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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I was just going to do one of my avatar for the fun of it.. I finally logged in but didn't have to go through social media or anything like that.. It say's it takes like an hour to process my upload, So it's still gonna be a bit.. I'll probably have to mess with it tomorrow since it's almost my bed time now.. hehehe
  2. Do you have to make an account there.. I went to use it and it was wanting me to use a facebook or some other thing like it account.. I don't have anything like that, so I just decided not to do it...
  3. I just picked it up.. It looks like I won't have to adjust too much from my shape, which is nice. I like it so far.. I can't wait to have the time to tweak around with it some more.. I can't wait to see any updates coming and if they add more to it or not..
  4. I think you are thinking mesh heads which a lot of those are around 5k mark.. Most bodies coming out these days are around 2500 to 3500.. Legacy is 5500..Kupra is like 4k. most of the rest are below that..
  5. I've been shopping around thinking about putting something together.. I might be able to have that night off from work.. it's all going to depend on a couple moves that work is thinking about making or not.. If it's not in my favor, then I'll take that night off and all the ones after it, maybe even some before as well. hehehe
  6. They can shut down Facebook for good and it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit.. hehehe There are so many ways for families to keep in touch now that, I hope it runs it's course soon.
  7. Well, looks like there is another update.. hehehe This one is 2.2 ERIKA Update v2.2 (October 2021) -Improved Shoulders -Improved Breast Deformers -Added 2 Nipples Sizes -Added Outfit 13 -Fixed Issue on Medium Feet ERIKA Update v2.0 (September 2021) -Added Belly and Butt shape Deformers (Via HUD) - get flatter belly and bigger/bubble butt! -Feet are now fitted (you change feet size by shape sliders). IMPORTANT: if you wear shoes that are designed for previous versions and the feet don't fit properly please make you sure to set your foot size slider to 25 (in shape editor), then the feet will be the same size as they were before and older footwear will fit -Improved shoulders -Added Pointy Feet -Added new pubic hairs -Added two new ***** size and Play Set size (for transgender avatar) -Added Cel Shading body and head effect (add-on) -Added Extra Outfit ( Acrona Mini Body Suit) -Added Butt physics. Please use the butt physics only with clothing that are ready for this feature. -Body HUD and Head HUD are now separate -ERIKA Mesh Body and heads are MODIFY (Please keep the original ERIKA Mesh Body BOX in case that you need to get the original body from new folder, you can also use the redelivery) __________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: *You will find two ERIKA Mesh Bodies in the folder: -Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body BoM v2.1 -Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body BoM [Alpha Cuts] v2.1 *And two HUD's: -Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body BoM [Main HUD] v2.1 (works with both bodies and includes all Main options) -Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body BoM [Alpha Cuts] v2.1 (If you need to use the Alpha Cuts HUD wear the body named as "ERIKA Mesh Body BoM [Alpha Cuts] v2.1") Please note that "ERIKA Mesh Body BoM" is made to be used only with system alpha layers and uses lower script memory, it will not work with "ERIKA Mesh Body BoM [Alpha Cuts HUD]" You can wear ALPHA LAYERS on BOM Mesh bodies if you need it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Kalhene ERIKA Natural, realistic & super versatile Mesh Body! BENTO Fitted Mesh Body (Includes 3 BENTO Mesh Heads and female/transgender HD genitals) BOM Only (Bakes on Mesh) enabled viewer required (please check that you are not wearing any alpha layer before wear the mesh body and head) Mesh Body & Head can be worn separately and will fit other mesh bodies and heads from the most popular brands- Genus, Lelutka, Catwa (you can find Neck Fix wearable via HUD) Includes modifiable shapes You can modify the avatar with the sliders in appearance mode, you can create your own shape. Body & head compatible with system Alpha Layers MORE OPTIONS: -Erika fitted mesh body BoM & Alpha Cuts HUD -3 optional Mesh Heads (with HUD and Facial expressions) -ERIKA skin, 5 tones (BOM) -8 realistic eyes (BOM) -Breast & butt Deformer animations via HUD -Mesh HD Genitals (*****), Lips & Nipples appliers (colorable via HUD) -***** add-on: 3 sizes and 9 state/postions via HUD (for transgender avatar) -***** tattoo layers, modify and TINTABLE to match any skin -Erotic Play Set- Wearable sex toys and accessories fitted for Erika Mesh Body -4 Feet heights (flat, medium, high and pointy). Change feet shape via HUD -5 Nail shapes Via HUD -32 Nail polish (French & Faded) via HUD -8 options of realistic pubic hair in 3 hair tones (removable) -Optional shiny skin, 2 options with adjustable intensity : Gloss & Oiled (MATERIALS) -Cellulitis, stretch marks and