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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Jacki Silverfall wrote: Alls I gotta say is they better not mess with the older folks. If my Momma has to go hungry because of greedy politicians there's gonna be hell to pay. AARP is already after them.:smileymad: You said, "they better not mess with the older folks". Who is "they"? you ask who is they then mention politians in the next question? Also, what do politicans have to do with your mother's acquisition of food? They are cutting SS Who would this retribution of "hell to pay" fall upon? And why? The voters will see that its paid BTW this was a dumb if not mean response. Why? Because I'm scared for us, me my family. Maybe you'll be alright but some of wont. More power to ya. But every day I see a terrified 84 year old cry because her country that in her day was so proud. Fail her. I'm freaking sorry I posted this question that essentially didn't get answered anyway. I'm leaving with Dres.
  2. I thought if they are banned from the group they can't rejoin.
  3. Well said R&R. And yes this thread has gone off track, actually I don't think it ever got on it. :matte-motes-bored:
  4. Alls I gotta say is they better not mess with the older folks. If my Momma has to go hungry because of greedy politicians there's gonna be hell to pay. AARP is already after them.:smileymad: ETA Sorry Dres this posted to the wrong post. hugs
  5. Maybe because they're really men LOL! :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Hahaha Are you kidding?( Sarcasm) No one does anything to help us. But we're always there to help others. We're on our own.
  7. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: Mayalily wrote: I think the debt ceiling will be raised. I don't see any other choice? There are other options. Three actually but they seem to be anathema to Americans: 1] Raise taxes especially on the upper income brackets. 2] Raise corporate taxes. 3] Cut the military budget. A 25% cut over the next 10 years would be a good starting point. The US military budget is way out of proportion to average military expenditure in the rest of the world. This I can agree with.
  8. Yes, but how will it effect you and your SL? That is the question.:smileyhappy:
  9. It might not be in the system yet. Try again later.
  10. On the day it closed I bought one of the pods with the office, chairs, couch, organ and many other items that came with the room. I'm so glad I own a piece of that build! It is amazing.
  11. I totally agree! Being government worker feels like the future I counted on is now gone. Or could be.....
  12. I am not rooting for anything. The L dollars I have I will spend in SL. I just simply won't be able to add to those or pay my tier. There for downsizing. Luckily I am a premium member for another year and have my 512sqm! Like starting over. :smileyhappy:
  13. I was just realizing how it might effect me and the way I live in SL. Although SL is free, I have a lot invested in it. Will the deficit effect you? Will you have to downsize? close shop? Sell your Ameretto horses? How will this effect LL now that Mesh is out? Will we be able to afford it? Have you even thought about how it might change your SL or your RL? Lets discuss? I will most likely not be spending the money inworld as I have been. And I will probably be calling the Cartel Hangout home again. :( In a nutshell; I'm giving the money I spend here so my Mother on SSI won't starve.
  14. I changed to Firestorm the third part viewer and I love it. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  15. Send the Creator a notecard explaining the problem. If I was the creator I would do anything I could to correct the problem. Creators stand by their work even when LL make the mistakes on delivery. So hang in there and sit back, relax, it may take some time to hear from them.
  16. If it is non-transfer then yes. Its gone. You probably got a warning before you sent it. I could be wrong and its in the trash.
  17. I checked this and there were 3 Nemo videos made of the old sim. You were watching number 2 of 3. Sorry, I was so hoping he was back. Disappointed sniff sniff :smileysad:
  18. Keli Kyrie wrote: Jacki Silverfall wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Keli has provided forum 'residents' with plenty of fun and laughter, as have some others. BTW, welcome back to this thread. Hehe Couldn't stay away. I realized that it is a new thread to some. It can produce drama though. /me apologizes to Keli for beating the horse. ETA Yay, just learned how to insert a quote! np I like that you say "can produce drama..." but do you see that as a good thing or a bad thing? :smileytongue: It keeps me coming back! :smileyvery-happy:
  19. Venus Petrov wrote: Keli has provided forum 'residents' with plenty of fun and laughter, as have some others. BTW, welcome back to this thread. Hehe Couldn't stay away. I realized that it is a new thread to some. It can produce drama though. /me apologizes to Keli for beating the horse. ETA Yay, just learned how to insert a quote!
  20. I do wonder about one thing. All of the heels in SL seem to be very high. I wonder if this problem would be less if we had the equivalent of two or three inch heels. I like Nardcodix because they aren't to high. Hopes I spelled it right.
  21. Entertainment Manager? We have a entertainment manager?:smileysurprised:
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