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Sephy McCaw

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Everything posted by Sephy McCaw

  1. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
  2. quadro cards are not made for gaming, they are for studio type work so they dont play friendly with the game drivers.
  3. Yes, but there is a system on Newegg with 4050 for 849$ before tax but you can shop around as long as it has a discreet gpu you should be fine.
  4. intel graphics are mostly on board made for light tasks such as watching videos, editing images and light gaming, they will struggle running sl at mid-high detail.
  5. Same issue here, the water map is a grey icon in the environment settings, you will see it if you clear your cache (it was fine for me before hand)
  6. This is caused by LLs new viewer behaviour... Your invent is not broken it is LL not taking into account the "Noinventorylibrary" debug option set to TRUE, to work around this for now set it to FALSE and your invent will load in like normal.
  7. If you are suffering from the issue of the "Problem loading inventory, contact support" pop up at log in. it is because you have "NoInventoryLibrary" debug option set to TRUE, a work around is to turn this debug option off and your invent will load like normal.
  8. Hello all, Long time lurker. I am wondering if any one could possibly be able to help me and my wife find this item. It is her favourite hat and it has gone from her inventory. We believe it was a hunt item sometime between 2008 and 2009. the store was split into two on one side was mens, and there was a middle part like ground, then another store on the other side, womens and off the top of my head the mens caps were roughly 250L it was a high class store, there was a like a semi ramp walk part down to the doors on the mens side and lots of glass around the store (glass windows) modern metal seating very modern looking store
  9. Seeing how he is replying to a viewer update post that states you need to verify email address to receive offline IMs to emails he is asking the question in the right place
  10. My assumptions come from what the posts say, not being able to log in and user kick indicates that they are doing maintenance on user info, and if i remember right with the new HTTP cloud, they have groups and asset in the same sets. Sims being restarted multiple times would indicate that the servers they are on are being worked on, and when a sim restarts it moves to an available server
  11. It's simple, the Wednesday maintenance is asset server maintenance which they do frequently. The week long maintenance is the sim servers, which is why sim are getting restarted more than once.
  12. Having the incorrect time and date on your system could be a problem caused by a failing CMOS battery, if it happens at every start up i suggest you change it.
  13. It will run good but not good enough to have shadows on all the time, maybe for pictures only. If your planning on not leaving the house with it I would suggest you invest in a desktop PC as laptops aren't generally that great for gaming. You may also want to invest in a 7200rpm drive, it will make running sl better for cache as it will reach the files faster.
  14. You have 200/200 FiO and you left your bandwidth slider at default and your wondering why your viewer is halting trying to load 50k items at 500 kbps
  15. some items are scripted that a menu will only pop up once sat upon, they do not come with poseballs and have animations built into the prims already.
  16. your graphics is on board graphics, it is in no way powerful enough to run shadows at all, if you want to see sl in all its glory you will ned a computer with a dedicated graphics card.
  17. Just to clarify that he already has 8 gigs of ram in his system, it is more then likely the the last update with that viewer has caused the IGP over heat. If your system is not a laptop could you possible get yourself a cheap graphics card to help your system so you arnt running on an old IGP. (make sure its nothing second hand cause there could be any sort of faults with it) a cheap uptodate card for example http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0084LE1XY/ref=asc_df_B0084LE1XY11476644?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B0084LE1XY
  18. 5400rpm is standard for laptops... but you would expect for such a gaming laptop like that it would have an SSD included... hench why dell have no idea what they are doing with computer hardware. and you must remember that laptop version are lower voltage then there desktop counterparts so they can run of the battery, so nothing is overkill when it comes to them.
  19. It is more then likely that it would be slower then receiving info from the Linden based serves as they would have a 1 gigabit (120MBps) / 10 Gigabit (1.2GBps) upload speeds where as home users would likely have under 100Megabits (12 MBps) upload.
  20. Alienware arnt as good as they used to be i would try another option, there is Cyberpower and OriginPC that both do custom laptop aswell, shop around and see if you can get some disccounts from sales they may be having.
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