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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. AKK https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AKK-XL-09-Friesian-Horse/169296 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Friesian-Stallion-horse/587623 These are the 2 best in SL in my opinion. Fiona Branagh has the best! Check their stores as these are just examples, they have different breeds remember to turn off your ao when you demo. other scripted objects (shoes) can effect the horse.
  2. I don't mean to derail the OP but I have lower prim products that I woul like to replace the higher ones in my mp store. I thought I could just switch out the boxes in the magic box. Same name, same everything. But the mb started a new listing..?? Sheesh. I wasn't going to do the rest of them.
  3. Stay in Firestorm. :smileyvery-happy: Try rebooting your modem/router.
  4. OT. /me Thinks you have done lost your mind! :smileyvery-happy:
  5. What editing in world will we be able to do with mesh? Can we duplicate it? Resize it? I realize there must perms for the duplicating. Add sculpts on them or regular prims? Thanks.
  6. I don't care how it's done as long as I don't have to change all the listings. Can you imagine retyping 100's of listings! And I only have 25. /me hate typing new listings..Grrrr
  7. Nothing. I don't wear any accessories, most of the time.
  8. Ya might want to look in the trash folder too.
  9. Pamela Galli make the best homes I've ever seen. La Galleria
  10. Theres just to many and all of them are ugly beat up pieces of cr@p. I'm truely shocked that LL doesn't do a thing to put limits on them. This creator is getting away with it and laughing all the way while her little army of turds goes merrily along the roads, air, and water. I don't have anything to do, give me the power and I'll clean all the cr@p up, All the airplanes stuck in the sky, The abandoned cars, and any other piles laying around the mainland. I can be the Cr@p Police!!! LOL
  11. It doesn't hurt to ask if you can put up a sign. And don't worry, people will turn around. :smileyhappy:
  12. Ooh! Love those! Thanks for the therapy:smileywink:
  13. I'm not sure this can be done. But if people are going to your shop they will turn around to see where it is. I do.
  14. Hey! Thanks for all the good advice, I can't wait to check out the stores Shop Shop Shop!
  15. Yeah, I don't want mine on the web at all. period. Is there a way to prevent it from getting on there? I'd just delete the whole thing in world. blank, nuttin. I guess that's what it'll take. Nobody asked if it could go on the web. It's just there, poof. okay I feel better too.
  16. If they are not in Lost and found, or in objects, and your sure thay are not in the inventory as a folder then you should send the creator/seller a notecard explaining what happened. Tell your sweety to look in their account and make sure that the money was taken out and let the creator/seller know the transaction details. Most creators/sellers are very nice about this and will ship your item promptly. Be friendly and just tell them you didn't get it. they will have a record of the transaction as well. Also tell them who bought it and that you are the one that was gifted. Better yet tell sweety to send the card. Also,for the things that you clicked keep and can't find try clearing cache and restarting the veiwer. Hope this helps
  17. Can someone suggest a good quality store to buy skirts? Some cute, cool, flowy ones? I'd sure appreciated it. TY
  18. I was going to say, have you tried typing off in the local chat? Or stop? If its a object you'll have to take it into inventory or delete it. my comp. crashed so I had to answer again. thats all I can think of. If there is a notecard with it try that. ETA try cnotrol+alt+t that shows transparent prims, you might be able to see it this way.
  19. How was it activated? Is it in the media or music section of the "about land"?
  20. Thank you for your post. I have been married for 20 years now and both my husband and I always say thank you to each other no matter what it was that was done. Even just picking something up at the store or taking the trash out. Also never forgetting to send a TY card for a gift. Growing up we were taught that saying please and thank you were good manners but It really is important to the one on the receiving end.
  21. Sounds like you need to mute her and file a AR if she has gotten into your accounts, of corse she can only do this if you gave her the password. Which is not very smart. So ban her, mute her, and AR her then she will have to move on.
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