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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Same here, I think I may have cashed out one, maybe two times at the most.. I could have really cashed out a lot in my early years, but the stuff i did in here paid for my SL and everything in it, so it didn't make sense.. I'd have to put more money in to pay for those things anyways if I wasn't making any money.
  2. I have some oldies on my flicker.. hehehe this was 2011, i think my hands might have been sculptie or something.. I can't remember hehehe ETA: I just realized, The outfit I have on in this first picture is from Yasum.. The coat and everything..hehehe They've been around forever and still so creative. This is from 2009.. I just kind of used this for threads that I felt were gonna be locked.. hehehe These are from 2007 sporting mah Girl6 hair in my dancing phase Generating them linden dollars.. LOL It was actually really good money dancing back then.. Well that's one way to start the day.. Cringe of the day before the first cup of tea. Ya, I won't regret that.. hehehe
  3. The threshold is still at the 20k for 2022 tax year to trigger a 1099k..Since they could not settle on a threshold in 2022, whatever they pass now will be the new threshold from 2023 and forward.. Still even if you don't get one, keep good records and report your income because audits are no fun and going back in years is a pain in the butt if you don't keep good records. I did some looking into why they would need 80k+ new employees.. It looks to be an over time plan for filling back up spots that have left and to filling spots that will be leaving.. Not only are they short staffed, but also plan on losing more in the future.. Especially in the last few years I remember them having to bring in temps and still being backlogged more than ever before.. With covid and the stimulus and all those on unemployment and who knows what all else, adding to things.. I guess back like 10 years ago they were at something like 116k employees and down to 25k less and expecting around 50k more in the future to be leaving.. so an over time hiring plan does kind of make sense.. listening to social medias, they were making it sound like we were going to be bum rushed in one year with new irs employees, when it really seems like they are trying to fill the tank back up or keep it filled.. I know they have been slow as molasses in the middle of winter the last few years.. I guess we're gonna find out either way.. Just keep good solid organized records.. Don't depend on a 1099 to tell you what is what.. Those are meant to cover the butt of the one you are getting it from..
  4. It would be nice if they had some way where if a basic has a business, they can have access to it while they have an active business.. I can understand limiting it with people just running around the grid and never cashing out.. maybe something where they show like 3 months of active business being able to kick on 90 days and if they have a 3 month gap it auto kicks off or something.. I guess it's kind of silly of me to really be saying shoulda coulda wouldas anyways.. hehehe
  5. Ya, i remember that it used to be 30 days for everyone.. It just seems kind of silly to have that as a perk rather than just user base wide. I mean if someone is generating money in the gird they should have the same options for record keeping as anyone else that gets a 1099.
  6. I would do an interview, but as I told my agent years ago, everyone has to go though him first.. He hasn't been around for like three years now and my hands are tied. I've been stuck in this basement screaming at this little window hoping someone outside can hear me down here..
  7. Wow I didn't realize that until now.. Why would they limit basics with something like that I wonder? Seems kind of silly to have that as a perk rather than just part of just being a user..
  8. Ya, you can go back like 90 days.. Use the filter in your transaction history section in your dashboard.
  9. I think you are meaning the Ongo or something like that.. You could log onto ongo or ongoing or whatever it was called.. It was like a steam or a Uplay.. You chose second life and you could log in from there and have much better performance.. It was kind of like streaming SL or something like that.. If that is what you are referring to, I used that on our older system and it really ran great.. I think Ongo or whatever ended up closing up.. We had that for other games at one point and I was excited to see it added to there..
  10. Blocks your attempt of the elimination of Erika body, Because I haz Magik like DAT!!! \o/
  11. Happy Sweet 16! I'd say Happy Rez Day but I'm a day late and 16 lasts the whole year. So you'd have to be 17 for me to be late then.. hehehe When you're late ,talk your way into being on time.. hehehe
  12. I have a feeling you aren't really being serious.. But i'm gonna give it a shot anyways.. Because creators create everything within second life and they run businesses that generate money that also generates money for LL. Think about this.. What would happen to SL, if they all of a sudden deleted all of our inventories and made all of us just use everything from the library, rather than create our own creations? Our world Our Imagination, just got thrown out the window and now nobody on the grid or LL make money anymore. Nux bodies are about increasing the population of the grid by new users sticking around because of an improved starting point in the world.. New users not only bring in more income to the grid, but also bring in more new creators or those maybe finding out later they want to be.. LL cutting off creators would be like putting a clamp on main arteries to their own heart .. No creators, no grid..
