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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Earlier LL was having technical difficulties with billing. Maybe trying again in the morning.
  2. :smileyvery-happy: Ya know if you had dark hair it would really make the pink skin pop! :smileytongue:
  3. Then they pull it right out of your inventory and leave ya a note, after you paid for it. It happened to me with a box full of dances I had no idea some were copied. Lesson learned tho.
  4. To this thread. What was meant as a joke, which yes I can see the irony I can also see the underlying implications to start another stolen mesh is entering the grid thread. Ha ha yes that was cute Ishtara. But indeed it did start the scare of this happening. Which as stated has been happening in Sl for some time it's just meshes turn. The attacks on some of the posts is in my opinion uncalled for and unnecessary. EVERYONE has the right to post their opinion here. It is no ones business to tell them how they should post or make fun of them in the process by taking words out of context. And ya know what? LL does count on us to do their policing, also their customer service. See the Answer thread. We help more people than their own staff. Most people in this post have it in for Mesh, Well to bad. It's here deal with it. It's the future learn or... Don't learn. As far as someone not having a store here or inworld means nothing! I mean what the blank does that have to do with the price of tea in China. It's just knit picking. Maybe, just maybe they will have a store. And frankly I've been to some of the stores that people have here. I can see why some would be apprehensive about mesh coming. I have a little store that makes things everyone can make. But it's for fun. And if your counting on your income to support your tiers or sims or whatever, forever. That's just not good business sense. Things change you have to change with it. Or at least a back up plan. Now tear me up!
  5. I give up, going to bed. Good luck. LL has a way of making things so unclear. sigh.
  6. your not a premium memer and you don't own land so I don't think it will work. Take our word for it, you get 512sqm teir free.
  7. Are you a premium member? If so it will show you are not paying for 512 in your land fees section on the dashboard. I know what it says and it simply isn't written properly. LL fault.
  8. UpTo 512 sqm a month is free. anything over is 5.00. And so on as the lot gets bigger. I used mine to open a shop on the mainland.
  9. Do I have to purchase my Linden Home parcel or home? No. Linden Home parcels and themed homes are provided to Residents with 512m2 available land allocation. Each Premium account is provided with 512m2 free tier that can be used for a Linden Home. 
  10. I just go to the Hangouts sandbox. Or home now that it's bigger.
  11. Try changing your scalp base. works evertime for me.
  12. This evening I was practicing uv unwrapping and using paint shop to texture my map. But all the edges are still showing. I used the fill bucket but it didn't cover the lines/edges. I marked the seams then switched it to faces and selected all the object. Then unwrapped the object and proceeded to save and load into paintshop. The only thing I can think I might be doing wrong is selecting all instead of individual faces. My monkey head was all lines and the tutorial was covered completely. Any help would be appreciated. eta using blender 2.59
  13. :smileyvery-happy: I suppose one could just keep going on and on with your thoughts. As well can be said of any of the current topics on the forums. Hell, lets make one sub forum for office regarding type face and fonts. ETA LL also uses Blender and other 3d software. We promote enough 3rd party viewers here so why not? These are what makes mesh there is no other way to get around it.
  14. I realized that and at the end I included all the 3d programs would be in one subforum. Not a sub forum for each program. Anyway, it was just a thought.
  15. I love to wear hats! I actually enjoy editing my hair too. Weird huh.
  16. Firestorm. Which looks damn near the same as V3 but better.
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