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Lyric Demina

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Everything posted by Lyric Demina

  1. Balance and Zen ❤️ I love how you articulated this. Abnor, you are so very articulate.
  2. The thing I have heard about... that I know nothing about in Second Life... is deformers. I barely have even the vaguest context for deformers. I know that there's a thing called "deformers." They probably deform, but that is just my best guess.
  3. LOVE the railroads! Love love love. I love, too, that I get to watch as the continent is being created, resource by resource, region by region. That it will all someday be "finished" to me is kind of sad and I wish it would be an ever-expanding ever-growing always-in-flux entity. (I know, silly and naive. But real.) So I'm glad things are going at the speed of Moles, or at the speed of work-days, or whatever speed we're traveling at. The speed of railroads lol Edit: would I love to live next to the tracks? Heck yeah. In between tracks and a big lake is the dream. Rails on one side, water on the other, that's a bingo!
  4. It's because of Marianne's tutorial on making interior wallpaper shells that I was able to then extrapolate and make even more neat stuff like a back deck, pergola, chimney, and shutters. I haven't made mesh things before and I know I'm late to the party with it but ... thanks to tutorials like this one I got a massive confidence boost and made my Continental look more and more how I want it to. Thank you @Marianne Little very much!
  5. Physique is still my favourite body of all of them; I know your pain in looking for new releases for Physique. There are older releases aplenty as has been stated and so many great shoes that are also pretty new. I've got nothing new to add other than moral support -- yay Slink ❤️
  6. Great question and count me in for the "everything" answer. I find that scale is the biggest challenge, trying to get everything to scale properly so that magazines are the right size against bowls of apples which are the right size against a telephone which is the right size against a notebook with pencils which is the right size against a desk-frame photograph................... they can all be so wildly out of proportion. Editing for scale is a never-ending job.
  7. Maybe "shining" means "sparkling" in which case we do have a Sparkling Mole ❤️
  8. Nomine EVERYTHING ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ahhhhhhh 2007. My Nomine skin was delicious.
  9. This is a TRIUMPH of beauty and landscape in my opinion, even before I became aware of the neat functionality. An absolute triumph, Moles and Lindens, this user is deliriously happy ❤️
  10. If those drinks are mai tais, then we might be in the realm of **dun dun DUNNNNNN** Tiki! I know we have stilts and water-stilts all around but those aren't the same thing and maybe the Tiki culture needs some representation here. Maybe........! EDIT: I know of course that we're looking at firm walls and not huts, in the image. I'm just sliding in the potential for some more legit tropical happy places...................
  11. I really like the poster as a way of tongue-in-cheek suggesting that the platform dominates all others. Whips'em just fine in my opinion
  12. To answer this problem I looked at online pictures of modern houses and examined their landscape. This picture here tells me a lot about how to do something that I find pleasing. The shapes are worth focusing on. The right angles of the house mean that you can use right angles in your landscape to good advantage. Setting out free-standing boxes of flowers that you find attractive would work; or little clumps of grass here and there to soften some hard edges of the deck or concrete. The nature-makers listed already in this thread have so many of these elements; you'll hopefully enjoy wandering through their regions filled with flora and take your inspirations :)
  13. I personally have been waiting to see what you'd do with a house like this and thank you for sharing ❤️ It's been a long time coming and here you are finally!!!!!! I LOVE love love love love your eye for detail in this house and landscape.
  14. Has anybody ever complained of there being too many pictures of Linden Homes of all sorts? Because I'll personally never get enough pictures of Linden Homes of all sorts. Love your pictures The Cafe looks just great!
  15. Agreed with Meccha, these are my favourite kinds of forum reads. So much work, so much ingenuity, so much heart and soul. Thank you for sharing!
  16. I would suggest looking around at populated areas to see how they conquered the terraforming limitations both up and down. This speaks to both the idea of terraforming limitations but also to the idea of "knowing what you actually want to do with your land." Because there is great inspiration out there! And knowing that there are land formations you can purchase from good landscapers in SL, and that there are fantastic water systems too as part of those land formations with which you can create your own water features (rivers, lakes, bays, streams, swimming ponds), then your terraforming limitations are not as dire as they might have been, say, 10 years ago. For examples, I was looking along Route 5 in Goodelli and Linda and Cisthene and found some extraordinary builds where people (artificially and yet oh so naturally) made the landscape obey their own visions.
  17. Speaking of Apple Fall, are we all aware that there are free picture frames and Dark Side of the Moon artwork? Buy for zero lindens. Look for the Sweet Valentine display and there they all are!
  18. Self-sufficient avatars are the avatars that will survive the apocalypse! Growing vegetables is a wonderful idea; why not make the most of all that natural light by growing things, indeed.
  19. I love seeing what you do with houses; this one looks great. And what a spectacular view eh? The Lighthouse views fill me with inspiration every time; I've never had one but I love looking at them all the same.
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