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Darren Scorpio

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Everything posted by Darren Scorpio

  1. Agreed. Before this wasn't a problem because most people relied on their dashboard to look at latest posts and the grid status is also right there.
  2. Weird, I have never gotten notifications when someone updates a post. Maybe there is an optional setting which is not a default and you have somehow turned that on? If there is I don't see it on the settings though.
  3. This is a tough situation Harlett. On one hand I have been very vocal against the fact that LL has officially allowed the teens to come to SL. OTOH I am not one who would AR anybody nor do I have anything personal against the teens. In your case, it is highly likely that the teen in question does not have a good relationship with his parents and it will be very likely that he will seek you out to fill the parental needs. As you say, you will take care of him, advice him, etc. And be more of a mentor than anything and perhaps this will be good for the child. It is up to you whether you want to AR or not, in my opinion snitches are **that word that rhymes with snitches** and I rather mind my own damn business, but that is just me. Good luck and follow your instincts. P.S.. If it were me, the best advice any adult here in SL could give any teen is to shut the damn computer off and go out with friends, get in trouble, have fun and enjoy being a teen.
  4. Perhaps you once blocked LL as a spammer? All my alts received the email I had to do a lot of deleting What I want to know is what criteria they will be using to get in this thing. I know right now is just a test but I read somewhere that if it works out well they will do it once a day and certainly there will be a lot of merchants trying to get in this thing.
  5. Membership is billed according to the option you chose, either monthly, quaterly, or yearly. And it is due every month, every 3 months or every year. LL does NOT charge your credit card without your ok. When you select to be billed in either option you are telling them it is ok to bill you every month, 3 months or year.
  6. Clear your cache and relog on the Pooley sim and let your inventory fully load, and look for your items. If that doesn't work, contact the seller and ask them to redeliver. ETA: If you must contact the seller be courteous. Do not use things such as "you all took my money" first of all because nobody likes being talked to that way and the seller can decide to just tell you to gtfo and then you will be stuck empty handed. So just be courteous OK.
  7. @ Ariela good to hear you got it sorted out. @Qwalyphi, it is indeed unespected but seems not uncommon. I recently tried this myself and running SL wirelessly is much faster than if I connect directly through the wire. I would never tell a person that this is true when troubleshooting though because for all practical and technical reasons the opposite is supposed to be true.
  8. It doesn't hurt to try anything at this point right? Also go on your windows task manager and take a look at what processes are using up your CPU.
  9. Is your router old? Sometimes performance degradation is due to the router starting to get old. I had my old router for 10 years till I finally got a new one because the other one all of a sudden started becoming less stable.
  10. You don't upgrade OpenGL it comes with your graphics card drivers.
  11. Maybe he is wearing an attachment that is causing him to animate.
  12. Do they have the latest beta viewer which uses the avatar physics? This issue has been already noted and supposedly there will be a fix for it on the next beta. I don't do LL betas so I cannot tell you if they fixed it already.
  13. Yes, this is quite common and occurs when the avatar teleports while dancing on a poseball or on a chimera without first stopping the animation. Have them go to World > Stop animating my avatar.
  14. If this question hadn't been asked numerous times already since the Teen Grid closed I'd be inclined to believe you. Just wait till you are really 18. Otherwise, submit a support ticket via support.secondlife.com
  15. Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: Darren Scorpio wrote: Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: Viviana Baguier wrote: Esperemos a esas texturas temporales, por un lado y por el lado del phoenix espermos los multiplels adds en layers, que creo que ya es hora de que lo hagan. Que son los add layers? los tatuajes y alphas? porque si es eso phoenix sí que lo tiene. He estado buscando ese video y nada. Es que Torley tiene cientos el jodio ^^' Phoenix no tiene add layers como lo tiene el V2, almenos yo nunca lo he visto. Si tiene el "add" que te permite agregar attachments en un mismo punto pero no un add que te permita agregar layers de la misma clase. por eso pregunto qué son, porque no se lo que son y sigo sin saberlo V2 te permite poder usar multiples layer de la misma clase. Osea puedes ponerte 2 o mas jacket layers una sobre la otra.
  16. If the parcel is owned by the group and the group owner has not checked off the default "pay liabilities" from the "Everyone" role then the 30L is divided evenly between all group members. No I do not believe group members should pay for this, and should not be the default when creating a group. There has been plenty of debate about this issue already so I will not go on further. Simply contact the group owner and aske them to change the default setting on the group role. Most group owners are not even aware that this is the deafult.
  17. Lo primero que deves hacer es crear una platafroma en el suelo donde puedes ver de que la plataforma esta adentro de tu parcela. Ya cuando estas seguro de que la plataforma esta dentro de tu parcela, la puedes editar y modificar la posision y enviarla hasta donde quieras a un maximo de 4000m. Ya ayi puedes crear tus paredes etc.
  18. Recent posts are working fine on all browsers. It is only the questions and answers section that is messed up.
  19. Also on Peewee's profile I get both sections "My questions" and "My Answers" on your profile I only get "My Answers"
  20. Aha! you are correct and Peewee is correct as well. On My Questions and on My Answers it displays your own answers and questions. This is because the devs are dumb dumbs and have linked "My Questions" and "My Answers" to return your own. This is an easy fix but just as the IE 9 issue is easy to fix they wont fix it because they are inept.
  21. Maybe I ought to add this to the macros Shut down your pc, then unplug the power from your router, then unplug the power from your modem and wait 2 minutes. Then plug everything back in the opposite direction starting with your modem. If that doesn't work try also clearing your viewer cache.
  22. Shut down your pc, then unplug the power from your router, then unplug the power from your modem and wait 2 minutes. Then plug everything back in the opposite direction starting with your modem. If that doesn't work try also clearing your viewer cache.
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