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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Try here first and adapt as needed. On my end as it turned out ... Only one library was missing - libidn11:i386. This machine is kept up to date as far as its kernel and Ubuntu are concerned - because of the latter, all I can tell you is to follow the link I've posted and adapt as needed for your distribution.
  2. Firestorm Beta Release Notes. For those wanting to know what else is in it. Personally, Public Beta or not I'll wait for the proper release. It would be nice though if instead of placing it as the "current version" on their download page (and apparently back end) they simply stuck it where they put the older releases and "other" downloads. You know, so those users waiting on the main line release aren't poked each and every single time they start up Firestorm to update ...
  3. Ah yes and as usual .... someone had to try and pretend that there is a political aspect to my responses ... As well as try to pretend they know where my political leanings are ... Nice try. Swing and a miss - a big miss. Though I think poor Saturn wants a word with you for hitting it.
  4. Now see, you made a mistake here: My response concerns Second Life and all other software/properties owned/operated by the private company, Linden Lab. It can be extended to include all properties/software owned by private companies. You have what "rights" you are given by said companies and what "rights" those companies are required to give to you by varied laws. No more, no less. In short, your supposed "point" was meaningless where Second Life is concerned - which is all I addressed. You made an assumption concerning my response that was - point blank - false.
  5. How about we try it this way, hmm? If your point was not contained within the post that sparked this off, then state it. Otherwise, quit pretending something was missed.
  6. I define "rights" as they actually exist and affect or are affected by varied factors. You know: Reality. As for your oh so lovely dig: The funny part of that is that you actually think you know thing one as to how I'd approach an abuse of power. This is a privately owned forum, Second Life is owned by Linden Lab. At the end of the day they decide what power you have on their platforms and within their services - not you. The only ones who can tell them any differently? Courts and Governments - specifically those belonging to areas where they actually have a business presence (which amounts to a bit more than just taking your money) - you and I have no say. No really, we don't. Now if you really want to stretch it, the above is only partially mitigated by the "voice" we have as regards those making the varied laws that Linden Lab has to follow. However at the end of the day that is little more than using a proxy. You're at their whim when it comes to how it is implemented.
  7. I find naivety to be amusing. I also find the idea that the end users have "rights" they quite clearly do not have to be amusing.
  8. No, I find the concept that "ethics" has anything to do with this to be amusing. You can discuss "ethics" all you want - it changes nothing.
  9. They pay the tier, they get to decide who can be on the parcel. Beginning and end. Just like how Linden Lab operates where bans and such are concerned: Your rights are very limited when it comes to things like Second Life (and other social platforms/media) - like it or not. At the end of the day, Linden Lab decides who has access to their service or not and they have made it so that those who pay them tier or otherwise have access to the relevant parts of the Land Controls determine who has access or not with only Linden Lab able to override. Your only "right" in such a situation boils down to being able to complain on third party fora and a personal blog.
  10. Hmm, picked it up myself just now and I must say .... if it were not for the fact that it is impossible to get the Winter hunt gifts LL has put out once their time has passed .... I may put it out on the floating island I have at my Den but at a hundred LI, I will need decent, low LI and affordable furniture. Part of the problem I have with decorating is that I try to keep at least three hundred LI free on the parcel - a little less is often fine. With one of my friends haing moved to her own parcel, I am at 544 LI .... The cabin eats a hundred of that so that leaves 444 - 144 if you factor in the buffer I like to try and keep. I am rubbish at furniture buying.
  11. Yeah no, that looks and sounds perfectly fine to me. Too many new (and not so new) human avatars are still pushing seven and eight feet tall - easily dwarfing the avatar I use as the "norm" or baseline (a slightly shorter JOMO male fox) whereas I'd say that what you have there Abdashey would pretty much be well within the realm of realistic - even when compared against Fantasy types like me. ETA: For that matter, your avatar is actually taller than my RL self by about eight inches. So yeah, anyone trying to tell you that your avatar looks like a preteen or a teen needs their head examined.
