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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Bumping this back up. Hiring has paid off and walk-in traffic has doubled, with almost daily events on top of that. But we're always looking for more to cover those quiet hours and catch stragglers!
  2. You're right, however skins work everywhere on the grid, with all viewers. Encouraging sales of skins is fine. Encouraging sales of a product not supported on all of the grid and only with select viewers... That's something else entirely.
  3. My concern is the merchants that don't care or don't know, that release mesh anyway, either intentionally or accidentally misleading their customers. Since LL doesn't like to get involved in disputes, you'll have a lot of merchants taking money from residents for worthless products, and then throwing up some "no refunds" policy and walking away with the L$.
  4. Chelsea Malibu wrote: I'd hate to see it retire as I too loved that UI and its why I use Phoenix today however, even Phoenix is launching Firestorm which is way too much like V2 to keep my interest. For a long time, it has always seemed that technologies built by anyone other then LL seem to work much better then their own home baked junk. Sad to see that so many are now trying to emulate LL's mistakes. The "problem" is, they need the new codebase to have the new features. Which means making it more like V2, because they're using the V2 code. It can't be helped.
  5. Wait, let me get this right. You're encouraging merchants to sell items that aren't going to work for everyone, will only work in certain places even with the right viewer, and with no intent of offering any system or links or instructions to users about what mesh is and how it works and what PE cost is, etc.? And you expect all the merchants to handle all the mesh support requests (that is, the ones that aren't just going to take their L$, throw up a 'no refund' policy, and move on)? I don't even have words for how bad an idea that is.
  6. Dres is right. It doesn't matter how much it upsets you, you can't share IMs on LL's domain. You're trying to make it more complex than that, and it's not. Lots of laws and rules in the world displease me. Sure, I complain that they annoy me. And that's perfectly acceptable. What I can't do is say that they're nullified because of laws elsewhere. Unless I think it's worth arguing in court, and can make a case... But that really doesn't happen all that often. To be hoenst, I don't care if it irritates you by saying it. I'll say it again and again, every time someone says something about disclaimers or laws elsewhere... Them's the rules. If you don't like it, don't use SL. If you feel the need to share IM's, open up a chat with the person in another website or in one of the instant messengers or use email. At that point, it's fine, there's nothing anyone can do about it, and you can feel as rightful as you want.
  7. Solar Legion wrote: Dres, the phrase "bleating about privacy" is a reference to those who believe that every little piece of their publicly available offline and online information can never, ever be shared anywhere they have not given prior permission for it to appear. You put information in the public eye, expect it to appear elsewhere. The recent bleating and blathering concerning web based SL profiles for example: Your profile is public. Linden Lab gets to decide how they handle public information. Even removing your profile from search does not prevent a person right clicking on yo and viewing your profile. These are the types which profess to abhor drama ..... and yet they cause more than their fair share of it. I have never run into anyone with a disclaimer in their profile around whom drama has spun out of control (no more so than the average user). I have run into the privacy nutters and ya know what? They bleat about privacy because of all the drama they bloody create. As for sharing IM and general chat logs ..... that section of the ToS is worded and enforced in such a manner that it utterly hampers the general user .... and yes, it bloody well angers me. Heaven forbid I should share a conversation that has been logged which contains material which skirts the inner edge of the ToS! And since I don't feel like hitting reply a second time ..... Gadget? There's no such thing as a truly private conversation within Second Life - not unless you use an OTR system. At any given moment, a Linden can view your IM logs on their system. For that matter, anyone passing by your screen or using the same PC as you can view the conversation. Your ideas would be fine and dandy in a perfect world: We don't live in such a world. The only "respect" that is deserved concerning an IM only goes so far. Usually up until the point a person begins to become verbally abusive to the one they are messaging or when referencing another users (quite possibly a friend or an estate manager). It is that viiew and attitude, taken to the extreme, that spawns needless and unfair bans stemming from someone Abuse Reporting another user for rightfully passing on a log which contains verbal abuse, plans to grief or simply by the request of an estate manager in an effort to resolve a dispute. If the two of you cannot tell ..... this is a topic I do not have much give concerning. ToS or not, you IM a person, they have every legal right to log the conversation and pass it on if the need arises. At present, this can only be done (safely) outside of Linden Lab's servers. So far as I am concerned, they have no valid reason for this whatsoever. The only users I have an issue with concerning the logging and sharing (be it in SL or not) of IM and general chat logs are the ones who like to twist the words of others to fuel their own twised views. These are the sort who will blog endlessly about nothing at all, ranting about conspiracies which do not exist and trashing others without any reason. If Linden Lab is going to demand that users do not share these logs in SL, then they need to find a legal reason to keep the above types from sharing them outside SL. No one's talking about verbally abusing or griefing anyone. Not sure where you read that in any posts. The topic is, "Is it okay to share IM logs if you have a disclamer?". The answer is: No, not in SL. You don't have to like it, that's the rule. You can't "rightfully" share IM logs in SL, LL has made rules against it. If you do, you're breaking the rules. If the person takes offense, they AR you. It's not an unfair ban. You willfully broke the rules, you get banned. Doesn't matter if it's legal elsewhere, it's against the rules here. It's black and white, no shades of gray. The rules say no sharing IMs in SL. Break those rules, and face the consequences. "I did it because it's legal outside of SL!" doesn't change the rule.
