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Harper Held

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Everything posted by Harper Held

  1. Now, see -when you talk about garbage on mainland you're talking about me. You're talking about my builds. I don't intentionally build horribly, mind you -but I'm aware that I will never ever in a zillion years be close to being professional quality. VERY aware. I don't believe it matters (what matters is if I actually put effort into it and try to learn more as I go on ...and I do both). Second life encourages -or at least in my mind ought to encourage everyone to have a voice, and a place to express or play out whatever...regardless of skill level. That's not it's only strength but IMO it's a core part of it's appeal -otherwise it's just a *****ty 3d app running on a 21 year old engine. I'm even less in favor of any rhetoric about "cleaning up" mainland than I am of the whole place turning into a GTFO hub. I just watched a guy build two sims by hand...that has my respect, if nothing else. A curated mainland has no room for me -and to be honest I wouldn't want to be on it in the first place.
  2. I'm in Hookton and two of the regions south of me (Westport and Clarksburg) have been assimilated. I have no beef with the builds -the guy makes them himself and they're actually pretty good. Better than I am able to do, that's for sure. There's other builds around me, like over in Quentin and north in Inari that aren't GTFO...so it isn't what is around me specifically that grinds my gears but the trend over all...monocultures aren't healthy and I've decided to indulge my faux-bavarian tendencies just to make sure that there's something different in the mix. (on the other hand, I'm a crappy enough builder that maybe I ought to do GTFO and make them look bad by association! )
  3. Not sure it's a "pet peeve" but a very, very personal SL annoyance of mine. I'm annoyed as ***** at the whole "GTFO" assimilation of mainland in large part because now I feel that if I do any kind of urban build (eg like a film noir build) I'm contributing to the problem. So I'm limited to a history build (eg rome or ancient egypt ), a fantasy build or a sci-fi build when I'm on mainland.
  4. I'd be pissed, that is for sure. Then again I have to admit the whole thing is stupid since our accounts are all tied to specific UUIDs and not names anyway. Still, sentiment is sentiment. 🤷‍♀️
  5. There's buildy events/festivals you can be a part of: Avatarfest(I that one killed in 2018 so maybe not), osfest, the osgrid birthday... I mean, you're not wrong and there's a grand total of 500 people on the hypergrid at any given time but...yeah. I forget my point, sorry.
  6. There's building, terraforming, almost any of the SL things one can do with the notable exception of going to a populated XXX club...
  7. It was me, Polenth! That's my exhibit! 😻 "The Broken House of Broken Spirits" It's intended to be about a fictional house that has the spirits of a group of (fictional) people who joined SL together and then died as they got sucked into different tangents -greed, gossip, sex, etc and then lost sight of the real world and died. Except for the last one, mind you. I'm not sure how well I communicated her story ("not very" I'm going to guess) but she used SL and her (fictional) business to learn skills and then turned around and improved her RL using those skills ...leaving SL more-or-less behind. The important thing, though, is that I got to do a build inspired by one of Genesis' best Phil Collins-era Prog songs:
  8. Turns out I already had a castle in my inventory...score!
  9. I'm also taking a look at Fanatik and possibly doing something funky with castles and bridges...
  10. It depends on your perspective and who you listen to. A lot of folks have always felt that SL is too sexual / not respectable enough and that the adult content makes it "an embarrassment". That's not an attitude I share, personally, or even one I'm interested in thinking about in much detail -but that attitude is out there. People think that if LL lost the sex and furries a 'respectable' audience made up of professionals would spring up out of thin air. No -it would not; THAT audience has better alternatives than SL. The only thing chasing out "the freaks" would accomplish would be to lose money for LL.
  11. I don't see things improving -just the opposite; puritans gonna puritan and that will only get worse. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt very much that I am.
  12. 1) Yes 2) What does high-def televisions have to do with anything? 3) Ah, the "but what about meeeeeeeeeee" question. Here's your answer, courtesy of Bing: There is an International Men’s Day, and it is celebrated on November 19 every year123. It is a global awareness day for many issues that men face, such as parental alienation, abuse, homelessness, suicide, and violence. It also aims to honor men’s positive contributions to society, family, and community, and to promote positive male role models. Checkmate, righties. ♟️
  13. Having a big lump of ugly mainland I can't flatten is...frustrating. At least it's good for "funposts" right? right?
  14. I posted this in the "your avatar" thread but it probably fits better here -this is how my SL looks; hanging out with friends, dancing, listening to music:
  15. Out listening to some classics and dancing
  16. I"m peeved it took me five minutes to realize this was a different thread than the one @Persephone Emerald quoted me from 🤣
  17. What, they're baitin me? Like I'm a trout or somethin...? Is that it? Maybe it's just me I'm just a fish outta water here but like... baitin how? I'm gutted here...are they going to filet me, throw me in a pan and cook me up and serve me with some butter and chips? Is that what I am to them? 😃😘🏳️‍⚧️⚧️Happy Pride everyone -tip your waitstaff and leave the fish alone!⚧🏳️‍⚧️😘😃
  18. It occurs to me that we're veering far, far off track and I'm partly to blame. This thread is to celebrate Pride In Second Life ...not to rehash the culture wars of the twenties....
  19. It is not just 'people' who harm people but entire movements and institutions are set up with the intent to inflict harm on others. We can never truly know anyone else's motives but if someone says outright "I am destroying your religion to make you follow my own" (conquistadors to those they conquered) then that is close enough. But I feel that you missed my original point? If someone is constantly assaulted (physically, or verbally) in the name of a specific religion and told they're going to hell ...of course the person being told they're going to hell (or being beat up) is going to hold resentment over that. As well they should.
  20. This isn't OpenAI ChatGPT; we're not censored into complete oblivion ...yet.
  21. I'd ask for a citation on that -particularly since I'd love to see where you get that information from, but I'm afraid it's off topic. You wat now? LOL if you're a bible literalist the bible itself says he died for our sins. If you're not -then what would make you say 'when he comes back'? IOW: pull the other one, it's got bells on!
  22. Yeah, let me go out on a limb and say that my post should in NO WAY be construed as a condemnation of Jesus. Jesus is awesome -he died for our sins, after all. Good luck getting most people to even cover a the cost of parking for you, much less give their lives. The people who claim to love him, yet do horrors in his name -they're "problematic" but Jesus himself? He's aces in my book!
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