veins tattoo layers in 3 opacities, modify (tintable). -Support Alpha Layers -ERIKA Long Toenails ADD ON (Long toenails will fit the 4 foot shapes and colors from the Main HUD "Feet" tab) * If you wear the Long toenails and they do not fit on your feet please change the feet shape on the main HUD to make a reset and then they will fit any feet shape from the HUD It also INCLUDES: -Basic mesh hair 12 complete Outfits fitted for ERIKA Mesh Body: underwear, stockings, dresses, jeans, skirts, shirts, leggings, rings, glasses, footwear (sneakers, heels, boots), Bikini, c-string cover and more! (some clothes are colorable) *About CHUBBY look: it's recommended to wear chubby body skins (most skin designers offer them) with some tattoo layers such as cellulite, stretch marks, etc...to get a more realistic look. For support don't hesistate to contact Claudia Urdaneta or Heidi Chardin inworld. *Looking for clothes & accessories for ERIKA Mesh Body? Please check this link: https://www.flickr.com/groups/14800916@N23/ *Interested in making clothes/accessories for ERIKA Mesh Body? apply here: https://tinyurl.com/y9hnx377 -Kalhene Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/189091901@N08/ -Kalhene Flickr group: https://www.flickr.com/groups/14732071@N21/ -Kalhene Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/claudia.urdaneta.sl -Inworld store: 􀀀
  8. Not really random.. Hero was the theme that came to me as the thread took a turn.. hehehe
  9. Naria Panthar does some good reviews.. I really like her channel a lot..
  10. Here's some modern soul that nobody can steal, Cuz it's so damn thick anf good that they'd neva get away!!
  11. Some vamps have told me I was a ghoul and that someone had bitten me in the past.. I said, I hope I'm so ghouly looking that it makes those vamps puke.. hehehe The ones in the game are the only ones that can tell.. There is nothing for you to worry about.. It's just players getting cheap points for their games..
  12. I mostly skim profiles to get to the pictures.. hehehe I see a lot that try to give some sort of life wisdom to whoever is reading it or advice.. I'll usually just pass that over because after years of reading profiles, There just isn't much more to give me.. hehehe I do love the pictures a lot and also the ones that have a really good sense of humor.. I love witty people..
  13. We watched this the other day when I ended up staying home from work.. It was really good.. I love Ryan Reynolds movies..
  14. If I'm at home or out checkign out sims, it's usually on ultra and set at 256.. If I'm Shopping, I'll drop down to high and 128.
  15. If someone pops up and in the first few lines throws out a friend request, I just act like I don't see the thing. I figure they are probably used to facebook or something where they get a zillion friends like they are after likes on youtube.. If someone asks if we could be friends and we've been talking for a bit, more than likely I'll friend them, because we wouldn't have been talking that long if we didn't get along or if I got creeped out.. I'm not very picky, and do like to talk to people.. But at the same time, I don't like those IM's the moment I come on.. Most of the time I just don't answer them. A big reason is to see if I get spammed, but also, give a person a bit to get settled in before IMing..
  16. I think for a regular game things like that would be good.. SL has a very real economy with real businesses, as well as help groups that reach over and help people in the RL.. Then you also have a big amount of retiree's as well as people that are disable that SL may be a large part of their RL.. I think the main reason that in Ready Player One, They did that was so that people would get a break from virtual reality to get out and spend more time in the real world. The reality in this world is, there is some reality to it where it crosses over.. Where in regular games like WoW or 3rd person shooters and battle royals and things like that, there isn't that cross over. When I started back in 2006, I think most of the other users I met were in their 30's.. Not all, but most..Some were way older and some were around my age in their 20's.. I think there is a much older more settled in and established user base here than in most worlds.. That's from my perspective of what I've noticed about this world anyways.. I think it really isn't needed as much here than in other things, I guess.. hehehe
  17. It used to be like that.. Now it's more just rolling restarts.
  18. This was pretty funny.. I never seen this..
  19. That's a big thing I hate about windows.. How much junk/bloat they keep adding with every update it seems.. I like the sound of opt in/opt out..
  20. Is that Linux version pretty user friendly? I've been dying to get away from windows, especially this last version.. They really seem to want to get more and more in my business or put me out there more.. I don't care for all the junk that came with the version I'm on now.. I want some peace and quiet and peace of mind for a change.. hehehe
  21. I'd like 14 different flavored milkshakes and one hair please.. hehehe
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