  8. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I can't wait to see your buildings on the Marketplace With that kind of knowledge, you should start your own prefab business. You'd never have to complain about other people's products again +1
  9. I'm with Dres on this one. A private conversation is private. That's a basic respect thing. You tell someone something in confidence, you should be able to expect it to stay between just the two of you. And LL's rules back that up, at least everywhere that they can enforce those rules. Kudos to them for doing it. I for one, will happily AR someone, disclaimer or not, if they take our conversation, put it in a notecard, and pass it around, and I get wind that that's happening. Is the disclamer legal? Sure. Will that save them from a suspension from SL? Nope.
  10. Good question. Think merchants should use the same method the land people did? Or maybe we can get clever and post in General with some semi-legit topic, but start with like... "So today I just finished making my latest product, the [insert name and link here], and I realized that the sky in SL changes color. What windlight settings do you like?
  11. I'll echo what others are saying. A disclaimer, no matter where you put it, isn't consent. Even if it's your autoresponse. Consent has to be "I agree" or "I consent" or "I give you permission", etc. This comparison is used a lot... Police pull you over for speeding, and you say "If you continue talking to me, that automatically waives the speeding fine"... Sounds even dumber in that context, doesn't it?
  12. Xclusive has re-opened with new management, a new, better location, and a more user friendly build, and is looking for dancers to help fill the place up. The club boasts regular events, two dance floors, dedicated staff DJ's, listed in search, classifieds, and on the SL events page. Benefits include 80% tips, set your own hours, personalized tech support for SL related issues, space to sell your own items or put up affiliate boards, input in build and policy decisions, and even bonus pay for any ideas, concepts, or input that helps improve the club in almost any way. Come down and get an application in world at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lefabre/10/151/79 Or contact Sevyn Resident or Gadget Portal for more information.
  13. LL has a policy of not getting involved in what they call resident to resident disputes. If you lost a substantial amount of money, I'd be talking to a lawyer, because LL won't help you.
  14. It's possible that the region is set that way by the region owner. Alternatively, check your parcel windlight settings. If you enabled it to accept from friends (and I forgot the other options) that could be happening too.
  15. The other thing is check script counts. Lots and lots of scripted objects will make it hard to move or TP from sim to sim.
  16. Looks like there might still be an alpha channel in the texture, even though there's no actual transparent parts.
  17. Are they on an up to date viewer? Clothes layers are clothes layers and you shouldn't have to do anything special.
  18. Eric Castanea wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: You've offered no technical details or system specs. Seemed more like you were just saying V2 doesn't run well. I was offering evidence that it can, depending on your system and your settings. If you want helpful feedback, post your system specs and some of your settings, maybe we can figure out why your system is having so much trouble with it. Ok, then. Please tell me why I can only get 5fps with this laptop with LL's latest viewer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU: AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology ML-42 (2412.36 MHz) Memory: 2047 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit Service Pack 2 (Build 6002) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce Go 7900 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! Well, right off the bat, that's 5 year old technology. Single core and an old GPU, and only 2 gigs RAM. That can be partially to blame. That said, you are right, you should be getting better FPS than you do. What driver version are you using on the GPU, is that up to date? And the other troublehsooting question that has to be asked is if you're running other software, background programs, etc. With that system, you should be able to get at least 15. My partner has a much weaker system, and we greased 15 FPS (on a private estate, not mainland) out of it with some effort.
