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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. May 28, 29 & 30 were the Memorial Day weekend in the US, so I think LL Customer Service people may have been on holiday. My friend & I have also been waiting a week to hear back on 2 support tickets (for buyng abandoned land). I can only hope that Customer Sevice will be replying to their backlog of support tickets in the near future.
  2. You may not be able to file a 5th ticket about a person who is no longer a resident of SL, but you may be able to add information to your original 4 tickets. Look up your support history to find your previous tickets & add information to them.
  3. Go to the Pheonix Viewer website to read their JIRA's on crashing & join the Phoenix Viewer Support group in SL. If you share your cache between multiple viewers this can cause frequent crashing. IMO, putting your cache for each viewer in separate folders on your desktop will probably stop most of your crashing.
  4. In Mature regions public nudity may be allowed, but sexual content must be private. Ask your landlord what they allow. If I were a renting a home to someone on Mature land, I would not care what they do inside their house nor what furniture they have. I would care if they do things that annoy me or other renters, so I would not let them have a RLV trap on land that anyone could walk through. I would also not let them advertise sex-furniture by setting it "Show in Search", since this would be breaking LL's rules for Mature land.
  5. Maybe we need some kind of device in SL that will tell folks what their real cup size would be based on their bust slider numbers? What would the cup size be for 50, for instance? Another aspect of cup size that I think many avatar body shapes don't deal with realistically is the affect of gravity on boobage. If you have D-cup breasts, no matter how young you are, they're not going to jut out the same way that B-cups would, unless they're made entirely of silicone. There's also the consideration of whether an avatar would be wearing a bra on not. Fully clothed, it's reasonable to assume a bra would be supporting breasts, so not as much gravity or movement. But in a bikini or hater top, there would be more gravity & movement. I wonder, with the new avatar physics being available on Phoenix as well as Viewer 2, if people will start selling avatar physics included with clothing? A corset, for instance, would create restricted movement, while a bikini or halter top would provide more.
  6. Yeah the video is adorable, but the booby boogy is a little too much. Phoenix has a free Avatar Physics pack on SL Marketplace you might try to get see what numbers look better.
  7. Woo hoo! free prims. :smileyvery-happy: Do you think this would be like your bank accidentally putting too much money in your bank account? So if you then use it, they accuse you of "stealing" it?
  8. Also note that if you turn your Basic avatar account Premium for just one month, you would pay something like $10, but get back $L 1200 in weekly stipends & $L 1000 in bonus money. That works out to a little under $10, so it would only cost you about a $1 or less to get support on this issue. Then you could put this avatar back to Basic if you wanted to do that.
  9. After you pay the initial $L 100 to form a group there is no additional cost. As long as you keep at least 2 members & one owner in the group, you will have it as long there is a Second Life virtual world. Anytime you own land, however, as an individual or as part of a group, you have to keep track of whether the owners of your land group's tier are paid up on their tier or not. If you (the owner of the group), another co-owner of your land group, or a member who contributes tier you need to hold your land defaults on their tier payments, your land may be liable for going back to LL & being auctioned off. The same kinds of things happen in RL when taxes are not paid on property. Another way that being part of a group can cost you is when the group has reccurrent fees, such as having group land "Show in Search". Then each group owner (or sometimes group officers or all group members) will be automatically charged for an equal portion of those fees. It is possible to incur a negative $L balance when this happens, even if a member does not have a Premium account. You can always try to buy & sell land at a profit in SL, but the current market does not favor sellers who are not very savy about the business.
  10. Linden Labs has the right to decide that a group must have at least 2 members. How can you call it a "group" if you're the only member? That doesn't make sense. However, it's very easy to get 2 members for a group. If you don't have a friend who would join, just create an alt & have them join. Voila', you now have 2 members. Sorry you lost your $L100 & now have to file a ticket to try to get your land back, but that's what happens when you don't read the "fine print" in the LL rules.
  11. Redgrave doesn't have many male skins, but the ones they have are nice & their demos are free. So they're worth checking out. The my main avi wears Redgrave almost all of the time & I've never felt the need to buy a premium skin from anyone else.
  12. "We can have 8 accounts?" "As of now..yes. Eventually (as said in the ToS, LL will charge about 5 usd for every extra account per household)" Question? - How would LL determine a "household"? My roommate & I live in the same house, but we each have our own computers & finance our use of SL independently. Sometimes my boyfriend stays over too. All 3 of us could be on SL at the same time, but we're not all in the same "household". We each have at least one alt, .so how is SL going to determine when we have too many? Here's another scenario, what if there were several SL users living in the same college dorm? What would their "household" be then?
  13. http://front.moveon.org/eli-pariser-filter-bubble-​ted-talk/ That's a really good link, Dilbert. Thanks for sharing it.
  14. On a related note to this thread & the one about Twitter, here's a story about International Diplomats using Twitter.
  15. "(imagine, for example... if someone I follow tweeted something inworld right now that I saw when I was out of world that made me want to go inworld!) I have that functionality now. It's called email, with my IMs & subscription notices going to it.
