the random crashes just kind of turn me off it some..but i'm sure it's some setting i am missing that could fix that.. some say FS runs like crap for them while phoenix will run great..then others it's the other way around.. If you are looking at getting used to the V2..i would go that direction of Firestorm..if you are wanting to stay with the 1.23's and an emerald fan..then phoenix ..
  23. Hehehehe thank you Venus.. Don't tell anyone you seen me..I am still kina in lurk mode
  24. some older versions of it are still allowed...but i think most people that were using those switched to phoenix finally..i haven't seen any old emerald viewers on the grid for a few months now.. ETA: Sorry that was a reply to the OP not to you Ophelia ..sorry about that..still getting used to the new forums ..hehehehe
  25. Phil Deakins wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Then I hid my name and group tag... But you can't hide your name from other people. You can only hide it on your own screen. Wasn't there at some point where we could? they could shut their names off over head but you could still scroll over them and get the name.. i remember having to scroll over some back in i wana say 2007 because their name wasn't over their head.. I just remember wondering why their name wasn't showing up..hehehehe maybe it was the angle i was looking from that it was mixed with the others around them..it was a pretty packed place all the time hehehe..
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