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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Klytyna, I never said the above. People of color simply can't do the kind of damage to us (whites) as we can do to them, hence I'm not too concerned about possible prejudice by blacks. http://www.salon.com/2015/03/04/10_ways_white_people_are_more_racist_than_they_realize_partner/
  2. Klytyna, Kristen is not racist because she reads some science here or there and references it -- the science is unsettled. Nor is she 'Afro-Pretentious' or feeling superior as a person of color because does or does not understand the meaning of the word 'creole'. What you are doing here is intellectual bullsh*t, and none of it matters. Google 'racist people at Walmart' to see what people of color deal with in the US every day, and learn what a racist is, and learn what you should be putting your energy toward.
  3. I'm on a mission to understand the Republican-type mind today -- I may be closer than I've ever been...
  4. Klytyna, you are the one that referenced the crazy website as far as I can see. I guess that's an example of the type of places you spend a lot of time at? In other words, where does this idea that some people hate and blame you as a white person come from? Did you experience this in the UK somewhere? Do you frequent crazy forums where this is happening or spend your time searching out websites by ignorant people? I just haven't experienced it, either with myself or in people I know. I'm sure such people exist - people of color who relish blaming whites for their pain - but they are not some major movement in society as you depict. You said something in reference to blacks forming groups and labeling themselves that, for me, is revealing...you said: "I'm not convinced you need to label your selves at all, frankly, can't you just be 'Americans'? I mean, that was supposed to be the whole damn idea behind America, wasn't it? Hence the fact that the requirement for American Citizenship used to be "Resided in the United States for 5 years". This demonstrates to me that you have no basic knowledge of Psychology & Sociology 101, no notion of how oppressed groups cope with injustice by banding together. Through such affirmation they find strength in an attempt to experience the self-empowerment that was stripped from them. Are such groups threatening to you? Does the fact that they exclude you cause you to feel they are against you, hate you, or blame you as a white person?
  5. Klytyna, I don't doubt that there are a few black people/mixed-race people who are prejudiced against whites, or who claim various ethnic heritages as some kind of ego boost. But the damage to brown races caused by whites far, far exceeds any harm caused by the people you find offensive. Why align yourself as you do?
  6. lol "Triggered By Hyphens"......sounds like the title of a great poem.
  7. Wouldn't it be just 35 per 1000...and so your selling cost would be 70 instead of 120? Or am I missing something...often it seems I'm forgetting junior high math these days...
  8. Once you've experimented awhile it could be good to stick to a beloved theme for a period of time (for example, are you interested in Medieval items, more modern ones, or perhaps fantasy). Then, renting a shop in that community is a good way to go, even if a mall. Eventually you could create in a more eclectic way, but to begin I think this is a good way to get your foot in the door and increase sales and exposure.
  9. Yes, Chic, I was pondering this on my break and wondered if it was a good idea, due to an experience I had a few months back. One of my customers was selling her sim for $4000 usd on the mainland to someone else, and they simply would not let my customer get her money for the longest time. I had created quite a bit for this customer several years back, and I think she paid me partly in $L and partly through Paypal. Anyway, during the investigation of her sim sale they asked my customer "what is your relationship to Luna Bliss". This was more than irritating, and I wondered how many of my other customers who paid me a large sum of money were questioned in this way, insinuating that we could be criminals. I wonder what amount of money exchange, via customer/resident or money market exchange, triggers these investigations. I'm sure it's good that money laundering and tax evasion are kept in check, but this is going too far. I'm wondering who they subcontract to do these investigations, and if there isn't a better way to go about it.
  10. Elvina, please don't let this affect your creativity as you mentioned earlier. There is a way out of it. Most likely they just didn't see that your 10k is trapped, and once they do your money will be released. Surely they would not want to be known as a company that steals from their customers. However, what you could do is let your present monthly earnings of $L accrue and pay the $L to a friend who could covert them to real money, and then this trusted friend could pay you the $ via Paypal. This would then allow you to transfer the $ you have saved in 5 increments. Just make sure, of course, that they can transfer that much money per 30 days.
  11. Luna Bliss Home & Garden is my favorite store. Great customer service - if I have a problem she gets back to me quickly. However she has a warped sense of humor, so do be careful.
  12. It's interesting, this dance between being an artist and earning money. Recently I 'followed the money' by agreeing to create multiple underwater environments for 'the crazy mermaid lady' (she calls herself). At first it was primarily for the money, as I haven't felt too inspired regarding underwater scenes and did not feel motivated to explore this aspect of nature. The more I got into it however, my creativity exploded and a whole new area of art was opened up for me...I was seeing things in nature I never saw before, and it became about 'art' and not 'money'.
  13. If restarting the sim didn't do it I'd put in a support ticket. I experienced the problem you're describing ages ago, and only a Linden could fix it.
