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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. My #1 request for a new MP feature: Whenever somone purchases one of my items, I would like an IM sent to them immediately. I would like this IM to say: "Hi"
  2. Haha, I appreciate your bluntness and willingness to look reality in the face -- I feel it is best, as you said to Chic above, to base reality on what has actually happened in the past rather than falling to the illusion of blind faith. It saddens me how so many people, when faced with the powers that be, allow themselves to be duped. I can't blame them really -- it's hard to be creative and exist in love when the owners of the world you create in are being so manipulative. It's marketing 101 - the procedure that occurs when a business wants more from their customer. They pretend to give something to their customer as a cover-up for actually taking more from them. Sometimes the business actually does give a little, but the business usually gives something that doesn't cut into their bottom line too much, or in some cases actually benefits the business even more. The customer is fooled and thinks they're getting a good deal. I have to wonder, Charlotte, Blueberry et al. -- are you able to see this? Or do you see it and think you have no power to change it (and so don't agree that one of the survey points should be a negotiation on the amount of our pay cut)? Do you just not freaking care about all the others on the line losing the loss of a dream as an artist, or losing their quarter or eighth of a sim land they need for a store, because after all you're earning 4,000,5000, or 6,000 usd monthly and with 25% less of that you'll survive just fine? Originally, Charlotte, you seemed to think you could make up for the pay cuts through some kind of marketplace magic -- does maintaining this belief bring you some kind of comfort in the face of what's going down? I agree with the assessment of many others, and I just can't see how most affordable (for them) MP improvements will cause our MP sales to increase. I just can't participate in this survey. For me it's like agreeing to being manipulated and accepting the few bones they are (or might be) throwing our way while they take far, far more from the creators here. Is 'something' better than 'nothing'? Sometimes, it's just not.
  3. In their eyes stolen items are apparently just as good as the items we create, yet they laud all this creativity here, even using this 'praise of creativity' as a marketing tool to lure in new residents, pretending to care about something noble in society, positioning themselves as doing something good as a company. Allowing stolen content shows they don't really care where their money comes from, and they are supporting thieves, not creativity. It's another slap in the face to us, and shows they don't really care about creators.
  4. Oh no Rya, this makes me very sad. I did think of you when some alarmed creators contacted me who were also trying to make a RL income here, in the 1,000 usd or so a month category, and who will need to leave SL and find a RL job if the income cuts are too great as they are right on the edge as it is. I watched you from the beginning bloom into an artist, get better and better at your craft, and I have used the flowers from your other avatar more and more in my custom jobs. Often I log in with my customers avatar to purchase, and in fact will be getting some more very soon! I've always loved to see people bloom into artists here, as well as how people grow and change in all areas of life, and that's probably why I majored in Psychology. Often one can see when a creator has that spark in the very beginning and could likely become a competent artist, but sometimes it manifests later. I value art because an artist sees the beauty in life and is able to show the beauty to others. What a struggle to see the beauty, and then more struggle to express it adequately! If I'm lucky I get to dance in the beauty from time to time. One of my biggest fears is that I will feel so ill that I don't have the energy to know the joy of creativity anymore. So I have a lot of empathy for this loss you're describing, and it saddens me to see yet another artist have to go back to rote work and not be able to utilize their talents here, or not much as you say because we only have so much energy in a day and RL work can zap most of it. It's a strange and confusing dynamic going on for me with these changes, an appreciation for the opportunity SL has given me, juxtaposed with the anger over those in power attempting to manipulate others with market-speak. These supposed improvements, our birthday 'gift' in sickening market-speak, yes a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, but is there really even any sugar here...even for the non-creators?
  5. Well you responded to something that Love had responded to me with...so back on track...why do you think LL has never gotten serious about removing stolen content? I want to know because should I actually decide to take part in this possible survey I need to know if it's something to realistically request. *You are so technically minded, so that's why I'm asking you....but if anybody else knows how difficult it would be to implement this feature I'd love to hear the info.
  6. I am in-game, especially when doing custom jobs, though I spend a lot of time on a building platform too. I kind of look at it like my thing is to roleplay as a creator here, as a builder -- it's my passion.
  7. Pierre, they may have started the game but they need us to fulfill their goals, and it's only fair they should pay attention to our needs too. So much of life is going online, and we can't let the toolmakers have all the control, on the internet or in Second Life. I defer to their ultimate decisions as owners of course, always...but I want them to take our needs into consideration too. Praise be to the tookmakers yes! But they are nothing without someone to use their tools, and we are nothing without their tools. ** Added: The economy of the internet is something very important to consider. Those who create the tools, or the Facebooks, or whatever should not be the only entity allowed to earn a living (or have a gold mine really) while our time and effort has no value!
  8. I know what I know, from being in SL for 14 years. And I KNOW all the people that left SL because of the way they were treated by LL. We are wise to be wary.
  9. They just raised cashout fees in January, and now they're talking about more fees -- it's March -- this does not seem slow. Also, LL needs to do a lot of work to establish trust given all we've gone through over the years. I believe a company can change, but you can't blame us for being wary.
  10. You are sounding way too much like you just got off of the blueberry boat. LL in the past made quick changes with disastrous consequences for people. Think of the education islands who suddenly lost their 50% discount and so lost their sims (hello LL, maybe talk to them before you take action and see when new budgets are planned each year), or of the homestead/open space fiasco that cost residents tons of money when they ended suddenly. There's more.
  11. Maybe....us high-earners, mesh police peeps, and all.....want SL to be much more professional for us creators than it can be, or should be. But for now I want to blame LL and go work on a pretty waterfall...........@#$%^
  12. Maybe they can't modify the MP easily to remove the thieves because they use a template for the MP that is impossible to mod... Ok, I agree with Charlotte, we need a new MP ;0
  13. That's right Love, you are a programmer so you would know. I've always thought it was more possible (to remedy the MP thief problem) but never said due to my script/programming-challenged nature. So why do you think they don't remedy it? I mean sure it's easy to see the benefit for LL, but it's a logical error to assume a possible motivation equals the true reason.
  14. It is fair when the other platform is a direct competitor of SL think other 3D chat platforms where people sell their creations, the answer is right there. Well I'd say it's more fair than some other comparisons. But...SL still has unique features compared to, say, Kitely. I believe it's much more expensive to live here in SL, for one.
  15. That's right Love, you are a programmer so you would know. I've always thought it was more possible (to remedy the MP thief problem) but never said due to my script/programming-challenged nature.
  16. I don't think it works to compare SL to other venues, nor does it work to compare SL to RL. All variables need to be fairly equal for these kinds of comparisons to be used in the formulation of accurate decisions. I know it's tempting to make such comparisons if your income in SL is high, or higher, than a typical RL one....but the comparisons don't hold because of so many differences. And also because they only hold true for the very very few who earn a RL income here.
  17. This is the saddest thread ever. As FatherTheo said earlier, they are going to the absolute worst segment of SL to try and increase revenue -- the creators.
  18. I also pay 5% of marketplace sales, 4% to sell lindens, and tier on four regions. I have no plans of stepping outside second life. I mention again, I am not a 3-D model seller, I am a merchant in Second Life providing abundant customer support, most of which is not for my products but for free basic lessons in how second life works. Edited 3 minutes ago by Pamela Galli Pamela, you greedy capitalist pig!!!!!!! ;0 Have you heard merchants called that? I have...
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