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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. /me laughs I thought of that before I posted it but thought what the hell. I knew someone would catch it and it seems quite appropriate that it was you! Hugs!
  2. I am a member of the inworld group and I can't always get answers or get online to use it. Which would make it being here easier for those in the wee hours or who can't log on.
  3. I was thinking that all 3D programs would be welcome in the same forum/ sub forum. We could call it Mesh software help. or something.
  4. I have tried the other forums and frankly I'm getting more help here and faster than any other place I've posted on. Including the official BA site.
  5. I disagree, Sorry. It''s mesh and I think it should be in a mesh forum. BUilding is more about prims to me. Ya know?
  6. Actually I included the other programs as well. "Should Blender along with other 3D programs have its own place in the forums?"
  7. Now that mesh has been released I'm assuming there are many that are starting to use Blender to explore and learn modeling. Since it's a free program makes it very popular. There are many here experienced in using Blender that could help out with tech problems or even just critiquing work. What do you think? Should Blender along with other 3D programs have its own place in the forums?
  8. I have noticed them too Storm and it's good to see them back here. /me waves at em!
  9. OMG! That's fantastic! Your SO good! /me jealous lol Keep up the great work Nacy! I wish I would have seen Gaia's post before I did my mirroring. Well, I know now. Here is a picture of my carriage. Got a lot of more work to do on it but it's coming along.
  10. Good Lord I hope it's cleared up. The same thing happened with the Forum Cartel Group didn't it? I was going to say something but as most of you know I am a woman of few words. so I will hold my tongue once again. Hugs to all Jacki
  11. I'd really like to see hoe it came out. Could post a picture?
  12. Have you tried asking at blenderartists.org? Maybe they can give you better answers. The jass primstar group in world might help too. Sorry couldn't help more.
  13. Why thank you for the compliment! Blue is very popular but in RL my eyes are blue and I didn't want them to be in SL. Yours are beautiful as your avatar as a whole is lovely.
  14. I've never changed my eye color no. Mine are light grey.
  15. I might not know what the heck I'm talking about but the original doesn't go to the line either. Is the left side the original? anyway, it looks like the drawing isn't centered completely. I would think that the original side would have to be centered before the mirror can be. How did you get yours to be purple? Also, I tried tonight to do a mirror and had to duplicated the original first. I must have done something wrong.
  16. There are some good books on SL available, ya might try the library or amazon.com. They were very helpful for me when I started. Also, don't try to learn to much to fast as that is the fun of it.
  17. So you think that using the F word makes it cooler? Grow up.
  18. I've heard that one square on the grid is a meter. I had the opposite problem, everything was to big. Now when I finish a project I scale it down on the grid then export to collada. When I import it the model is close to the right size.
  19. Ok heres whats going on now. The Lock to cursor keeps resetting to checked. and the widget and cursor are locked together. Sigh. But, It's only this model that this is happening. All my other models are fine. Go figure.
  20. Well I'll be dipped in bleep! That did the trick. Thanks so much! The thing is I thought that was always checked so I didn't bother unchecking it to see if that's the problem. Takes another point of view to get me thinking sometimes. I'm going to try the Alt+H Your the best! Couldn't even get a answer off the big Blender forum. Now can you make my office chair stop squeaking?! :smileyvery-happy:
  21. That's what it looks like it's doing, following the cursor. well, actually the cursor stays and the model moves. Weird Well that get me closer to an answer. Thank you so much!
  22. Hi, Wether mesh stays and booms or its a bust. 3D is fun and I think you might like learning something new. I did. And I'm 50. Blender is free and the new UI in 2.5 is better and easier than the old. There are hundreds of tutorials on line so you'll always have resources to go to. I learned some from Machinamatrix but didn't care for it. I then went to the link below because it is more structured with a syllabus. http://www.gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html Blenderartist.org for a forum to ask questions. Sometimes they even answer. But it's all up to you. I thought it was fun, I enjoy learning new things regardless of if I'll ever use it here in SL
  23. Sorry for asking here bnut I can't seem to get any answers anywhere related to Blender forums. My 3D view port is borked. I can't move the model with Shift + MMB. Also, Everytime I click the left mouse button the model moves. It's getting very annoying. I want to place my cursor in a certain spot to add a shape and the whole model moves up, down, where ever. Hope you can help me here. Using 2.59 and it just started a few hours ago. TY Jacki
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