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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Prokofy, I have experienced both coders and BDSM participants to be some of the most polite and respectful people in SL. A renter was bothered by some people in chains in my park/rental area so I asked them to move away from my renter and they had no problems doing so. I've dealt with many scripters/coders in SL, hiring many for projects, and likewise they had appropriate boundaries (well except for one scripter who got crazy with her script and made it do faaar more than in should have...but once confronted toned it down). Anyway, is this something specific to the mainland...do the scripters and BDSM participants without boundaries settle only there?
  2. Anything that anybody creates has an ideology welded in, and it's up to us to set the laws regarding it after we see the results. In many cases, the technology is not even created without some consultation with the larger world. So I can't see technology as bad from the getgo. I don't recall ever being hostile to you. I have disagreed with some of your ideas, but that is not hostility.
  3. My suggestion, Prok, is to drop some acid and put on a VR headset ** I better qualify this, lest someone else read it and think it's a good idea. Best to use psychoactive substances with supervision **
  4. nooo..look up the word 'animats'....and research the various ways people are imagining we might augment the human self in the future.
  5. No, no...I'm just trying to say that these 'techies' you rail against have varied perspectives. We have no proof that the Nerd Rapture way is what they believe. Not sure we're even debating this as I think these issues are a ways into the future! lol But...it is a fascinating topic and one I'm researching. I'm reading "What The Dormouse Said:How The Sixties Counter-Culture Shaped The Personal Computer Industry" atm along with psychedelic research and Hindu Mysticism. Technology is not good or bad in itself -- it's how we use it. Not sure the fact that you can't distinguish between bot and human here in SL proves your beliefs.
  6. We don't know that this is their ideology. For example, read some Jaron Lanier (he's even been connected with SL in the past), one of the founders of VR.. He doesn't go in for this Kurzweil Nerd Rapture stuff, and we have no proof LL does either, or that this controls the issues you're speaking to. Anyway, I more think animats will be something biological, and hence fit under your criteria perhaps.
  7. However, these facts do not negate that KammyKat had the unfortunate experience of being scammed by another resident. Perhaps had we responded more to these feelings this would not have escalated. Her message was clear to me, even though she did not state that's what she wanted.
  8. No need to answer, ChinRey. I've always felt our financial concerns were not at the top of their list. But what can we do?
  9. Why do you think they don't do this?
  10. It's also costly and time consuming for people who aren't aware that the MP can be abused like that. Anyway, I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, as ChinRey explaind. No, not barking up the wrong tree, as I have no country -- I don't like countries. I am a tree in SL btw...lol ...most of the time. But yes, I hear you -- you have a side too, and your time is being wasted and that's frustrating for you. Perhaps not as many people in your situation are disadvantaged as would be for LL & merchants if the costs of more MP monitoring increased though. I don't know this for sure, but it's something to consider.
  11. It's time consuming and costly and usually futile to try to put the genie back into the bottle. It would have been very different if there had been good routines for handlign such problems right fromt he start. But, well, there weren't. What should they have done differently from the beginning?
  12. kammyKat, it's a complicated issue. If LL investigated ALL the problems residents have with each other on the MP it would be time-consuming/costly -- no doubt that cost would be passed on to the merchants. And we have a hard enough time surviving financially as it is.
  13. I'm not sure if the issue is the difference between America and Europe. One thing I am sure of though, is that I don't want LL to leverage an additional charge on us to "get all excited about" like before, all because they have to spend immense amounts of time investigating MP squabbles..
  14. What is it? It's a plane, it's a bird... no, wait it's just a smudge on the screen. Please wait for your diagnoses.....
  15. Well ChinRey, for what it's worth I certainly have learned a lot from you (and Chic) about creating better mesh. Unfortunately I'm not sure it matters to most people. I see SL as more of a playground where people are experimenting, and few care about making something as best as it can be. I remember being sooo careful when creating custom jobs for people, making sure every texture used was a low res one, taking care to repeat textures so that as few as possible were used on a sim, and even using tints to further reduce texture load while providing more variety...even using as few sculpt textures as possible by forming them into different shapes to get variety. But then my client would come along and furnish the house with all sorts of high resolution textures, and way too many of them -- sometimes there would be more textures used in that one house they furnished than I used for the entire sim!
  16. Though most customers are decent, nice, and fair I have certainly encountered the unreasonable types of customers you describe here. And it was more than frustrating. This is when mute and ban becomes your friend. I look at the phrase "the customer is always right" as just an expression and not a statement of truth, and I don't think most creators believe it as a statement of truth. But I do endeavor to help the customer feel that they are not 'wrong', as it's usually just a misunderstanding and 'right vs wrong' doesn't really fit. Plus, people don't want to buy things when they feel bad or wrong, nor will they enjoy a purchase after feeling wrong...that is marketing 101...and good to keep in mind if you want future sales. When I discover I've made a mistake often I give out something free.
  17. I received a strange email, but not totally sure it was from Penny-Sin-Et Al. No need for Netflix the rest of the month I think.
  18. Penny, when I see abuse on a forum to such a degree as you describe I usually confront. I did not see it here. I think you are being delusional in this thread and projecting hurt from your past onto people here. All anybody was saying was that the one asking for help in a thread ALSO bears some responsibility. Sure, they are in a vulnerable position and regular forum members have more power and so should make an attempt to be 'the designated driver' due to the power imbalance. But your position has been that the one asking for help bears NO responsibility whatsoever. This is a dehumanizing way to portray them...as if they are some sort of victim. For sure, we all need to have more empathy with each other in communication...but this is a two-way street and the one asking for help bears some responsibility in the interaction too. It's almost as if you expect we should be some sort of angelic being when responding to another person asking for help, without feelings of impatience or concerns of our own. This isn't reality. So of course you are going to get some push-back because your premise is delusional and insulting to those who are NOT being abusive, but merely human. And now that you admit to manipulating everyone you are going to get the hostility you perceive -- but you caused it, not others.
  19. So true, and I have noticed that those who get picked on due to grammar on a forum are usually not forum regulars, so friendship plays a part in it. We tend to give our friends more leeway.
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