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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. There is the Lucy body as well, which a lot of Maitreya things fit.. It's gonna be interesting to see if any things on the market already fit on the NUX.. it'll be kind of neat looking through my inventory testing out different bodies products to see if any of those things fit well enough for a NUX. The nice thing is they are gonna be BOM so hopefully a lot of skins match up really nice right out of the gate too and don't fit them strange.
  2. Wearing things was like, ok is this an acceptable amount of float for this belt, Or can I live with this much clipping? hehehe To find the perfect fit for some things was more than just a search.. They were things you kept your eye out for from a list of things you had in your head.. hehehehe Then when it came to editing something and hoping you could get it to size without having to edit linked parts..especially if it had a zillion little prims.🤣 This belt fit like a glove, until I got into a pose that it clipped hard.. It was a matter of, do I fix the belt which could take hours and just hope it blends in enough in the pic that nobody else noticed but me.. LOL
  3. Well the NUX isn't gonna come with all the features that the top brands have, as far as what LL has said.. It might come down to whatever those features are, or just seeing a body that looks a lot better.. Maybe later if more things get made for NUX that might be a thing, But I think until it really gets creators making things for it, it's more just gonna be a stepping stone.. there is some really nice looking guys bodies as well and clothes out there that I seen men wearing around.. The women's market gets a lot made for it, but at the same time I also think we have a lot more crap to sort through to get to the good stuff.. hehehe I can't wait for them to get here so we can see if they will be, just really good starter avatars or something that can be even better than just a starter avatar..
  4. This thread kind of has me wanting to make my old avatar again.. hehehe
  5. Which kind of defeats the whole making an alt to play, I'm new here and don't know anything about this world.. hehehe
  6. I'm just glad they aren't going to waste resources on it, because there is enough broken stuff to be fixed, rather than spending that time on something that isn't broken.. Having the age of an account there, it puts some bit truth to things when dealing with other accounts in a world where there is a lot of people that do come here just to prey on other accounts, just like there are those that try to prey on us in Real life.. They don't call it Second Life for nothing.. hehehe It would be one thing if all we did was come here and play barbie, but it's not the case and not a harmless world like that.. It's a virtual world that people dump lots of real money into.. Just like real life, we can get into major deals that cost lots of real money.. Knowing you are dealing with someone that has been around for years vs someone that just got here has it's benefits.. Which lets not kid ourselves, a year is still very new in this world, especially with the curve this world has.. It's much more beneficial knowing you are dealing with someone that has been around for awhile rather than someone not as invested.. The option is there if someone wants to act like they are new here.. They can make an alt. It doesn't cost 50 usd to put a nice avatar together either.. It may for someone new because they don't know any better, but someone that's been around knows where to go or knows how to go about knowing where to go. In my opinion the age being there has more benefits than it not being there..
  7. Honestly, I probably still get a lot more IM's than I want at my SL age.. I think what's in your profile as far as each presentation is how to calm them down or wake them up..I get IM's when I'm in my linden home all by myself, doing nothing but working on shapes and things.. My age will more times than not, come up later in the conversation or sometimes the next conversation, oh I see you have been on the grid for awhile.. It's mostly the other stuff that gets looked at, like profile pics or something said or seeing we are in the same group.. I can't say why someone wouldn't IM me.. just what the ones that do.. I think just like RL in a lot of cases, age is pretty much how you feel or present.
  8. I think knowing we are dealing with a 1day old account vs a 1 year account could have some value.. If i ban someone and all of a sudden someone shows up with a 1day old account, My spider senses are gonna start tingling.. What would happen is, you would have people becoming leery of accounts that hide their age and start treating them as if they were new accounts.. It would be kind of silly to all of a sudden not be allowed into places because you decided to hide your account age.. you can bet it won't be something you can just click on like pulling out an I.D. card either.. it would probably end up being something that would take time in the system to change.. They aren't going to let you type it in yourself.. hehehe
  9. I usually have either the root or the powder and then just make sure I have some sort of fat with my smoothies.. I was so mad one time because i was adding some pepper to one of my smoothies.. I had the first part already blent.. then went to add the pepper and my little one scared the crap out of me and made me dump a lot in there.. It was like the worst smoothie I ever made.. hehehe
  10. You need to take it with black pepper because our bodies don't absorb turmeric very well and pepper enhances the absorption.. Also it's good to take with some sort of fat like you would get from avocado. Because turmeric is a fat soluble and the fat breaks it down to where it gets absorbed more along the way, otherwise it will mostly just pass through you and out the other end.. Also make sure you aren't using any blood thinners, because turmeric can thin your blood also, if you take it a lot..
