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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I'd have to look at the note card to see.. They might not have needed the group to get their items, but just wanted to separate them from being in the middle of things with the ones that weren't.. Since it was said that stores set them to group. My first run through, I was joining the groups before I went to the stores, so I was mainly going from that..
  2. I'm just so worn out from so much free! \o/ If shopping was like going to the gym.. This is how me and my husband would look as a couple walking down the street.. hehehe
  3. Now those sound like some nice hours if that's all they are working.. That's like half a day for me.. I worked that many hours at night and then came home to my real jobs.. Had to leave the night time one though, because they were wanting to add more hours which was cutting into the others.. That place started to suck anyways.. hehehe
  4. I'm running my last alt through what I have come to call, The Gauntlet of Goodness.. I wish I would have made that note card with all the land marks on my very first run.. It sure would have made life a lot easier.. Not that running around in a virtual world getting all this goodness for free, is hard or anything.. hehehe I was thinking of taking my husbands avatar to some of the mens sims, Why I don't know, I never use that avatar.. Maybe because it wouldn't hurt to gather all his updated and plus get him that new mesh head.. We'll see I guess.. Aaanyways.. again.. if anyone wants that note card with all the land marks on it that I made.. Just join my group ::DarkNest:: and grab the note card from the notices and then you can quit.. No group fee to join. You can get my group from my profile or from the classic search, not the web search, under the group search.. Just thought I would mention it again since we flipped a page.. hehehe
  5. Most of those sound pretty essential and I believe were even on the list of essential.. I mean most were open during the pandemic when non essential businesses were shut down. Just because there is a big list of them doesn't mean everyone is on it..There is still a good list of non essential ones as well. Like the one we're chatting on right now.. hehehe
  6. That sounds like they were essential to you, but that's not what an essential service is, Unless you are working for one.. shutting the electricity off to a town is shutting down an essential service..
  7. Masoom is another than has a lot of gift in their gift room.. If you really want to check out a gift room and you haven't already done it.. Go to Scandalize.. In the back of their store they have a gift wall.. Then on the right side of that gift wall is a teleport to over like 200+ gifts.. it's one of the largest I think I ever came across as far as places that have so many really nice gifts..
  8. The note card should be full permission I believe, I hope i left it that way anyways hehehe.. So you can hand it out or edit it to your desire and take out or add new stores if you like..
  9. Honestly, I just keep the ones I like and leave the rest..
  10. They can't wait one day? That's not a very stable living.
  11. The mortgage company sent a letter saying we hadn't paid last months house payment for our other house that is in town.. I remembered making the payment and looked in the bank to make sure they got the payment.. checked the website to make sure the payment was shown as paid there also.. I called them up to let them know they made a mistake.. They'll be back on the 27th.. lol It's pretty common practice that a lot companies are going to be out for the holidays. It's a virtual world, not an essential company, like a heating company would be.
  12. I put this in the other thread but am gonna paste it here as well.. If anyone is still doing this event.. I made a note card that has all the stores landmarks in it.. This way you don't have to keep going out of world for the map locations and can just do everything in world off a note card for the land marks.. I put the 3 Lelutka sims in there and all the other stores.. Then put the groups that are still charging group fees at the bottom of the list so someone doesn't get charged a group fee they didn't want to pay.. The only way that I could think of giving it out to where someone could just grab it without having to contact me personally is.. I took one of my old groups that I made when I first came to SL and haven't used since and sent out a group notice.. So you can join the group and grab the note card and quit the group.. There is no fee or anything, it's just the only way I could link a note card to where anyone could just grab it without much effort. You may have to use the Classic groups search with General rating box checked, because I didn't see it showing up in the web search.. The name of the group is, ::DarkNest:: If you can't find the group in search, you can just look at the groups in my profile and get to it from there as well.. I have it set where it is my only group showing so you don't have to sift through a bunch of groups to find it.. Have fun and hope it helps things go a little quicker for you.
  13. If anyone is still doing this event.. I made a note card that has all the stores landmarks in it.. This way you don't have to keep going out of world for the map locations and can just do everything in world off a note card for the land marks.. I put the 3 Lelutka sims in there and all the other stores.. Then put the groups that are still charging group fees at the bottom of the list so someone doesn't get charged a group fee they didn't want to pay.. The only way that I could think of giving it out to where someone could just grab it without having to contact me personally is.. I took one of my old groups that I made when I first came to SL and haven't used since and sent out a group notice.. So you can join the group and grab the note card and quit the group.. There is no fee or anything, it's just the only way I could link a note card to where anyone could just grab it without much effort. You may have to use the Classic groups search with General rating box checked, because I didn't see it showing up in the web search.. The name of the group is, ::DarkNest:: If you can't find the group in search, you can just look at the groups in my profile and get to it from there as well.. I have it set where it is my only group showing so you don't have to sift through a bunch of groups to find it.. Have fun and hope it helps things go a little quicker for you.
