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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. .... It is - at least according to the TPV Directory - Windows Only.
  2. I'm just surprised it takes so long to react to a few of them ... With some threads, it's quite clear from the word Go what is happening/going to happen.
  3. It already attempts to set your settings via an auto-detect at initial startup (right after install). Doing it after that is ... Well it is pointless. Too much can change from moment to moment in any given area to make it worthwhile. as far as the difference between normal games and Second Life with regard to the Texture download/use process .... If you're expecting it to function like a "game" in that regard, you are going to be disappointed. If you're not paying enough attention to see that it is not pre-downloading the entire asset database (or at least just the textures) ... Well, it's high time you stopped assuming that is just how everything works.
  4. It - of course - does not help at all that "normal" English simply doesn't exist. If going by country, there's American and British English - the latter of which is much older and has more of a claim to that meaningless title of "normal". And point blank: While machine transcription (which is what YouTube's CC system now pretty much exclusively uses) is glacially slowly getting better, it is not by any means as accurate as some would like to claim/think. Not yet.
  5. End user perspective, Coffee. And one that doesn't use every bell and whistle. Either way, noted.
  6. The dedicated RLV Viewer will always have the "new and shiny" features before most of those that use the RLV/RLVa API. That said, I can only tell you that for the most part you're better off sticking with your current Viewer - especially if you actually like its existing feature set. You can always enable the RLV/RLVa feature within your current TPV (for Firestorm - as indicated - that is under Preferences, Firestorm, it's the first checkbox on the page).
  7. Where's that eye-roll reaction?
  8. You make the mistake of assuming thought went into this. Linden Lab has been trying to chase after and entice the Gaemerz for far too long and it needs to stop.
  9. "Virtual Worlds, what's the point?" - To Exist.
  10. So um ... some time shortly after taking my last picture posted in this thread I decided to go ahead and try something I'd been waffling on for quite some time ... After a couple of days and now three forms put together using the new setup (no, not using a V-Tech right now), I have to say ... I have never felt more comfortable as I do now. Not my "default" (Vulpine) look but it gets things across: Lara Petite body, Unisex shape. Male form, with a bust.
  11. Ah yes, so you'll listen to your fellow traveler ..... Well that says quite a lot.
  12. Too slow and not nearly profitable enough. Rent out Backhoes instead.
  13. No, I don't care to explain it. It's been covered ad nauseam in this very thread and actual, factual information is available to you almost everywhere. At this stage, you're either going to listen or you're not. Not looking so good for the former, just by your initial post. "Good luck" and "have fun".
  14. Oh look, even more absolute hogwash .....
  15. Well think of it like this, if I wanted to add a tonal emphasis it would have been on the second word as follows: "Grow. Up." The problem with doing that is that the exact tone being used ... simply does not come across here.
  16. Yes but also no. It's a much shorter pause and a much sharper tonal delivery. Use of italicized text would have put additional tone. Same with bold or underlined text.
  17. You really do need to stop it with the fantasy trips. Not a single thing you imagine is going on, is going on in regard to the responses given to Fairre. Enough. Is. Enough. You can post at the air from here on out - I am quite done feeding you.
  18. Except that the meaning - as presented in the words used and how they were used, left very little "confusion" as to their meaning. Further, my initial response had nothing to do with Autism and was in response specifically to the notion of children being present here.
  19. Luna, sit down and stop trying to pin all the woes of the world on a single person (exaggeration) - it was an old tactic elsewhere (and got you in trouble there) and it really should not be allowed here.
  20. Oh for ... And yes, I find that you still haven't understood what has been said to be incredibly amusing.
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