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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Would love to see a Texas rank, like one with longhorns like the cows. Ooh or the lonestar on it. I'd wear that one! :smileywink:
  2. I would think you have to have LL change your sim. If you own it you should have a concierge service you can call with questions. As for all your builds you just take them back into your inventory and re rez then on the new Sim. I'll look for the number to call.... ETA link to live chat . https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  3. Seems off, that's an awful lot of lurkers. :smileytongue:
  4. Yay! Ya got it working again. And no, you can't delete the bridge you need at least one. So happy for you!
  5. Sounds like its been retextured. I accidentally did this in my house while trying to pass a picture to someone I was Iming with, the mouse slipped and the picture ended up on the walls.Does anyone else have permission at your place? Do you have it set to a group? That's the only way I can think this happened. Hopefully you'll get more responses. ETA Not having a premium account I really don't know who you would contact. Can only suggest filing a ticket or re-texturing the ceiling. Also you could rez another copy of your place.
  6. Maya, go to the bottom of the squished up window and hold your cursor at the edge till it turns into a double arrow then just pull it down to resize it. Same with the sides.
  7. There is no drop down menu you just want a check mark next to it. Clearing it out and redownloading it can't hurt either I suppose I'm online now. will wait 1/2 hour for ya. might be afk at times. Thing is you might still have the same settings after you download.
  8. had to run a errand, I'm on now, will wait a few minutes then see if you logged
  9. if your online I can meet you there and help you
  10. You can undock the inventory window and move it to the left. the undocking arrow is at the top right of the page when its open. your camera controls are on the bottom bar. If not, right click and select it to show. Also, they are under Avatar at the top left of the screen. More camera option are under prefs. I don/t know how to reset the defaults but there is a phoenix/firstorm group that can help. Did you hit esc for the camera? or scroll out with the middle mouse button? Also, you inventory window should open on the left side once you undock and put it there. hummm hope I remeber all this right lol
  11. I know your frustration! Being a private pilot in RL I thought flying in SL would be great. Not so. I find reducing power to 40-50 % helps but lately I have been running into Full Sims that won't let you cross. Stopping in mid flight is annoying then having to dodge all the sky junk uggg. Staying over water helps also but the places I call the dead sea are those spots the are grayed out on the mini map and you have to find away around them. Why can't LL fill these spots in so you could at least navigate from one continent to another. And I thought there were height restrictions for these continents. I thought you could only build so high, but I have seen builds that go on forever, like stairs that go through the clouds, that huge monolith of bright neon flashing annoying colors, and a wall that is opague among others. But I still get out there in my little Cessna and try to fly, Maybe when LL gets done with the mesh project they can look into it. Or filing a JIRA would be an idea. At least to let LL know the flying community is being hurt by this. Just my 2 cents.
  12. Or look up their profile in search, Or right click on them. Both ways have options to mute.
  13. Oh yeah!! Maya thats a classic, good choice. :smileyvery-happy:
  14. No I don't find it offensive. I think it shows a kind of freedom and innocence that we lose as we get older. And they are just plain cute. I like puppies too :smileyhappy:
  15. Yes I bought it from your site in SL. But the question was not answered. it is a add-on? Or it's own program. Gee sorry to be stupid but frankly I'm tired of reading websites that don't tell me anything. It is frustrating and I'm tired. I downloaded it, and it opens as a [program, should I just start using it this way or just use it if I'm making smaller prims. I have Primstar-2-dev-163 and that was a add on. 167 is on my desktop but doesn't show up for the add on list. Oh forget it
  16. I have it but not sure what to do with it. Do I use it as is or is it an add on? How do I install it? Thanks!
  17. Who knows, she may be extremely happy now. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  18. If you move a texture file from its original location that you saved the built mesh with, it doesn't work when rendering the model. Okay I learned this the hard way. But, how do you keep the texture on it after its uploaded to SL? Does the texture have to go with it somehow? Do you apply the texture after? Does a texture map have something to do with it? I'm still learning mesh modeling so be patient with me.:matte-motes-impatient:
  19. Have you relogged since then? Check your account and see if the funds were credited. Then check paypal. You might have to file a ticket if it says you have credits but its not showing up.
  20. Aww, how cute! There are so many good episodes hard to pick just one fav! Ty for posting it. :smileyhappy:
  21. LOL, I love that one too! TY for posting it! :smileyvery-happy:
  22. This would have been Lucille Balls 100th Birthday. Remembering " I love Lucy" and my favorite episode in which she was smashing the wines grapes. Laughed so hard at that. She was so funny, beautiful and smart! What was your favorite episode or movie?
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