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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. No, what you need to do is close out your browser and take a few hundred steps back. You're getting worked up over other user's opinions - many from experience - of a "game system" within Second Life. All the while doing the exact opposite of your stated reasoning for even starting this thread. I'll be clear on that last part: You are not helping whatsoever in changing anyone's mind concerning Bloodlines and are, in fact, making that image worse. Enough. Step away.
  2. Not even going to bother reading the whole thread as it really is just SSDD as far as these specific threads go. Bloodlines is not and never was about the Role Play and before the OP tries to claim otherwise ... This is coming from someone who came to Second Life from text based, chat and IM style Role Play and someone who rather enjoys RPGs and their mechanics. Bloodlines is neither of these, period. It has more in common with the typical Pay to Win mobile games of the last decade than it does with any form of Role Play. Oh yes and OP? This is coming from someone who actually gave it a shot, hoping it wasn't as bad as people thought it was. Put down the victim card as well - Bloodlines is not required for you to be a Vampire in Second Life nor is it required for Vampire Role Play.
  3. For you, perhaps. For the average user? not that likely at all. Feel free to have the last word as I'm not interested in going back and forth on this - at all. The OP asked for advice on how to "gracefully" quit Second Life and the advice I gave covers most of the user base while answering the OP's question: How to quit using Second Life. not how to put it off or distract oneself from using it.
  4. Yes, that would help a fair bit. Though it would only help those users who actually stop to think before hitting Accept.
  5. You would need to do a few somewhat simple steps to ensure that you're getting the exact data you're looking for and your target would have to have their Media/Music playback setting turned on and set to Autoplay. Even then, your target would need to be broadcasting their actual IP instead of a VPN IP.
  6. To add to the prior responses: The box also serves as a self contained backup for copy/mod items in the event that you manage to bungle something horribly. After all, not everyone bothers to make a copy of an individual item before they start experimenting on it. You don't like the boxes - good for you! They serve an actual purpose for the average user.
  7. Yeah, logging out and occupying your time elsewhere isn't enough. Minimize the temptation as much as possible or don't bother trying.
  8. Log out. Uninstall any client software you have. Clean up your caches and any conversation logs. Log out of the main Second Life web site. Log out of all Second Life related sites. Remove any bookmarks you have to the above sites. Clear your Browser History. Delete any saved passwords you have in your Browser that are Second Life related. Finally, find other things to occupy your time.
  9. Heck, even on a "rolling release" type variant like Manjaro, those restarts are much less common. Unless you are updating the kernel or graphics drivers there really isn't much need to restart. mind there are rare bits of software that will require a restart after update/install but yeah ... not nearly as often.
  10. Yet another "question" where the only acceptable answer comes from a predetermined script/expectation on this particular OP's part and anything that deviates from that is treated with open hostility before being brushed aside. This is then followed by more hostility that ends in the OP doing the digital equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears while going "lalalala" and spouting off absolute nonsense ... all while somehow avoiding any reprisal from the moderation team. Seriously, just leave them to their little echo chamber.
  11. Oh for the love of ... This is what happens when an OS developer decides it is no longer cost effective to keep updating an older version of their software. Yes, this is unfair and I've had personal experience with it but ... Not much we can do about it. When it is finally stabilized, use ReactOS. If you do not mind the learning curve then swap over to Linux - Manjaro is good enough for beginners as long as you do not mind the 'rolling release' nature of it. And no, not all variants of Linux are difficult to grasp for newer users.
  12. The only information a Second Life client stores on your computer: Cached Textures Cached Inventory IM/General Chat logs Custom Windlight presets Other, often replaceable data Your Second Life account's primary data (including the actual inventory itself) is stored on a server system owned by Linden Lab. There is nothing to "claim".
  13. Oh for the love of ... as others have stated already, you agreed to the ToS and CS the moment you finalized your account creation and logged in the first time. If you now regret that, cancel your account - silently. This is the general Discussion section of the general forum. if you're not looking for a discussion or potential discussion, don't start a thread here. You have had the reasoning for the limits explained to you several times now, if such is unsatisfactory then cancel your account or follow the suggestions the others (Linden lab included apparently) have given you. Your "warning" is unneeded, misleading and frankly little more than a rant.
  14. I see that it did not take long for a shining example of the sort that can be safely ignored to come along ...
  15. It is an attitude I carried over from old school chat rooms and MMOs. It should be noted that some of these types act the way they do precisely so they can have administrative action taken and can thus pretend to be validated by a "breach of their freedoms" .... In many ways they are quite similar to the sort that comes into the forum, starts a potentially contentious thread and then complains about "off topic" responses/demands a specific type of response (among many other things) and then gets huffy when the nature of a forum is pointed out to them - some even going so far as to report their own thread or dial things up to eleven in an attempt to get the thread locked/deleted.
  16. Politics in general has always been present within Second Life and like it or not, if it does not violate the ToS or CS then they will not take any action whatsoever. Furthermore even if they do take action, you're not going to be notified about it. To answer your wonderment: I shake my head, ignore/mute/block such individuals, report the most egregious examples and move on with my Second Life.
  17. Burger King will microwave the Impossible Whopper on request but you have to request they do so.
  18. I have yet to have any of Impossible Foods products, though the Dunkin Doughnuts beyond sausage sandwiches are quite good. It ought to be noted though that for some products, the taste being "off" or not even close to the real meat versions is an illusion.
  19. Not a problem. In a rather crowded place it certainly can be a bit ... "busy" to put it mildly.
  20. SL Photographers will use that function while helping someone get set up for a shot. As for other uses, I am sure someone else will pipe up. Yes, the function can be (and is) used by drama mongers but honestly all that does is tell you who to ignore. Ditto for those who may have the function turned on and cannot be arsed to figure out what the varied colors and behaviors actually mean .... For example (using Firestorm) a grey LookAt target is passive/default and often jumps to the closest "speaking" avatar. This means it can do so even when you are AFK.
  21. To be somewhat serious in response to that ... There is no "scale" to "follow" though whoever made the one you pasted up there got a bit mixed up or a bit too pedantic. Using the feline example, the second and third categories up there are both Neko with the second through fifth all being examples of varied Demi-Humans (fourth and fifth having no classification) with the sixth and seventh being two variants of Anthromorph. The eighth is simply an animal, even if it has fantasy traits (such as telepathic or verbal communication and such) ... The earlier image you posted showed very poorly done type five Demi-Humans. Though to be less serious ... I'd agree that the way they approached it is a bit ... horrible and got a slight chuckle out of your last two posts.
  22. Hey, I view Nekos as "furry" myself ... They have Animal/Anthropomorphic traits of varied degrees that manifest externally.
  23. At best, those would be Demi-Humans, not full on Anthromorphs. From my own experience that classification sadly makes some furries sneer and say "That's not Furry" even though "furry" is not limited to full Anthromorphs (such as pictured in my forum profile).
  24. VR - as it is anyway - needs to die. Beatsaber is a rather fun/nifty game that makes decent enough use of VR and there are a few more decent enough VR games out there. VR for things like Second Life though? No. Something like Second Life is far more suited to technology that we do not currently have - and may never have/may simply be impossible to make. VRChat and similar being "popular" is rather misleading ... Second Life was "popular" some time ago as were several other, similar places.
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