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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. If you can find that ad you can IM or notecard the creator and ask them if they know where that model got the skin. Or ask if she knows the model and can ask for you. hope this helps:)
  2. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I see that you have no payment info on file. Shouldn't you be unable to upload mesh in the first place? PS: I also couldn't help but notice that your account is only seven days old and has an empty profile. You seem to be an incredibly fast learner Their heeerrrreeee! @OP Welcome to SL, Hope you find the answer soon. Did you get your payment info on file? I think that's what Ishtara meant.
  3. This is a right of passage! Everybody wears boxes at one time or the other. I still on occasion wear a box. Welcome to Second Life!
  4. Also using different names to post and different subforums. Shakes head. I bet the NFL doesn't like it. ETA They make it pretty clear there is not to be any broadcasting without written consent.
  5. Thanks everyone ! The problem was the subsurf setting. I had it on tires. /me laughs. hugs, Jacki
  6. Hi again, Can someone please point me to a tutorial for texturing mesh objects for export into SL. I have packed my textures with my blender files but they don't come into SL on the model. I put the texture on inworld but it doesn't look anything like what I have. . Do I need to do some mapping? Baking? Signed, eager to learn more! Jacki
  7. Maybe LL discontiued aditi as a testing ground. Bummer I was going to test there today too.
  8. OH cr@p! Now I see the difference. I was wondering why my window would look different sometimes. Slaps head, one is surf and one is tires. Okay I'm learning!!!! Trying again. But how do I stop the chair from importing so large? that costs me. but this time I will go to the test grid.
  9. yes I have multires on. Can you tell me about this? What is this multires?
  10. I did that. So I don't think that was the problem.
  11. they are huds. try here. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=hug+hud I think mine is meike 2.0. 450L
  12. I'll take one of those please....Check out that hose!
  13. Yes you can set your IM's to go to your email. Yes only LL knows the address.
  14. Thanks York! Great idea, I'll do that next time but I wanted to see if it worked where I live:) It was huge! The chair I mean it went through the roof!
  15. I don't understand that appling before upload so I guess I'm not. I looked and didn't see anywhere to apply it to the collada file. If you tell me where to look I can find it on 2.5....I hope. Levels for view and render? What levels? ugggg help! ETA Pulls hair out...
  16. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Jacki Silverfall wrote: New professionals? Everyone can download free mesh software and learn it. Just as they did with building with prims or sculpts. I'm no professional and I'm learning it as are many here. The only difference is that you can't be in world while creating but nether could you with scuplts. Didn't seem to hurt that. Well, you have to admit that the learning curve for new residents is quite a bit steeper now. Working with prims was simple and intuitive. People visited the Ivory Tower of Primitives, headed off to the next sandbox and started having fun. They were residents first and merchants later. But how many new residents with no previous experience in 3D design are going to try and wrap their head around Blender, or shell out $3500 for Maya? I believe that the residents that will be coming in are more computer savvy than us (me) old farts. There is no need to spend hundreds of dollars when you can get the software that is free and just as good. Blender 2.5 has a new UI that I found very easy to understand, Hundreds of tutorials to learn. And I'm having fun learning it. Maybe there will be a ivory tower for mesh. Also this doesn't stop prims or sculpt builders since you can link them. As for existing content creators: Do you think they (you) have a chance at competing with the pro's who are currently selling their work on sites like TurboSquid, Renderosity, and Content Paradise? Not only do they have years of experience in mesh design and marketing, they also have a ton of content that can easily be adapted for SL. Unlike us, they don't have to struggle and acquire new skillsets in order to develop mesh content, they can simply upload their existing stock. Maybe I can't compete with the pro's, but then again I don't see them taking over the world either. Why would they? I feel if your making quality sculpts you can make better meshes. Isn't it all pulling vertices around? I have never made sculpts so I don't know. Yes it might take years to get really good at it but you have to keep learning. is will completely change the SL economy, where many content creators are struggling to survive as it is. The concurrency is dropping and there is only so much money to go around. A huge influx of professional 3D designers is bound to quickly replace the current market elite of semi-professional designers, not to mention all the hobbyists who were just having fun building things and making a few sales to earn back their tier or finance their shopping habits. Didn't they say that about sculpts? It will ruin the SL economy. I haven't been here that long but it seems that the sky is always falling about something. I don't think there will be a huge influx of professional designers that is going to swoop down on SL. I think they have better things to do. I also think that there will always be a place for any of the builders in SL because of the exact reasons you stated. It's also fun to learn and to in world. As far as using Sl to finance your your Sl shopping habits and paying tier I hope they can still do that. I wouldn't pay the rent from a virtual worlds earnings myself. Will the new merchants bother with an inworld presence and the broken inworld search? Will they rent shops in public sims and vendor space in malls? Will they be motivated to give back to the SL community by providing public clubs, hangouts, and RP sims? Will they even bother to get a whiff of the inworld experience at all? Or will they stick with what they do best and what is most profitable, which is marketing 3D content through an online shopping portal (read: the Marketplace)? Without inworld content sales, public places can't survive. I'm not sure if tons of awesome new content can make up for a purely residential SL experience. I can only hope that if these pro's or who ever come they will be part of the community and contribute like all of the people before us that made SL such a amazing place. But I don't think it will be mesh that will be it's demise. LL is letting it close up. Beautiful sims are gone and going. Nuff said. It's change and it's here. I tried to prepare for it because I didn't want to be left behind. And I enjoy learning new stuff
  17. New professionals? Everyone can download free mesh software and learn it. Just as they did with building with prims or sculpts. I'm no professional and I'm learning it as are many here. The only difference is that you can't be in world while creating but nether could you with scuplts. Didn't seem to hurt that.
  18. Nice logo Keli, your very good at those things. BTW how does one get to be a LWL?
  19. I uploaded my chair to SL this morning and #1 It came in HUGE! Cost 46 lindens then came in looking nothing like what I built. Not only did it not have the texture on it had the shape of as if it was still in edit mode. I can put the texture on it but the shape ummm what happened? I really can't explain but to show you. What am I doing wrong? What should I do different while building mesh. Thanks! here's a picture of the mesh in blender. Here it is in SL ugggg!
  20. I've found that after I restart the viewer 2 to 3 times a lot of problems work their selves out. Hope this the case for you. Other than that you should always clear cache before downloading the new viewer. Ya might try a reboot on your modem/routers too. Can't hurt..
  21. Or where to put it. Do you remember the name of the script/ add on for Firefox that made the forums easier to read? I had it but it's gone in the last update from firefox. I think Void made it but I could be wrong. Is there a update to that I can get and where do I get it. I've forgotten, it's been a while since I got it. Thanks!
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