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bee Baroque

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Everything posted by bee Baroque

  1. hm, first time i've heard this, but i think i will go with peewee on this one. you can use options > edit to add info to your post.
  2. this is a resident forum, not an official support portal. proper way to deal with griefing is to submit abuse reports. abuse report every single individual breaking the tos, for every single incident. and get every single person there with you to do the same. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065
  3. your post has no text. if you are using ie9 you need to click the torn page icon (to the right of the address bar) and then use options > edit to add info/comments to your op.
  4. if you give someone edit rights to your items they can only manipulate them/take copy while they are rezzed somewhere. after those rights have been removed they can no longer do this. i am not sure what you're saying actually happened. they bought it? eta: add info/comments to your post by using options > edit.
  5. when logged in on the marketplace, go to my marketplace > merchant home > help resources. under merchant help wiki under help resources you will find an article with all you need to know about selling in the marketplace, including how and where to get the magic box (it's free). this box is loaded with the (packaged) items you want to sell and communicates with your inventory on the marketplace. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 wish you good luck in selling! a new delivery system is currently being worked on, so the magic boxes will soon be a thing of the past. but for now this is what is used.
  6. bee Baroque


    happy to hear the issue was resolved for you, but why remove the contents of your post? if it had been left in it could have been of help to others searching for solutions for similar problems.
  7. Eio Tuqiri wrote: K, bee, I just took a look at that link you posted, so I guess this is my FORUM profile, as different from my secondlife.com proflle? and do I have a different profile in Bolgs and are there more than two profiles? Why all the different profiles? yes, forum profile is separated from your inworld profile. (as marigold also mentioned). not more than two profiles. you have your inworld profile and your forum profile. whether you post in answers or forums it will show your forum avatar. if you comment a blog post it will only show your name and rank icon (the orange bowling pin looking thing there *points* lol) why is it like this? haven't got a clue
  8. bee Baroque


    are you using dual monitors? if so, make sure sl is on the primary one and relog.
  9. either click your name to the left of your post or your name on top of the page, where it says "welcome, Eio Tuqiri". that will be your forum profile. suella has made a great thread about making a forum avatar/badge here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025#M190 to add comments/info to your op use options > edit.
  10. bee Baroque

    Avi Problem

    duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Avi-PROBLEMS/qaq-p/912121 use options > edit to add info to your op in that thread instead of creating new threads. makes it easier for us all to help you more efficiently =)
  11. it's not possible to completely hide the account name and it shouldn't be possible either(!), but display name options are set in your preferences (i'm not familiar with v2, which i assume you are using) - but you cannot control what others see as they have set their prefs different. i even know of some people who refuse to use the display name nonsense all together :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  12. i wouldn't be surprised if his name was censored by the lab people.
  13. nah, i'm the only serious one in this thread :matte-motes-nerdy::matte-motes-evil-invert:
  14. this jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3888? was created, only to be marked with "contact support". and from the last comment it looks like the solution support comes up with only helps premium members. i don't know if it helps you any, but there it is.
  15. the sign up bonus is paid after 45 days and the 300 L$ stipend is paid every tuesday.
  16. as far as i understand it the link will not be clickable to you as you're the owner of the group (and can edit the charter), but it will appear clickable to others. or are people telling you they can't click the link?
  17. your browser has nothing to do with why your viewer is crashing. to get your system specs - (in your viewer) go to help > about second life here's a torley video on how to do it in viewer 2, but the approach is pretty similar in other viewers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/System_info as soon as valerie and luc stop their partying i am sure they will have more useful info to add :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  18. @luc: :matte-motes-silly: :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  19. yes :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  20. in addition to what valerie said - do you get any error messages when you crash and if so what do they say? add info to your post using options > edit. eta: ah i see now you have already posted about this issue, a little here and a little there. gotta love that =) it would help us help you by having only one thread.
  21. well. you would have to get them on your friends list... just like you did on your previous account... but - making a new account just because of clouding isn't exactly a solution. my guess is the problem will follow sooner or later. users here help people de-cloud every single day. i would give that a try first =) add info to your post using options > edit.
  22. duplicate - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/I-rezzed-two-dance-huds-full-of-no-copy-animations-i-crashed-I/qaq-p/911549 (use options > edit to add info/comments to your op there)
  23. search for baby find babies decide on one baby give baby maker your lindens receive baby
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