  13. I got back kind of late from my dinner date, but gave a quick look at skins.. This might get you close. it's at 7 deadly s{k}ins for like 60$L right now.. the shape is 250 though.. it's workable to get there.. I'm just too tired tonight to give it a try tonight.. hehehe I might be able to tweak something up in the morning.. ETA: Just to add, they have another nice skin on the right of this one that is 77$L which many might like also.. I love that they have the full body and head skins in one one skin instead of two, just like things used to be..
  14. I'll give it a try later tonight if I can find a picture that she isn't smiling in and is faced forward.. I've got a couple of mesh heads that might do the trick that I can toy with.. I have a dinner date I have to go to in about 30 minutes, but when I get back I'll give her a try.. hehehe
  15. Do those kinds of purchases show up in general chat? Or maybe if you didn't clear the ones in the little boxes up in the upper right corner of the viewer that show transactions also..
  16. If I'm trying to shape someone. I try to find the most expressionless face that I can.. As well as has good lighting and that is the most looking straight forward one I can find.. kind of like this one.. Models are so hard because most of them are always posing and have some sort of expression going.. hehehe
  17. My first thought was a younger Fergie
  18. Classic is at the 108th spot on the long list right now, so it might make it to the 100 lists, if they can get to over 200 wearers showing up.. With that 20% off sale, they actually had a drop in wearers, probably because of the other bodies being at 50% off.. But with this 33% off they really moved up from where they were and had their best increase since their first week on the grid. So the price drop looks like it's helped them some. #108 : Belleza - Gen.X (Classic) : 170 : <0.1%
  19. Not really a need to change it ever.. I don't think any of the bodies will ever get as much content on the grid as that body has for it.. hehehe
  20. Looking at the current trending list, you made the right choice.. Reborn is the second most trending body under Maitreya. It really hit the ground running right from it's release.. I've been toying with the trending list to see where bodies in the last 180 days would be sitting if they started looking at them from that point.. I left them in their actual placement number but put them in order from the last 180 days. it's pretty interesting how much the list changes.. Belleza only recently made it into the top 100 trend list, So we can get more stats on it now.. We could only go from the ranking list before because that one looks at the top 300 bodies .. Now we can get trending numbers as well.. It won't show any data on the 180day period, because it hasn't been around that long.. only 90 days until now. I can go through the list to see where it's actually sitting with the rest of the list to get it's actual placement, but it took forever and a day to line up the top 20 brackets to where they weren't so scattered on a note pad.. hehehe I'll probably do that in a little bit though and post where it actually is. These might end up scrambled on here when I post the top 20.. But if you copy and paste them onto a note card or note pad and stretch it out some, you should get the brackets to line up where it's easier to read... I was happy to see Kalhene Erika in the top 20.. hehehe Updated: 2023-01-06 @ 00:15:27 PST (Day #19363) Rank#|ModelName |Count |%(Count/422725)|Last24h|Last 7d |Last 14d |Last 30d |Last 90d |Last 180d ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1|Maitreya-Lara |139679| 33.0% | +78 | +613 (87.5)| +1192 (85.1)| +2176(72.5)| +5736 (63.7)| +12140 (67.4) #6|eBODY-Reborn | 14082| 