  14. Yes I would think this feels a bit creepy to store shoppers...glad they land on an empty floating island in my store. Have not seen them lately though.
  15. The woman out front with the odd expression... holding the cup ...apparently not the first cup she consumed that day.
  16. Marigold Devin wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: I have lots of strange squatter bots on my sim. What does this mean? I don't really mind them being there -- I just don't want people to think I'm trying to increase traffic. Do their groups give any clues? Could they be Tiny Empires players who decided your land looks a nice place to be? Well atm there are only two - Parahsalin has nothing in her profile, and another bot has a short Arabic sentence in hers. Sometimes there are up to 10 or 15 just parked on a couple of floating islands in my store.
  17. I have lots of strange squatter bots on my sim. What does this mean? I don't really mind them being there -- I just don't want people to think I'm trying to increase traffic.
  18. Klytyna wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: I'm embarrassed to be an Amercian. Pretend you are Canadian... Then you can indulge in those amazing Canadian only things, like, proper bacon, better beer, and of course, their unique hobby. Did you know Canadians keep French people as pets and train them to play icehockey? Something to respect about Canada because it's more than anyone else has ever been able to do... Yes believe me, there are quite a few Americans dreaming of moving to Canada!
  19. ChinRey wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: I'm embarrassed to be an Amercian. It goes like this: some Americans are criminals, therefore all Americans are criminals. That's the kind of stereotyping this is all about of course. The one thing all nations in the world have in common, is that the vast majority of the citizens are just ordinary people, neither particularly good nor particularly bad. Unless you deliberately chose to be born in a specific country so that you could grow up to become a terrorist, don't be ashamed of it. Yeah, it's not really rational. But I feel connected to/feel a part of my country.
  20. Devriv wrote: "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist." Amethyst, the poem you quote is a fabrication. The actual poem, safe from “tweeting” Brown Shirt and Black Shirt opportunists, can be read here, posted in the Holocaust Memorial Day website. What are "Brown Shirt and Black Shirt opportunists"? I don't believe I've heard this particular turn of phrase before...
  21. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Luna Bliss wrote: It's a difficult dilemma - how abusive does a friend/family member have to be before one should/could/would cross them off their 'list'. I think when they can't show they respect you anymore is the point where they aren't your friend anymore. People don't have to agree with you but can still respect you and your opinions. With our votes we are deciding matters of life and death and immense suffering for people as the goods of society are divided. Access to medical care, food, shelter, and basic rights come to mind. The problem for me, Amethyst, is that I don't respect nor do I want to befriend anyone who is racist or who votes in ways that cause harm to disenfranchised or marginalized people. It goes way beyond just not accepting a difference of opinion (which is easy for me to do in most matters). I consider these people as abusers and I would no more want to be friends or just "agree to disagree" with them than I would want to befriend a pedophile or child beater. ... Luna, I make a distinction between those who have political views different than mine and those that are racist, or bigoted against any group of people, due to religion, sexual orientation or nationality. The latter people I never befriended and if I did and find them out later, my first reaction is to try to change their minds. If I find that is hopeless, then I no longer consider them friends and tell them in no uncertain terms why. While I try to show respect to everyone, I am very choosy when it comes to picking my friends. That sounds like a good way to handle it, Amethyst, regarding those who are "bigoted against any group of people, due to religion, sexual orientation or nationality". But taking this a bit further and addressing attitudes toward the poor and disenfranchised, what if someone's 'political view' causes suffering and death of disenfranchised people? (I'm thinking here about the Republican notion of reducing taxes on the wealthy while cutting aid to the poor, as well as the deceptive ruse of 'trickle down economics'). What would you do if you encountered a friend who was aware of the abusive policies (not simply ignorant of the ramifications of these policies) and thought it was simply okay for a society to funnel money to the wealthy while murdering the poor? Or that the dynamic should simply 'play out' in the free market due to their paranoia of anything in society being 'forced' (a libertarian)?
  22. ChinRey wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Which do you think make up the majority of people in SL? Ummmm... Non-Americans actually. I'm embarrassed to be an Amercian. From here on out I'm from...India ;0
  23. You didn't answer my question....what proof do you have that the ban is aimed at stemming terrorism? I answer your questions but you never or seldom answer mine.
  24. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Like I said hypocrite ....Boundaries which suit you.... Do you allow people to barge into your house or apartment whenever they want? Do you feel we have a right to discriminate against others based on race, gender, or sexual orientation?
  25. Maelstrom Janus wrote: You cant set up boundaries aimed at stemming very real terrorism but a barrier to protect the privacy of an animated figure is okay... talk about warped logic lol What proof do you have that the boundaries are aimed at stemming terrorism?
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