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Eloise Baily

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Everything posted by Eloise Baily

  1. I wish that were true Sy. I haven't been near the JIRA since RZ which was when, March? I find this a little odd. I'm nearly 3 years old and savvy to a point. I'm not clueless on these things and this has never happened before. Is someone playing? ETA: It's not the notification Sy. It's the disclosure if an avatar by a Linden. I stated that in my op.
  2. Then why did I receive this in my email notifications today?
  3. B = blummin btw, didn't fancy a bleep in my title. Is this a genuine Linden with a genuine response? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-21305 or is this a spoof? I'm confused, because if it's genuine, when did LL start broadcasting the names of perps? Please tell me I spend too much time inworld to know the intricacies of this stuff?
  4. Carmsie Melodie wrote: omg ... now i feel like a noob! what is pixelbump? my guess is SLex ... but i could be wrong ... am I? No. You're not wrong.
  5. Ronda would it help for someone else to join? I'm inworld if that helps?
  6. Nope. You just suck up to them. Whatever floats your boat, Mr "King". I see a lackey from where I'm standing.
  7. Carole Franizzi wrote: Do YOU think you should have a sticker? (Gawd, being a psychotherapist is dead easy.....) OY! For 200 quid a session you'd better tell me if YOU think I should have a sticker...or the couch gets it!
  8. OMGAWWW!!! You're giving birth to Godzilla. Can we blow up Madison Square Gardens now?
  9. Carole Franizzi wrote: Hello. I’m Professor Carole Franizzi of Hardvard On-line University for Digital Doms. I wonder if you would care to take part in a survey as the results will be utilised in a research paper towards my M.B.M. (Master in Being a Master)? 1.) Did your Mummy love you? Only on Thursdays if the dog was busy. 2.) Did you Mummy spank you? No, but Santa would if I was REALLY good. 3.) Did your Mummy tell you that your dingle-dongle would drop off if you played with it? My dingle-dongle broke and I had to borrow my cousin's. Answers will be treated with utter confidentiality. Although I cannot guarantee that I won’t snigger over them. Can I have a sticker? (Apologies to digital doms and bona fide researchers everywhere. Just teasin’.)
  10. See how this thread has gone all American like? That's why most SL residents aren't supporting SOPA. A lot of us aren't American so we don't get this discussion at all.. Have at it though. It's good learning and good fun to read. El x (edited to give truer meaning)
  11. This thread made me watch War Games again. This is no bad thing.
  12. Sy Beck wrote: RudolphUkka wrote: Sy Beck wrote: Well let's hope he succeeds with a name like Trill. You do realise that you and I are probably the only two forumites who would get that reference without help, don't you! *** Rudi *** Yeah...sad ain't it. ....and wrong again. Arrogance is for the birds.
  13. You, madam, are a GENIUS! Thank you so much x
  14. I know it's on my land somewhere, but can I ffind it? Any clues please? I've already tried highlighting prims and it's a sea of red :D TIA El x
  15. Tristizia Demonista wrote: Eloise Baily wrote: Doesn't it? Oh well. I stopped using official viewers when they put that pesky sidebar in Another perfect example of condemming something or having an opinion about something, without knowing the actual thing. Just great I meant V2, which I did try. I haven't condemned V3 and I'm trying to learn it the Firestorm way. I could retaliate, but I won't
  16. Doesn't it? Oh well. I stopped using official viewers when they put that pesky sidebar in
  17. I'm using Firestorm Mesh Beta and it gives you the option to use the V3 interface. I decided to try it so I could help the newbies but actually, I quite like it.
  18. According to that blog it's Ember by Pink Fuel and has been reduced to $L100. Maybe it's in the bargain section?
  19. OOO Dres. Your rezzday and my birthday. What a swell party this is!
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