3.3% | +35 | +384 (54.8)| +891 (63.6) | +1619(53.9)| +4761 (52.9)| +8875 (49.3) #3|Belleza-Jake |23397 | 5.5% | +38 | +167(23.8) | +324 (23.1) | +590(19.6) | +1578 (17.5)| +3041 (16.8) #5|classicFemale |14987 | 3.5% | +17 | +220(31.4) | +519 (37) | +767(25.5) | +1500 (16.6)| +2949 (16.3) #8|LegacyAthletc | 12944| 3.0% | +13 | +110(15.7) | +260 (18.5) | +509(16.9) | +1503 (16.7)| +2749 (15.2) #4|LegacyFemale |21374 | 5.0% | +7 | +95 (13.5) | +184 (13.1) | +414(13.8) | +1396 (15.5)| +2562 (14.2) #9|Legacy (Male) | 11943| 2.8% | +23 | +141(20.1) | +233 (16.6) | +464(15.4) | +1385 (15.3)| +2530 (14) #2|Signat Gianni | 31532| 7.4% | +6 | +82 (11.7) | +201(14.3) | +413(13.7) | +1049 (11.6)| +2318 (12.8) #10|LucyBody-ATE | 10422| 2.4% | +15 | +96(13.7) | +231 (16.5) | +398(13.2) | +1017 (11.3)| +2011 (11.1) #11|ClassicMale | 9350 | 2.2% | +26 | +179(25.5) | +482(34.4) | +674(22.4) | +1016 (11.2)| +1722 (9.5) #12|Legacy Perky | 8214 | 1.9% | +19 | +24 (3.4) | +71 (5) | +208(6.9) | +640 (7.1) | +1084 (6) #7|Inithium-Kupra| 13716| 3.2% | +1 | +46(6.5) | +91 (6.5) | +93 (3.1) | +322 (3.5) | +892 (4.9) #18|Sweet's- Ruth| 4598 | 1.0% | +3 | +36 (5.1) | +86 (6.1) | +141(4.7) | +375 (4.1) | +714 (3.9) #22|InithiumKario| 1955 | 0.4% | -2 | +11 (1.5) | +47 (3.3) | +95 (3.1) | +362 (4) | +673 (3.7) #15|Utiliz-Kemono| 4880 | 1.1% | +12 | +11 (1.5) | +57 (4) | +110(3.6) | +257 (2.8) | +610 (3.3) #17|eBODY-Curvy | 4606 | 1.0% | +9 | +22 (3.1) | +36 (2.5) | +78 (2.6) | +204 (2.2) | +562 (3.1) #13|NiramythMBody| 7251 | 1.7% | +1 | +18 (2.5) |+10 (0.7) | +57 (1.9) | +142 (1.5) | +467 (2.5) #44|Signat-Davis | 714 | 0.1% | +4 | +19 (2.7) | +47 (3.3) | +97 (3.2) | +222 (2.4) | +443 (2.4) #24| Sweet's-Male| 1644 | 0.3% | -2 | +11 (1.5) | +30 (2.1) | +53 (1.7) | +168 (1.8) | +344 (1.9) #40|Kalhene-Erika| 834 | 0.1% | +3 | +13 (1.8) | +22 (1.5) | +25 (0.8) | +197 (2.1) | +336 (1.8) #95|Gen.X (Curvy)| 205 | <0.1% | +2 | +12 (1.7) | +26 (1.8) | +35 (1.1) | +101 (1.1) | N/A Data shown in the time columns = Rate of Change (Average per Day) The significance of the data lies in two key points of interest: 1) A product is showing greater/lesser rate of change than other products for any given time period. 2) A product's daily average increases/decreases from past to present.
  21. This was the last thing I heard on mirrors, which was 2 months ago.. If the video starts at the beginning , go to 19:35
  22. They should have at the very least did that deal with their previous belleza customer base.. They might have did much better on the release.. They didn't do anything to attract previous customers, other than put an advertisement disguised as an apology letter in the final update of the previous bodies.. Reading that letter I was expecting something good coming to the older bodies.. Instead it was the newer bodies.
  23. Honestly I would say, that depends on what you are looking for in outfits and how much shopping you are planning to do and how big of a wardrobe are you wanting to have.. You will probably be doing a little hunting for some things. It's lacking in a wider variety of clothes, mostly lacking on the more conservative side.. I mean you can find them, but it's a hunt.. It comes with a nice sized wardrobe that you can pick some things out of there that you may like.. Probably to give a better idea of the things being made for it..This is their Flickr Catalog that you can look through to see a lot of the things being made for it.. It may be what you are looking for and it may not.. As far as the body and everything that comes with it.. In my opinion it's the best body on the market.. But it just need to get that wider selection of clothing going for it, to make it the total best package..
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