  14. It was below zero here yesterday morning and it, around 7 here so far today. It's a bit nippy.. As long as there isn't any wind, it's not that cold..
  15. I would grab this head, but honestly, The only thing stopping me is, I have too much stuff already.. I'm starting to be reminded of my very first week in SL, when there was so much FREE that it took me around three years to finally get rid of all of it.. Not that I am comparing all these really nice things that people are giving away in the holidays to those things that we could grab when we were new.. It is so much appreciated that these creators do this for us every year.. It's just that, My cup overflow'eth..
  16. I wouldn't even know where to look for something like that.. I just thought, that's pretty original.
  17. Ya, I grabbed everything on my second run with my alt, even from all the gift rooms. It's really just a lot faster doing that anyways.. Just hit'em and off to the next one and sort them out later.. My first time through, I didn't realize how much stuff there was gonna be and was kind of taking my time and checking things out a lot more..So I was really starting to get worn out about half way through.. I wanted to quit so many times.. I was so glad to see that it was more mens stores towards the end of the list.. Then I shut everything off and went right for the bed.. hehehehe
  18. This is the Clover skin from BOLD & BEAUTIFUL.. I really almost passed this skin up, for a silly reason really.. I was tired and the display image had this evil Ginger look to it that I was like, oh that's not me.. hehehehe But I am really glad I grabbed it anyways.. After a nights sleep though.. hehehe I put it on without really messing with it too much other than the brow base.. I can't wait to really get things unpacked to start shaping for all these amazing skins that are in this gauntlet of goodness.. Aaaanyways, this is the Clover skin.. I must have really been tired to think such a pretty skin could have any evil about it.. hehehe I'm goofy like that I guess.. I still have to shape for it, but for not doing much at all it fits really nicely I think.. a little touch up in the eye shaping and maybe trying to puff the jaw or something with the chin area and it can be a really nice look I love the skin.. I'm in heaven just finding all these amazing skins and still can't believe they are all free.. two more alts to go!! \o/ hehehe
  19. Mesh heads shapes really have nothing to do with mesh body shapes as far as shaping goes..You can throw any body shape under any mesh head.. If you aren't good with the sliders, you find a shape that works for your head.. then you get those numbers from that shape and move them to the body shape that you like.. Once you get good with the sliders, you won't have to buy shapes anymore and can get more creative with your look.. When you start to see a lot of people kind of looking the same, it's because they are just buying shapes and not breaking out of that cookie cutter mold.. once you get a feel for the sliders, it really does get to be a lot of fun and also exciting when you get those perfect eyes that make you go oh my I really love that, or lips that you can't wait to show off.. Or the whole combination of everything just coming together..
  20. I wonder who was wearing the body builder snowman way in the back? hehehe
  21. Thank you again Meeses.. It's nice to see you both are still doing so well.. I enjoy the stories you tell each year and appreciate the kindness you share.. I also love reading the responses generated by your kindness.. You Both Have a wonderful holidays and stay safe..
  22. A lot more are starting to make them where they blend into your current skin.. That or people use the Neck blends,sometimes mistaken as neck fix which it's not.. This way it opened up more options to keep the body skin you like.. Because lets face it,even in the days when they were making full head and body skins.. How many times did you feel like the head had all the attention and the body was treated like it was gonna be covered most of the time anyways? I know I sure did and turned down a lot of skins because of the bad combinations.. At least now we have the option to switch them up rather than be stuck with liking the top but not the bottom or the other way around.. A nice neck blend can really open things up and give much more freedom of choice.. You can even just get close in tones with a nice neck blend.. I do that all the time with like an ebony from one place and a chocolate that I like from another place.. I think the face and head should be slightly off in tones anyways, because it is more natural.. our bodies never get the exposure that our faces do..
  23. My opinion is, to make your life even more complicated and even more full of those hard choices, but in a good way.. Cause I'm evil like that. hehehehe Look here and you will find an amazing Free mesh head available from Lelutka, which any other time would cost you close to 4000L$, and 54 other stores just giving away tons of awesome Free stuff with their Christmas gifts and group gift walls.. You think life is hard now, just wait until you get lost in the sea of endless goodness of options.. hehehe That is, if you haven't seen this yet. Make sure to scroll down to all the other store links as well on the page.. Lelutka and 54 other joining stores Holidays Special  Dec 20 thru Dec 30 2022 Otherwise, I would choose the outfit on the left, because you can pretty much just go anywhere in that one vs the other. hehehe * leans her pitchfork on the wall, then bends over with her hands on her knees catching her breath* Jeeeesus, That apocalypse needs to get here soon, cause I'm gettin too old to be runnin around temptin everyone anymore. It's not even my birthady.
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