  12. Thing of it is that the location/ISP connection doesn't actually matter - the client has to poll your machine to see what is connected to it. If the machine never tells the client you have a Space Navigator connected, the client cannot make use of it. Windows, Mac, Linux .... No matter the Operating system there can be odd quirks and such introduced when updates occur. Prior to the most recent Kernel update on this machine (Linux based) a few software side audio sinks had to be manually started. Now they seem to start by themselves again. On an old machine that ran Windows, the audio system itself occasionally failed to initialize on boot and had to either be started manually or would force a reboot. Whether you're shutting your Macbook down before moving it or not, it really does seem as though the OS itself is occasionally not recognizing you've got that Space Navigator plugged into it. Unfortunately this can be a purely OS side issue or the hardware itself (the port it is being plugged into, the cable, the connector) is simply wearing out - which can happen. I wish I could be of more help but I'd have to have the machine in front of me to do much more than suggest.
  13. No Kanry, that is Public Beta. Which Sansar is not ready for but was pushed to anyway. Now, get a room you two.
  14. Your ISP has nothing to do with the Second Life client seeing your hardware or drivers. At all. That is software/machine/OS level.
  15. Sweety, you edited your original post to remove your question after it was answered. Now you come back to make a meaningless dig that has no bearing whatsoever on the original content of your starting post. You asked about the logs themselves, treating the .log file as though it was the log itself. You were corrected and then erased your post. Now you've come back to pretend you asked a wholly different question. Have a nice day.
  16. That last bit of his was a dig at those who will use the reaction buttons in ways he does not approve of.
  17. Regarding the derail into the - often murky - meaning behind the different reaction buttons: It is a limitation of this forum and little more aside. Being frank I would think that the intended use of certain reactions would be obvious enough when one considers it in context of the response being reacted to: If no joke was being made - be it intentional or not - the meaning is more likely to be negative, be it scornful laughter or some other meaning. It is a use of what is available, most especially when one has nothing in depth to say/respond with. For some it is the same as responding simply with I Disagree or Bless Your Heart.
  18. No worries - already gotten into the entire reacting to what one reads into a response vs. what was actually written thing elsewhere, hence being a bit more gentle when pointing it out in the further response to ya. Then there's the fact that your opinions and feelings on some topics are well enough known, so the way you came off seemed a bit out of character for you. My initial response was not quite entirely serious - a reaction to what was written as opposed to your likely intent.
  19. That's nice. Wrong but nice all the same. Is that really all you have, going back and forth over the word "better" while pretending it automatically denotes an opinion? If so, move on. I have made my meaning crystal clear - you can choose to accept said meaning or you can continue to place your own views/thoughts on it. Could I have chosen a more fitting word? Possibly. I did clarify however and therefore the meaning should not be in question at this point. You do not like that others do not share your viewpoint. That is fine. What is not fine is ascribing your own thoughts/ideas/meaning to what others have written as though it is what they have actually said.
  20. Unfortunately Qie, that isn't how what you wrote came across. It read as though you were suggesting new Premium users have an SSP plot picked out for them and that they would have to abandon it before either picking a new one or going after Mainland or similar.
  21. Except it does not denote opinion - that is you, reading your own bias into what I typed. Do note that I singled out not a one of the offered solutions. Again, do try harder.
  22. I never stated what solution - if any - I liked. I offered a logical solution. Do try harder next time.
  23. It is a matter of choice, Qie. General land holdings? Linden Home? In both cases it should be up to the user to choose a plot (assuming they go the purely Mainland route) or to choose which style of Linden Home they wish to have. It should be noted that the removal of some choice in the current Linden Home system is my only problem with it as it stands. If you don't like the location of your chosen Linden Home, you have to abandon it and choose again from the list and hope the next location it picks for you is more to your liking. It's not foolproof, no ... It is far better than having a place assigned.
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