  11. Ah ok, ya I keep forgetting about that section.. hehehehe I remember being tempted a couple of times to add all that up just to see how much I've spent in SL.. Then reality sets in and I say to myself.. I'm not that crazy yet.. hehehe I would probably curl up in the fetal position and just die if I ever knew the total.. hehehe
  12. This was from one of the way older versions of the forums when someone put a link to where we could make southpark characters of our avatars.. This was mine.. hehehe This was 2012. The hair is from Lelutka back when they made hair still as well as the scarves and belt.. I wanna say those gloves are from a place called Dirty Lynx, which did really good sculpties.. Everything is modifiable, The hair the scarves and belt.. I still use them sometimes in different pictures. I love the texturing work they did on the system layer outfit underneath it all.. There was so much good artists back then that did such nice texturing work.. This is from 2011, Back when Wasted Engineer used to be around the forums.. I really loved Wasted.. hehehehe He used to alway say, This smells to Coffee!!\o/ When he felt something sneaking was going on.. He was always complaining about gambling houses.. I was playing with him on the forums one time just beign silly with him.. I told him I opened a new place on the grid.. hehehe Oh and also my lil Rawr kitty from like 2009 forums too.. hehehehe
  13. That is better than my swing one.. That actually looks like a really good way to sleep.. I bet I would sleep like a baby doing that..lol
  14. I went and got the demo for this skin and then went and got the demo for theCeylon head.. If you wear the shape that came with the skin that fits the look that is in the picture.. I happen to have the exact eyes which you can pick up at avai glam which is right next door to where you bought the skin.. The eyes are Avi Glam Springtide eyes.. the ones in the image are number 8 in that pack of eyes.. AG. Springtide Eyes - BoM - 08 The lashes are in the lelutka hud and the brows are on the skin.. Also you want to wear the brow base that came with the skin also.. I would say really the only thing you would need would be just the hair.. I would say the face looks wider because of them probably stretching the image when they were making the add.. This is what I came up with just from the demos and using some hair I had dug up in my inventory, plus adding the avi glam eyes.. Watch how much the look changes just from darkening the inside of the eye socket.. the first image is before the change.. I really think this is a really pretty combination with this head and skin.. you have a good eye. So does the one that made it. It looks pretty right on to me.. Amara Beauty makes some really nice skins..
  15. Most times I'll recognize something, but not every time.. If it's a small amount I'm not gonna bother.. If it's a big amount and I've spent there before, I always do a search through my inventory and the MP and their redeliver.. Expensive purchases I never forget those.. Something will click and have me wondering.. I could swear I bought this before.. That or I'll have gotten it on an alt and not gotten it on this one.. I've made mistakes where I got something on the MP for this one , but forgot I was logged in on an alt.. I Reeeeeally hate when that happens.. That one always gets me more than any of them..
  16. I've been working on that Claudia Bassols challenge, from the celebrity thread the last couple of days.. The shape of her head is kind of strange to get right with the sliders and match everything else up.. it's frying my brain.. lol If I can get time, I'll jump on this one here and see if I have any luck with it.. But hopefully they get it sorted.. I'm gonna be a good while still on the one I'm working on at the moment. If I get to it and have something close to the one up there, I'll let them know.. I just have to let my brain unfry after this one.. LOL
  17. They definitely have the depth of field going too.. it's tight on just face bits, so a lot of the rest is blurred to look softer.. Probably tight from the bottom lip to hitting part of the brows. That can help change things some too..
  18. Kinda looks like it was taken with a pink fog in there also..
  19. Yea, I kind of pulled that part out.. I'm hopped up on tea and read faster than my brain was reacting too.. lol
  20. A lot of images get set in a certain personal lighting and shot at certain angle, so with that shot slightly to the side, it can seem different looking straight on at it.. plus we have to hope they haven't photochopped it at all.. you'll also need the same or close eye coloring and lashes, brows and little touches which may be in the lelutka hud anyways.. Also they may be using a certain facial expression or caught the shot during an animation in the right spot.. There are a lot of reasons that it may not look just like it.. Getting that right shot for a vendor to sell is half the battle in good pictures..
  21. My stomach kind of turned for them on that whole release.. Especially with the booth they got at Fameshed for the official release.. I couldn't even find it at first.. they should have had all those booths in the center where you land.. instead they got one of the small ones with all the other 40 boothes on the outside wall.. Then going up against GenX releasing on the same day.. It just kind of melted when it hit the grid.. It felt very much like a release we would have gotten back when mesh bodies first came out.. Build it and they will come, when those days are over.. it's have all your ducks in a row first and then hope for the best plan for the worst..
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