  19. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: I don't need to buy a new computer each year to work with 3d or video editing, so why should we need to buy a new computer each year just for SL? no sense, sorry. Would agree updating a 5 year old pc, but they can't ask people to update computers each year... I didn't say buy one each year. I said get a modern system. Every five years, for example. Or, even better, something that can be upgraded over the years. Get a basic 64 bit PC now, and as time goes, add more RAM or a better GPU, or perhaps a better CPU. One part at a time as the years go, to keep costs down.
  20. Baloo Uriza wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: I never claimed it was well made. This is easily the buggiest, most poorly designed software I've ever used. You've never used Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, Autodesk AutoCAD or Microsoft Office? I mean, if we're going to talk about bloated, buggy crap, might as well point out the eggregious offenders first. I've used all of those but Office pretty extensively, although it's been some years since I used AutoCAD. My opinion stands. SL is still the buggiest system I've used. And I know 95 FPS is overkill. My point was that it's possible to get good FPS with V2. Doesn't matter if it's 45, 65, or eleventybillion. If someone is having trouble getting good FPS, they should post their system specs so that the problem may be more easily found.
  21. Jayvell Villota wrote: All I have to say is look at how technology is advancing when it comes to software and computer graphics. It's getting to the point where if you don't have a decent computer to meet the requirements of most things, then there really isn't anything you're going to be able to do. I'm all in favor of LL's decision to remove V1 Viewer support, because honestly, it is their source code where they can do anything they want with it, regardless of any current TPVs being out there, it doesn't mean people can't develop TPVs for V2, like Firestorm currently is. I've had close to no issues with Viewer 2 other than the recent updates they've rolled out which removed the Lighting and Shadow's feature, where people have to use the Development/Beta client for viewer 2 until the issue has been fixed. Normally, I run V2 at ultra settings with all options on and it runs at around 20-30 FPS, but obviously lowers in places where there are a lot of people. All I can really say is - It's time for people to dish out their cash and invest in better rigs, meant for gaming, because I believe that somewhere down the line LL is going to try to turn SL's graphics into say something in similarity of CryEngine's sandbox and whatnot, and yes I know not everyone is made of money and can't afford the best hardware available, but I'm just saying. Someday LL will get it right, where they balance both the performance of their viewer & servers, along with making it look presentable to people that are enthusiasts when it comes to graphics. That's my two cents at least. I don't think SL will ever be in the same league as CryEngine- the user generated content (particularly the really bad builds) bring it down. That said, you're right about everything else. If you want to play in a modern 3D world, you gotta get modern hardware to do it.
  22. Freya Mokusei wrote: Same reason Crysis doesn't work on Windows 98. SL viewer 1's old hat. :matte-motes-sunglasses-1: That says it better than anything else. It's old, outdated technology. Not used anymore.
  23. zzyzxroad wrote: Secondlife residents should not "HAVE" to get used to a ui and features tehy clearly do not like. Linden Lab should accomodate tehir customers, not vice versus. So far secondlife residents have overwhelmingly voiced their thought by their choice of viwers. currenly 60-70% Phoenix, 15% Firestorm, 15% V2.x and a few V1.23, singularity, etc. I am not sure what serviwe side features are rumored to be eliminated, but current v2 'features' such as web based profiles are a problem for many users with modest computers. SecondLife has a technical savy and engaged user base that Linden Labs has repeatedly ignored and offended with development of v2. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. When software gets old, it gets phased out. Same thing with hardware. After a while, it doesn't matter what you want- it simply won't work anymore, and it's time to upgrade. If you computer can't run the latest software that you want to run... Time for a new computer. Or at least an upgrade. And really, it's not just computers, it's everything in the world. Cars, clothes, homes, tools, TV's... Computers are just faster about doing it.
  24. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Never buy attachments without modify permission. +1 for mod perms. Sounds like the creator put some bad scripts in there. I'd get a new one/updated version.
  25. So if you don't need or want my help, why'd you complain that my post wasn't helpful? Clearly there IS something wrong with your system, if you're getting 5 FPS, but if you get better FPS with another viewer, just use another viewer? I'm not really seeing the issue, I guess.
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