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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. still haven't found the Cow level yet..5 years and still searching.. oh wait wrong program..derpy derp....
  2. ya we are getting poured on as well..it's a good thing i love the rain this time of the year..it keeps things cooled down..i can't wait for fall..
  3. kattatonia Wickentower wrote: This is my second year with a premium account. I don't know if I will continue it or not. I miss the island I used to share with my partner. Landscaping was fun and you really don't get to do that with a Linden home and let's be honest. You pay your 512 for a linden home but you don't actaully get 512 worth of land. There is no land beyond the house. In fact for some home styles you have to derez the building in order to access the land menu. The gift furniture, while nice, is not to my taste. But it was a pleasant surprise. I've pretty much tried all the Linden homes that interested me and they make for a nice private changing room. But I think I am ready to cut loose, quit premium and get a private island again. aren't you like auto premium when you buy a sim anyways? or are you talking about leasing from another resident?
  4. Void Singer wrote: well it's about time.... I just got an email that they are opening up premium only sandboxes, and giving you free gift items (mod furniture it seems)..... couldn't care less about the furniture, but the protected sandboxes are a step in the right direction IMO. ETA: apparently the gifts are going to change on a monthly basis... and as long as you are premium you can keep getting them.... that's more like it. =) yay!! for us hehehehe where do we get us some free sand box at? lol ETA: never mind..i found my email with the links =)
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: in the south it's gimmie a coke..in the north it's gimmie a pop I think it is the other way around. In NY it's "gimme a ***bleeping*** coke, and hurry!" In the south its "may I have a cokeacola please?" i never been to NY..but any place i have been to up north it is ..what kind of pop would you like.. south is what kinda cokes can i get for ya'll today.. ETA also they don't have lunch in the south..lunch is called dinner..dinner is called supper lol
  6. i haven't read the thread..just gpoing from the title in the south it's gimmie a coke any kinda coke will do..in the north it's gimmie a pop
  7. i would say this one..i can't post the video because there is a slight bit of nudity in it but it's really short.. i think it's that girl from the transformers before they switched her to this new one..but i'm not certain.. it's safe enough for work..just being careful for the rules in the forum and not breaking them..anyways here it is..
  8. i just have to say..plastic surgery people look gross more than improved.. i mean the ones that you can tell..they start looking freakish a lot sooner than age would have damaged them..all pulled up tight trying to stop those wrinkles.. there was a funny clip from an adam sandler movie "Just go with it" ..where a guy was addicted to plastic surgery.. everytime he drank it spilled out onto his shirt and he didn't even notice it LOL
  9. i thought cat eyes were for a long time..i see a lot of different colors ..a lot of green and brown as well
  10. Wyland wrote: Beautiful avatar identifier Ceka or whatever these avatar member thingys are called. How did you get the little pink man to animate ? There is another one in here of a black cat filing her nails, I love it!!!! Wish I knew how to add an animation like that i got it from Ishy hehehehe
  11. we haven't had a flood in a long tiem in SL..someone get the door before they break the hinges like the last time hehehehe *winks*
  12. library is basically not your inventory...you can't delete anything from there or add to anything to there..we all have the same library..chances are you are in some group that takes out lindens for the month or something that was given permission to take them... Adam and eve is just a contributer to the library like a few other creators have done..all that sits on the asset server.. if it's not in world it's really not doing anything to you..we all have the same library and items from adam and eve..my lindens are the same as they were two days ago..it would be happening to all of us if it were in the library i would think.. check your groups to see if some of them take a fee being in them maybe weekly or monthly... ETA..Sorry for sounding like the repeater..there was nobody that had responded when i started typing hehehe
  13. at the moment no..maybe if they make a few changes to some things i will then..until then pfft.. hehehe
  14. Storm Clarence wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: I guess anythings possible Storm. But a hurricane hasn't really whacked LI hard since the 1930s, i'm told. This hurricane is taking the 4 train to the Bronx. Not since "ever" has this happened. well then there is nothing to worry about..the bronx should end it pretty quick..but it'll be an interesting fight till they get bored with it..
  15. it sounds to me like something coudl just be not spelled correctly...what i do is right click the animation and copy the name and paste it in the card just to be safe.. is this an akeyo hud or huddles? a brand name woudl really help a lot =)
  16. wow we are good at this code stuffs hehehehe
  17. Peewee Musytari wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: i'm curious where all the extra clicks are that everyone talks about..maybe it's that i use firestorm and we have pie ..i know without pie i clicked a lot..but besides that i don't notice the extra clicks.. was that where they were..where there was no pie? omg now i want pie.. One that springs to mind is...Sending someone an item. V1= Open profile, drag/drop item. V2= Open profile, click actions, click share, get redirected to an IM box, drag/drop item. mmmmm pie =^^= Nahm Nahm Nahm =^^= i can do that in firestorm..open profile and drag and drop..
  18. i'm curious where all the extra clicks are that everyone talks about..maybe it's that i use firestorm and we have pie ..i know without pie i clicked a lot..but besides that i don't notice the extra clicks.. was that where they were..where there was no pie? omg now i want pie..
  19. Qie Niangao wrote: I don't want to do anything that would risk getting this thread removed (like the others), but I'm really unclear how to productively discuss the issues involved without naming names, except at such an abstract level that nobody is going to understand what we're talking about. Personally, I didn't read Soft's suggestion to be restricted to these Linden forums. There is an extensive thread on the topic "across the street" (can we link to other forums from here, without endangering the thread?), where individuals and groups can be named. The thread is in fact so extensive that there's also another one in which are posted digests of 25-page chunks of the main thread. Incidentally, if readers found the linked Jira to be strange and inappropriate, yeah: that's kind of the point -- a point accompanied by layer upon layer of pathological behaviors. i don't know if i would post a link to the other side of the street..i tried posting a link to that thread the other day in a thread here and that thread went away.. i don't think people would miss the title if something related to the title were mentioned here though hehehe what ryhmes with J.esus? L.uvs? U? hehehe
  20. i don't think i have wanted something bad enough to let someone have that kind of power over me.. i'm like a rubber ball when it comes to groups in sl..kick me out..i have 41 other options to play with
  21. i was in world and people from NY to SC and VA and PA and all around were saying they felt it.. i live on this shelf of rock(which i can never remember the name they call it heheh) that kind of protects us against those waves..so i didn't feel anything... it's like an island in the middle of the ocean..and we are in the middle of the island where there are now waves.. one guy from new york said they had to get out of their building right away..
  22. i am more than aware how fortunate i am compared to when i was younger..we didn't have anything at all then.. i learned a lot helping my father build something out of nothing...we live pretty good nowdays.. but if we lost it all tomorrow..we know how to live without as well.. the ones that would really have it bad would be the ones that never went without.. the bad part is ..the ones that never went without..they never really appreceate the things they had until after they are gone.. when it is too late to really enjoy and feel good about those things.. you can bet they would the next time around though hehehehe going without and never knowing you will have something one day will really put things into perspective and also teach a lesson that lasts a life time.. you really appreciate life so much more i believe..
  23. Recardo Paine wrote: that's right, the parents already have to be careful and the children use incorrect data-but they had to identify themselves and now LL makes everything easier for the child adult sim owner, and we have to completely seal off everything that harms our business and if all adults would go sl, would be a nursery and where do they get their money to buy a sim they would need more than just an email and a birth date unless they leased from another resident..otherwise it's the same system that is used around the net..they are making it no eaiser than anyone else..and those other places have real porn on them not pixel porn.. if they were after porn..do you really think they would be in here instead of the realistic places that are just as easy to get into?
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