  16. Since you're new, I think it's a good idea to start small & try not to get in over your head. You can rent a home which will allow you to rez furniture & plants & learn about high prim vs. low prim options. You can lease a parcel that will allow you to rez a home & play with Edit Land. When you rent or lease (what Estate owners may call "buying") don't pay more than a month in advance, in case your landlord may disappear or kick you out. When you buy directly from LL, you'll have to keep paying tier or will have to sell or abandon your land if you change your mind about owning it. When you buy Mainland from LL, be sure to first take a good walk (or fly) around the neighborhood to see what kind of neighbors you'll have. High-traffic places like dance clubs & breedable animal farms add to lag. So do items with lots of particles emiters & scripting. Linden roads & waterways or parks mean your view & abilty to travel around the region are both less likely to be blocked. Turn on "View Ban Lines" to be sure you don't have too many blocked parcels around you. If there are places in the neighborhood where you can explore & hang out freely, it's like having a free backyard or park, so your own living space is larger. I've owned land for a couple years now, but I always see neighbors who buy a lot & then quickly abandon all or part of it, probably because the monthy tier ended being more than they expected or they found another location they liked better. In today's SL ecconomy, you don't want to get stuck with a large parcel of land that you might have to almost give away to get rid of it if you change your mind.
  17. If your skybox/ house & everything in is copyable, you may be able to hot-link everything & Take a Copy into your inventory. To hot-link multiple items, right-click on one item, then keep your Edit window open as you hold down [sHIFT] & left click each item you want to hot-link. This can be a tricky process & may take some practice, but once you learn of to do it, you can take several items into your inventory at one time, keep them all in relation to each other, & have the set of items only count as one item in your inventory. The last item you click will give it's name to the collection in your inventory. You could put a copy of your whole kitchen or bedroom into your inventory, for instance, but it might be called "Kichen Table" or "Dresser". Once in your inventory, the icon for the collection will look like several boxes stacked together, instead of just one box.
  18. Thanks for posting this. My friend is also looking for the sort of houses you described.
  19. After reading the OP, I thought, "Cool. I'd like to try this." Then I remembered that official LL posts always sound overly optimistic. IMO, the posts from people who have tried the new product or features are a better indicator of whether it's worth trying of not. After trying Viewer 2 left me with folders I don't want & can't get rid of for my main account, no matter what viewer I'm using, I maintain a policy of not using any LL product until it's been out for a least a month & has had all its bugs exposed by other brave souls who are willing to try it. I'd really like to try this out, but I'm not yet willing to risk the possible headache of using a LL viewer.
  20. Facebook & SL don't serve the same purpose. Second Life is primarily a virtual world to play in, and one needs to have fairly good computer to use it. Facebook is easy to use on a crappy computer or small iPhone. One can share short updates, links, news articles, pictures, videos & discussions. It has the capacity to share massive amounts of information between many people in quick, bite-sized units. It's social media, not virtual meeting. I'm not saying it's better than SL at all. I like Facebook, but I love Second Life. Facebook could disappear tonight & I wouldn't care. I just find another social networking site to use instead. But if SL were gone, I would be really sad, because I don't think any other virtual world comes close to what it does. - Ok, maybe a couple come close, but not really close enough for me.
  21. Including a pic would be a great way for clothing creators to show that they care about their product & their customer. However, if they're selling cheap or giving away freebies, don't expect a photo. Taking or updoading a picture costs $L 10. Add to that the time & effort it takes to get a good picture, and for many it's just not worth the trouble.
  22. I use my SL account & my FB account for different reasons & never intended my FB account to represent my SL avatar. It was just the opposite. I chose my SL first name to be the same name I use on FB & elsewhere. Obviously I also had to choose a fake last name in SL. Since I didn't really have a real last name on Facebook, I used my SL last name for better recognition. Why would I even use FB if I don't want it linked to my legal identity? Because I belong to RL groups that use Facebook to update members about news stories & events. Everyone has been moving from Yahoo Groups & My Space lately, so that's where the online groups moved to as well. They use the functions at Facebook to share information quickly with group members. Group members can IM & friend each other, post personal updates to their wall & read the posts of their friends. It doesn't matter if we used pseudonyms, because we know each other by those pseudonyms, just as we know our SL friends by their SL names. We are still real people, some of whom are known as authors or business people by their adopted names. How dare Facebook say these names aren't "real" just because they may not be the one a person uses on their IRS form? This is not just about Second Life names on Facebook accounts.
  23. My RL roommate has been paying for 2 premium accounts, but hasn't been using all her tier. Instead she's been renting land for her main avatar & I've been letting her have a free house on my land for her alt. (I get cheap rent from her in RL, so it's only fair to give her a free place in SL.) Recently her main account landlords told her she'll have to move her sex bed up above the land level or only rez it when she wants to use it. (It's a Mature region, but they can set whatever rules they want.) So even though she loves that land, she's thinking of buying a parcel of her own now, and I'm trying to help her crunch the numbers to see what would be most cost effective. I'm paying $72/ year for my premium account. Since I also get $L 300/ week, that works out to only $1/ month for my Premium account ( + $40/ month for tier). She's paying $9.95/ month for each of her alts. I'm wondering if she were to go to one annual premium account & one free basic account, what would that cost her? What is the cost for an annual premium account now? I think I bought mine just before the price went up. She says she needs 800-1000 prims to be comfortable in her SL home, so I guess she's going to have to pay $25/ month on top of her annual premium account for 4096 sq. meters (937 prims). Then she can buy her land as a group with her alt, get her 512m bonus + the 10% group bonus. I think that would work out to 5056 sq. meters max (with 1155 prims max). If she'd be happy living on my land, I'd suggest for her to just have her main & her alt share the small house on my land for free. I think it's probably better for her to have a place away from me in SL, though, & she wants her main & her alt to each have their own place. (Edit added to respond to post below) @ PeeWee So, if you want to own more than 1024m it's actually cheaper to have multiple annual premium accounts than to have one premium account & one or more free alts? Wow. I never would have thought that. Maybe I should make my 2 free alts premium as well, so they can share their free tier & my main can drop down to a lower rate?
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